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indii last won the day on May 11

indii had the most liked content!

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  1. 1. Christina 2. Sydney 3. Shye 4. Jan 5. Sofronio 6. Jeremy 7. Danny 8. Adam
  2. Sofronio’s playoff performance was the weakest on Michael’s team
  3. I hate this season and all of my snowflakes have gone home so I hope Jaukeem wins just so everyone else here has to feel my pain
  4. 1. Christina 2. Aliyah 3. Lauren 4. Austyns 5. Katie 6. Jeremy 7. Edward 8. Adam 9. Mikaela 10. Danny
  5. I don’t know but if she did I would be a much happier person overall
  6. Bringing up Zoe’s Stick Season performance is a surefire way to summon me lol
  7. Maybe that’s why I enjoyed it so much
  8. 1. Sydney 2. Jan 3. Gabrielle 4. Jake 5. Jose
  9. 1. Lisa>Alexa>>Danny 2. Lauren>Katie 3. Sydney>>Samuel>Corey>>Eli
  10. Loved this from Jan! Wasn’t a fan of his KO really but this is a huge step up I enjoyed this more than GNT’s version honestly
  11. Aliyah was one of my favorites of the night and I’m not even a huge Aliyah fan in general
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