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When Did You Start Watching The Voice?


When Did You Start Watching The Voice  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. What year did you start watching

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Because this is the 10th Anniversary of The Voice, I want to know how much of that time you have been there for. I know that many viewers started watching much later than I did


I first discovered the show during Season 3, so I have memories of some of the older performances (though I didn’t watch much from S6 Lives to S8), but I began to watch it more consistently around Season 9. 

Also, who are some of your earliest favorite contestants? Which contestants got you to become invested in the show?

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The first Voice performance I watched iirc was Sarah Simmons’ audition, so 2013. I only watched the performances on YT though so I wasn’t really invested on the show. Then I found idolforums when S9 was on, and only then I became fully invested (didn’t become an active poster until CO-VID though)


My earliest favorites were Sarah S, Judith, Michelle and Matthew S.

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My history of watching The Voice (feel free to write yours too if you want)


I used to mainly watch the earlier seasons for the Blind Auditions, and didn’t remember much from later rounds.


I stated that S3 was my first season, but I only occasionally watched it (I was busy at night during the time)


Season 4 is the first time when one of my favorites got eliminated because of a bad song choice (Judith Hill). I didn’t care too much afterwards (but I also didn’t completely know how singing shows worked)


Season 5 is my all time favorite season because of the memorable Blinds, Knockouts and Live Shows. I became really invested because the cast was so good this year. There wasn’t a single contestant I didn’t like that made it far this year, and I loved all three of the finalists. Similar situation as S5, but I loved this season a lot more.


I watched only early S6 and Top 12 week because of my personal life at the time (why I really remember the Auditions compared to Lives that season) Also why I didn’t watch S7 and S8.
Luckily during S9, I was able to start watching the show more regularly, and I was very interested in the Blinds. I remembered more from this season than previous ones. Probably also the first season I found IDF


S10, S11 and S12 all had a similar experience, as I was able to watch weekly but didn’t reflect too much. I would look at IDF for spoilers during this time (they didn’t have as many spoilers as regular seasons now)


S13 was when I joined IDF and that season was a blast on here. The cast was so good, and people got very invested in the contestants immediately. If I had to remember any season the best because of IDF, it was S13. Preseason was the most fun in any season. I got way more invested in the show during this time. After a trifecta of seasons I didn’t like (14, 15, 16 in Lives, I even took a break after S16 playoffs and came back after the T8 performances), I ended up leaving IDF (like Adam L left The Voice, though mine turned out to be more of a Gwen hiatus).


I still watched S17 and S18, though off IDF, but didn’t really watch S19 until Knockouts (a reason why I am not attached). I was still interested but wasn’t as invested in contestants during this time. 

I got back in contact with other IDFers from my time this season, and after some conversation, as well as being more invested in the cast than the previous seasons, I decided to return to IDF after my breaks

The only Voice contestants I have met are Ryan Quinn (When S13 aired) and Jordy Searcy (around the time S14 started). I had great experiences with both of them, as I got to talk to them and watch them perform.

Now you know why I remember certain seasons better than others, and I have seen so much on this show. This show has really gotten me to understand music better, and it also helped me understand what makes someone a good singer.

Edited by Cookie73
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I’d watched on and off since 2012/2013, was vaguely aware of the show through Cassadee’s success in country music + Christina’s career post show, but didn’t really pay much attention beyond the occasional YouTube video until a friend of a friend auditioned in Season 16 and their audition blew up online. Even then, I didn’t get really into the show until Season 18 since I had more time to watch between college starting to wrap up + COVID hitting, and I’ve filled in a large number of gaps since then. 

I found IDF right before the home shows in S18 and have only taken a month off since then. Season 18 was also the first show I watched the majority of on YouTube as it aired, so it was the first season I voted. I didn’t start reading spoilers until Season 19, and now we’re two weeks out from the end of season 20. 

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I started watching the season 4 and felt in love with Michelle, my first snowflake. Then in season 7 I found another favorite one, Matt McAndrew, and after that only in season 16 an angel called Maelyn Jarmon was discovered 😍

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1 hour ago, Gustavo527 said:

When did you start being then "Spoilers King"? Just curious 🤔

lol I think the first time I maintained the OP on the spoiler page was S12? Possibly S11 because I remember the conversations about the contestants but I don't recall if I was the one organizing everything/keeping heavy tabs on the name.

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