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Rank The Top 17


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Yeah I know the four-way KO result hasn't been announced yet, but let's face it it's between Michael and Samantha. Todd and Nelson have 0% chance.


Please Make Finale

1. Zan Fiskum 

2. Joanna Serenko

3. Thunderstorm Artis


I wouldn't mind these people making it

4. Todd Tilghman

5. Joei Fulco

6. Toneisha Harris

7. Megan Danielle

8. Allegra Miles


I like them but I'll have to see their PO's performances to prove their consistency

9. CammWess

10. Cedrice

11. Micah Iverson

12. Samantha Howell

13. Mandi Thomas


Oh right you guys exist

14. Arei Moon

15. Michael Williams

16. Roderick Chambers


John you better not drop CammWess or Zan for these two

17. Mandi C

18. Mike

Edited by FloorWax
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The final 4 better come from this set or I will RIOT:
1: Zan

2: Toneisha

3: Cedrice

4: Joanna

5: Allegra

6: Thunderstorm


Not my top favorites but I enjoy them nonetheless

7: Arei

8: Mandi T

9: Megan

10: CamWess

11: Joei 


Had at least one good performance but I'd prefer to see them leave sooner rather than later

12: Roderick

13: Micah

14: Michael (Let's be real he's winning the 4-way KO)


Please leave ASAP thanks

15: Mandi C

16: Todd

17: Mike


Honestly this is a really talented group. I think the bottom 3 are the only ones that are total busts for me. 3/17 is only 17.6% of the remaining contestants. Impressive.



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1. Thunderstorm

2. Joanna

3. Todd T.

4. Toneisha

Not my top but I like them a lot

5. Allegra

6. CammWess

7. Zan

8. Cedrice

9. Roderick

10. Micah

11. Joei

12. Michael (after tonight)

13. Arei

14. Mandi T. (she´s technically the most proficient singer in the competition, but she hasn´t been able to showcase what she can really do on the show)

15. Megan

Not my thing really:

16. Mandi C.

17. Mike


Overall I´m very pleased with this top 17. I don´t even dislike the bottom two, they´re just not my cup of tea when it comes to vocals.

Edited by Misirlou
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:wub: My favorite voices this season

1. Todd T

2. Joanna

3. Thunderstorm


:thumbs: Really great singers

4. Allegra

5. Camwess

6. Toneisha

7. Cedrice


:yawn: Great singers that don't excite me

8. Zan 

9. Megan

10. Arei

11. Joei

12. Mandi T


:huh: Average

13. Roderick

14. Mandi C


:unsure: Not bad, but I prefer someone else to be here

15. Micah

16. Mike


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Top 4:

Joanna Serenko

Zan Fiskum

Allegra Miles

Joei Fulco

Pretty good tbh:


Arei Moon

Megan Danielle 

Mandi Castillo


Meh, break that wall plz:



Mandi T.

Yall can just GTFO and never come back plz:




Todd T.(Yet he's gonna win lmao)


If the KO Wildcard winner is Samantha, she's heading in the 2nd category below Arei, but above Megan. 

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Automatically here coz I don't really care for any of them but I ranked them anyway

17. Michael Williams/Samantha Howell/Todd Michael Hall/Nelson Cade III


Not my type, sorry

16. Mandi Castillo

15. Arei Moon

14. Mike Jerel

13. Mandi Thomas


I like them and I'm interested to see more of what they can do

12. Cammwess

11. Megan Danielle - she's easy to root for, I just think her tone is a bit too strident for my taste.

10. Joei Fulco - she's very fun to watch.

09. Roderick Chambers - he earned his spot in the Top 17, and that is that.

08. Zan Fiskum - if she just stays in her comfort zone vocally, she'll be good to go.

07. Cedrice - severely underrated singer and performer, I hope she can last longer than the Top 17.

06. Micah Iverson - he could have been a snowflake for me in earlier seasons, he just lacks something for me that I can't put my finger on.

05. Joanna Serenko - just go sing some jazz/soul/folk already. You already proven that you can sing, now show us your real artistry.


I wouldn't mind them in the finale

04. Toneisha Harris - best pure vocalist this season.

03. Thunderstorm Artis - he needs to stop trying to be an R&B artist and just go folk.

02. Allegra Miles - surprised at how high she ended up in my rankings, but I really enjoyed her performances so far. 


Can I get an Amen?

01. Todd Tilghman - he basically has Josh Kaufman's grit and soulfulness with Barrett Baber's personality and charm. Can't get any better than that.

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1. Allegra Miles

2. Megan Danielle

3. Thunderstorm Artis

4. Joanna Serenko

5. Micah Iverson

6. Arei Moon

7. Toneisha Harris

8. Todd Tilghman

9. Cedrice

10. Joei Fulco

11. Zan Fiskum

12. Mandi Castillo

13. Cammwess

14. Roderick Chambers

15. Mandi Thomas

16. Mike Jerel


I actually don't not like anyone out of this group

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1. Cedrice

2. Toneisha Harris

3. Todd Tilghman

4. Thunderstorm Artis

5. Arei Moon


6. Megan Danielle

7. Cammwess

8. Joei Fulco

9. Mandi Thomas


10. Zan Fiskum

11. Joanna Serenko

12. Allegra Miles


13. Mike Jerel

14. Roderick Chambers


15. Mandi Castillo

16. Micah Iverson

Edited by holinessss
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After Knockouts:


1. Zan Fiskum

2. Cedrice

3. Todd Tilghman


4. Joei Fulco

5. Mandi Castillo

6. Toneisha Harris

7. Thunderstorm Artis

8. Arei Moon


9. Joanna Serenko

10. Megan Danielle

11. Mandi Thomas

12. CammWess

13. Micah Iverson

14. Allegra Miles


15. Mike Jerel

16. Roderick Chambers

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2 minutes ago, Someone648 said:

After Knockouts:


1. Zan Fiskum

2. Cedrice

3. Todd Tilghman


4. Joei Fulco

5. Mandi Castillo

6. Toneisha Harris

7. Thunderstorm Artis

8. Arei Moon


9. Joanna Serenko

10. Megan Danielle

11. Mandi Thomas

12. CammWess

13. Micah Iverson

14. Allegra Miles


15. Mike Jerel

16. Roderick Chambers

Zan Cedrice Joei and Mandi above Toneisha???

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6 minutes ago, Someone648 said:

After Knockouts:


1. Zan Fiskum

2. Cedrice

3. Todd Tilghman


4. Joei Fulco

5. Mandi Castillo

6. Toneisha Harris

7. Thunderstorm Artis

8. Arei Moon


9. Joanna Serenko

10. Megan Danielle

11. Mandi Thomas

12. CammWess

13. Micah Iverson

14. Allegra Miles


15. Mike Jerel

16. Roderick Chambers

How come we like always have the same pre-lives snowflake. 🤣


I believe your s16 one is Maelyn

and your s17 one is Will. And now Zan.

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  1. Toneisha Harris
  2. Todd Tilghman
  3. Mandi Castillo
  4. Zan Fiskum
  5. Micah Iverson
  6. Thunderstorm Artis
  7. Mike Jerel
  8. Allegra Miles
  9. Joei Fulco
  10. Roderick Chambers
  11. Megan Danielle
  12. Mandi Thomas
  13. Arei Moon
  14. Joanna Serenko
  15. Cedrice
  16. CammWess
  17. KO winner somewhere between 15 and 17 depending on who it is 

The winner of this season would probably be no better than the third best competitor from Season 17, but this season has a TON of parity. At this point, I think my top 8 have some separation on the rest of the field, but the margins are razor thin. I see at least some scenarios where any of my top 10 can surge and win it all.

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  1. Thunderstorm Artis
  2. Toneisha Harris
  3. Cedrice
  4. Megan Danielle
  5. Joei Fulco
  6. CammWess
  7. Micah Iverson
  8. Michael Williams 
  9. Arei Moon
  10. Mandi Thomas
  11. Todd Tilghman
  12. Allegra Miles
  13. Zan Fiskum
  14. Samantha Howell
  15. Roderick Chambers
  16. Joanna Serenko
  17. Mandi Castillo
  18. Mike Jerel

*Blue name - possible 4-Way KO winner*

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2 hours ago, jus.vshn said:

Zan Cedrice Joei and Mandi above Toneisha???

Personal preference. Toneisha can outsing pretty much everyone else on this season, but the people are above her are the voices I prefer.

I like this top 17 overall! Only ones I don’t really care for are Mike and Roderick.

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Top 17 Ranking


1. Todd Tilghman

2. Joanna Serenko

3. Toneisha Harris

4. Joei Fulco

5. Allegra Miles

6. Thunderstorm Artis

7. Zan Fiskum

8. Cedrice

9. CammWess

10. Megan Danielle

11. Mandi Castillo

12. Mandi Thomas

13. Arei Moon

14. Micah Iverson

15. Roderick Chambers

16. Whoever wins the 4-way Knockout

17. Mike Jerel


* All of Team Blake are my Top 4, post-Knockouts.

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1. Allegra - My fav since the blinds. I'm in love with the way she dances around the melody and transitions from chest to head voice. I used to have a female vocalist in this lane that I clung to every season, but she's the first one I've REALLY loved since Addison. I hope she gets better song choices in the lives, but appreciate that she puts her stamp on anything that's thrown at her and makes it her own. 
2. Todd - There's something undeniably likable about this guy. I can't help but smile every time I watch him perform. 
3. Megan - That tone. Enough said. 
4. Micah - I was actually shocked at the response to his Knockout. Tayler sang beautifully, but I connected with Micah's performance so much more and found myself hanging on every word he said. He's another one who I think goes beyond simply being a good singer and shows true artistry, and that's why I'm inching closer and closer to snowflake status with him. 
5. Thunderstorm - He still hasn't lived up to his blind for me, but I love his tone and his style and am hopeful he's going to come out swinging from here on out. 
6. Joanna - I love her tone so much, and if Allegra wasn't a part of this season Joanna would probably be higher for me - but I haven't loved her song choices thus far and feel like she has so much more to show America than what we've seen. I hope she surprises everyone (including Blake) and at the very least comes for that Wildcard spot. 

7. CammWess - He was not really on my radar until his Knockout, but WOW. If he can deliver dynamic, emotional vocals like that moving forward, I'm on board. 
8. Toneisha - Easily one of the strongest (if not the strongest) vocalists this season. I haven't fully been feeling her connecting to the lyrics, but I can't imagine a world where Blake lets her go. She's a vocal beast. 
9. Zan - One of my favorite Blinds, but she's another one who I haven't been connecting with in terms of delivery of the lyrics/telling a story. I think it's largely because there are so many voices this season that ooze emotion, but Zan has delivered flawless vocals thus far and I expect her to really show how vocally gifted she is in the next few rounds. 


10. Cedrice - I'm a little worried about her given the format change, because she's such a PERFORMER and benefits from having a live audience/lights/sets/staging to really showcase what she's capable of. She's a very talented vocalist, but doesn't have a very unique sound to make her stand out when the performances are stripped down. I hope she proves me wrong. 
11. Mandi C. - I wasn't a huge fan of her Blind or Battle performances, but her Knockout was one of the biggest surprises for me. Her upper register is GORGEOUS, and I hope we get to hear more of that part of her instrument moving forward. 
12. Roderick - This guy is so, so talented. Every round I keep saying "wow, I almost forgot how good he is," and I think it's because I'm just not entirely sure who he is as an artist. I'm interested to see what he does next, but song choice is going to make or break him. 
13. Michael/Samantha - During the first two performances of the 4-way Knockout, I said "wow, maybe we should have let all four of them go," but both Michael and Samantha really impressed me. Michael was easily the biggest surprise for me, but I'm expecting Samantha to win based on the lane she's in and her overall appeal. 
14. Joei - Not really my cup of tea vocally, but she's definitely talented. 
15. Mandi T - She's a fantastic vocalist, but again - not really my cup of tea. 
16. Mike - He really impressed me in the blinds, but I've been very underwhelmed with everything he's done since then. I hope he can bounce back, but I'm not sure he has a chance of advancing.
17. Arei - Honestly, I almost forgot about her when making this list. Her Knockout was the one this season that left me saying "can we eliminate both of them and save one of the incredible artists who went home due to a tough pairing?" I just think that there are people in her lane who are far superior. I would have much rather had Tayler in the Top 17 than Arei, as she's the much more interesting artist IMO. 

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My list changes after every show.  Currently:


1.  Joanna

2.  Allegra

3.  Joei

4.  Tstorm

5.  Megan

6.  Zan

7.  Todd T.

8.  Cedrice

9.  Cameras

10.  Rodrick

11.  Toneisha

12.  Micah

13.  Mandi T.

14.  Arei

15.  Mandi C.

16.  Mike


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1. Allegra Miles 

2. Thunderstorm Artis

3. Zan Fiskum

4. Toneisha Harris

5. Megan Danielle

6. Arie Moon

7. Joanna Serenko

8. CammWess

9. Cedrice

10. Mandi Thomas

11. Micah Iverson

12. Roderick Chambers

13. Joei Fulco
14. Mandi Castillo

15. Todd Tilghman

16. Mike Jerel

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my favourites:

1. Joanna 

2. Mandi C 

3. Mandi T 

4. Toneisha 

5. Megan 

I really like them
6. Micah 

7. Zan

8. Thunderstorm 

9. Cammwess 

10. Roderick

11. Todd

12. Allegra 

13. Cedrice



14. Joei

15. Arei

16. Mike 

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This list is based on personal preference.

Love them :

1. Thunderstorm (he can sing the phone book and I'll still put him at number 1 that's how much I love his tone). 

2. Joanna (won me over on Battles) 

3. Mandi T - this lady slays any song she sings

4. CammWess (won me over on Knockouts) 

5. Micah (pleasant tone) 


Like them enough:

6. Cedrice

7. Toneisha

8. Roderick

9. Zan 

10. Todd T


Meh/Not into it:

11. Allegra

12. Joei

13. Megan

14. Mandi C


I forgot about you for a bit there:

15. Arei


Pls leave ty:

16. Mike

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1. Zan Fiskum

2. Megan Danielle

3. Thunderstorm Artis

4. Toneisha Harris

5. Joanna Serenko

6. Allegra Miles


7. CammWess

8. Todd Tilghman

9. Roderick Chambers

10. Mandi Thomas

11. Cedrice

12. Arei Moon

13. Micah Iverson

(Samantha Howell)

14. Joei Fulco


(Michael Williams)

15. Mandi Castillo

16. Mike Jerel


Don't really dislike anyone in this group.

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MY Favorites:

1. Micah 

2. Allegra

3. Thunderstorm

4. Joei

5. Toneisha

6. Cedrice


Tier 2

6. CammWess

7. Arei

8. Michael

9. Megan

10. Zan

11. Joanna

12. Todd. T

13. Mandi C

14. Mandi T

15. Roderick

16. Mike Jerrel 




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1. Thunderstorm Artis

2. Cedrice

3. Arei Moon

4. Todd Tilghman

5. Toneshia Harris


Pretty Good-

6. Zan Fiskum

7. Joei Fulco

8. Micah Iverson

9. Megan Danielle

10. Joana Seranko

11. CammWess

12. Roderick Chambers


Just Not My Thing-

13. Mandi Thomas

14. Allegra Miles

15. Mandi Castillo


Hard Pass-

16. Mike Jerel

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