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Controversial KO Decisions (That resulted in eliminations for the losers) (Pt 1)


Controversial KO Decisions (That resulted in eliminations) (Pt 1)  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Micah Iverson (Winner) vs Tayler Green (Eliminated)

    • Micah Iverson - Graveyard
    • Tayler Green - Time After Time
  2. 2. Tanner Gomes (Winner) vs Marisa Corvo (Eliminated)

    • Tanner Gomes - Real Good Man
    • Marisa Corvo - If I Could Turn Back Time
  3. 3. Sa´Rayah (Winner) vs Michael Sanchez (Eliminated)

    • Sa´Rayah -Ain´t Nobody
    • Michael Sanchez - Just the Two of Us

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Some of the most controversial KO decisions, in which the loser was eliminated. I´ve seen many people commenting that the losers of this respective KOs should have been the winners, and that the coaches made mistakes in those decisions. We´ll see now. Choose and explain.

Edited by Misirlou
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1. Micah, because while Tayler was also good, her performance felt a little more generic, and Micah's was fresh and dynamic. 


2. Marisa started pitchy, but she recovered quickly enough that I would still pick her over Tanner in a heartbeat.


3. Michael Sanchez, because there was no one like him on the show.

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1. Tayler - Micah was super stale here minus one note at the end. Tayler's choice was less risky and not perfect, but as a whole I found it much more interesting than Micah. I did like pretty much all of Micah's other performances, but no, I never thought he deserved this one.

2. Marisa - That beginning was obviously super rough but she nailed the rest of it. I don't care for her attitude but I absolutely get why she had her tantrum. Tanner's performance was not real good either.

3. Michael - IDF will never forget :haha: Both him and Sa'Rayah absolutely deserved to go through, but his KO was one of the standouts of the lackluster season. And again, Sa'Rayah was fantastic, but Michael was on a whole other level.

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Micah did a riskier song than Tayler, but I preferred her vocally here by a good amount (I liked Micah for the most part, but this was my least favorite of his pre-voting-rounds work). Considering even Micah wasn’t expecting to move on over her, I think Tayler would’ve been my pick here.


Marisa started off a tad shaky, but recovered well; Tanner was bro country from the get go, and wasn’t terrible. Picking Marisa would have made Twitter less interesting that season, but it also eliminates Tanner’s live flops and cringe-inducing “favorite cowboy” moment, so I see no real downsides to picking Marisa here.


Michael was fantastic, and Sa’Rayah was also very good. Frankly, this one should’ve been placed in the lineup early enough to end in a steal (and I think the loser would’ve gotten one), but I think Michael winning would’ve resulted in him likely making it further than Sa’Rayah ultimately did. That said, Sa’Rayah getting blamed for Michael’s elimination and being the first elimination remains side-eye worthy.

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1. Taylor - Micah is boring AF and Taylor gave an excellent performance

2. Marisa - Well it’s not easy to win when you’re against T*nner

3. Sa’rayah - Both of them were great but Sa’rayah was on another level 

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1. Micah. His KO win resulting in only the men getting the PV in the playoffs and Semi-finals, thus season 18 was rigged when the pandemic struck.

2. Marisa. She deserved to move on instead of Tanner.

3. Sa'Rayah. Both her and Michael were great, but Sa'Rayah was was far more better than Michael.

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Micah, both delivered amazing vocals but Micah’s difficulty level was higher , he did harder notes and sang a harder song. His artistry showed in that performance, Tayler was more generic. It felt like Micah wrote that song an performed it.


Unpopular opinion that has some slight facts (idk if that makes sense) :Both, but in terms of who was/is  a better singer Marisa, based on that KO, Tanner. Tanner gave a cleaner KO performance,Marisa was literally shaky and pitchy In the beginning and had a hard time finding her footing and didn’t get a good grip on the song until 1:00 of her performance. When she started belting those insane high notes that’s when her performance started getting interesting because it was boring up till that point plus for a split second Marisa did go off pitch in her upper belt. So she was basically mainly comfortable in her Upper register. Tanner gave an overall cleaner and better performance in terms of pitch and consistency, he was consistently great and was on pitch from start to finish and gave great vocals , he went low and high ,Tanner did really well in his low mid and upper register while Marisa only did great in her upper. Let’s face it Tanner was even a better pick strategically and I personally thought that even if she picked Marisa ,she would have lost in the top 17 and Madeline would have been in that wildcard spot.

Sa’Rayah, both did great but Sa’Rayah was miles ahead of him vocally.

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1. Tayler - I don't give a crap of how "interesting" Micah's performance was.  He was barely okay in it.  Plain and simple.  Tayler was excellent.  Kelly knew she did better and still saved Micah?  Once again, she really exposed her bias there.


2. Marisa - Though her start was rough, the rest was excellent.  Tanner was just boring.  Kelly again exposed her bias and, as a bonus, kept Tanner just because he was country.


3. Sa'Rayah - Michael was the more interesting artist, but Sa'Rayah just plain gave the better performance.

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9 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Tayler - I don't give a crap of how "interesting" Micah's performance was.  He was barely okay in it.  Plain and simple.  Tayler was excellent.  Kelly knew she did better and still saved Micah?  Once again, she really exposed her bias there.

i disagree, but that's the point of these threads. i am curious though, what made Tayler's performance so excellent for you? 

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4 minutes ago, Angeles said:

i disagree, but that's the point of these threads. i am curious though, what made Tayler's performance so excellent for you? 

Vocally perfect.  Not a single flaw to it.  And it moved me in a way that Micah's did not.

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1. Tayler - her song choice allowed her to soar! Micah sounded good as well, but I feel that his song choice wasn't as impactful because it was so fast. If he did his PO song in the KOs, I would have understood this win more.

2. Marisa - to me, there's really no question about it. Her high notes were excellent and so impressive. Tanner gave a fun performance, but it didn't compare to Marisa's vocally, imo.

3. Sa'Rayah - no correct answer here imo. Michael absolutely killed it, as did Sa'Rayah. There should have been a steal. I prefer Sa'Rayah's style more I think, so I'll stick with her on this one.



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1. I’m going with Tayler here based solely on this performance. I’m not mad about Micah winning though because I loved his PO performance.


2. I’m picking Marisa because I never really liked Tanner, and her performance was probably better vocally even with issues in the beginning


3. I’m going with Michael here because there was nobody like him that season. That Knockout should have had a steal if it occurred earlier though

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1. Tayler. The whole argument that Micah was more interesting and had more potential is BS to me, but it is what is.

2. Marisa. She’s both problematic af and talented af but although she shouldn’t have gone wild on SM I see where’s she’s coming from and how the situation escalated to the point she thought she had a real shot.

3. Sa’Rayah. Michael was smoother but her performance was dope I loved it !

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1. Micah took it for me. I think Tayler was vocally better, but I didn´t care for the performance, whereas I love the risk that Micah took with the song, and he made his own.


2. Tanner was more consistent, but I applaud Marisa´s artistry. Too bad her attitude sucks, but I think she won this KO, despite everything.


3. Michael Freaking Sanchez.

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Controversial takes here but I agree with all the KO winners (Micah, Tanner, Sa’Rayah)


1) Micah and Tayler were both amazing, but what stood out to me was how Micah flipped that song and arrangement and made it more enjoyable and fun to listen to. It really showed how versatile he was as a vocalist.


2) I like consistency and Tanner was consistently good in that performance (he didn’t had bad notes, etc). Just based on that specific round, Tanner takes this.


3) Sa’Rayah is just a beast of a vocalist and honestly both should’ve gone through.

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19 minutes ago, VoiceFan! said:

Controversial takes here but I agree with all the KO winners (Micah, Tanner, Sa’Rayah)


1) Micah and Tayler were both amazing, but what stood out to me was how Micah flipped that song and arrangement and made it more enjoyable and fun to listen to. It really showed how versatile he was as a vocalist.


2) I like consistency and Tanner was consistently good in that performance (he didn’t had bad notes, etc). Just based on that specific round, Tanner takes this.


3) Sa’Rayah is just a beast of a vocalist and honestly both should’ve gone through.

I agree with this 100%

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