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1 hour ago, sydneysam said:




Cam Anthony- Take Me to Church





Pete Mroz- We Belong





Emma Caroline- Leave the Pieces





Jordan Matthew Young- Gold Dust Woman





Anna Grace- Let Her Go







Corey Ward- Bruises




Zae Romeo- When I Look At You (credits to @Bk1234)





Kenzie Wheeler- Red Dirt Road





Gihanna Zoë- Always Remember Us This Way





Savanna Woods- Barracuda







Carolina Rial- Into the Unknown





Victor Solomon- I Wish




Zania Alaké- Dangerous Woman





Ryleigh Modig- drivers license







Jose Figueroa Jr.- Talking to the Moon





Rachel Mac- Rainbow





Andrew Marshall- Put Your Records On





Dana Monique- Free Your Mind





Devan Blake Jones- Shape Of My Heart







You're missing Pia 



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1 hour ago, Tent said:

hello everyone I am a new member and nope I am not that ninny Disney so please do not report me

Cam , Victor , Dana and Zae are obviously getting the public vote 

vote for Dana Monique tonight or i’ll report you for trolling!

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Team Blake

  • Cam's tone and sound works surprisingly well with the song - I don't know if it's PV material but it's at least a strong contender for the save.
  • Pete getting to show off his guitar skills is nice, and his song choice strikes me more as Minivan friendly than Cam's. If nothing else, he should at least be through to next week without issue.
  • Emma's song choice is great for her and she sounds pretty good, but she's still got to get through the 4WKO first. I don't think she's moving beyond this week, but if she proves me wrong I'll be happy for her.
  • Jordan's song choice is surprising but makes sense given he's more rock than anything, and if he nails this he should be an easy WC spot; if the two we're expecting to see make it through on Team Blake struggle live (unlikely, but still possible), he could even have a shot to move on via save or PV.
  • Anna's song choice is perfect for her, but I don't see her doing better than the WC here. Hopefully she does a good job live so at least she can go out on a high note.

Team Kelly

  • Corey's trying to kill me via emoting, isn't he? If he doesn't get the save, he's near certainly going to be the WC here. The biggest challenge is gonna be that big glory note about 2/3 of the way through the song, but if he nails that (which I think he will) then my fingers are crossed.
  • Zae's choice...at least it's not the 5765462546th version of "The Climb" but I'm not optimistic about his odds of advancing.
  • Kenzie could've sang the ABCs and probably moved on - but this is a song choice that'll go over well with the audience. Interesting that he starts off ballad-like but it goes uptempo, considering he hasn't done a true slowed-down song since his blind. Time to put money on him closing the show with The Dance next week
  • Gihanna, like Corey, will near-certainly get the WC if she doesn't get the save. Tbh, if she wasn't on the same team as Kenzie + she nailed this one live, she'd probably have a shot at the PV (as a teenager with poise and a big pop voice + a ballad from one of the biggest music-focused movies in the last few years).
  • Savanna's song choice...let's say it's not the rock direction I would've gone for her, but Heart does pretty well with the audience so I can see how that ended up being the song of choice for a female rocker. That said, she got nearly Bandzilla'd in studio at a couple spots and if that were to happen live, she's got long odds of making it through. 

Team Legend

  • Carolina going Disney is actually a decently smart choice - if she makes it through, this strikes me as the song (on paper) that's most likely to get WC momentum. We'll see. She just has to actually get through the 4WKO and then not get Bandzilla'd.
  • Victor on a Stevie song is about as far in the other direction from what I expected him to cover. This is a risk at best; if he does well, it's easy PV territory. If he struggles, he might still be safe given he's similar to John vocally and John does seem to appreciate that. If he loses out on the PV and John goes elsewhere with the save, he's 100% the Wildcard on the team.
  • Zania on Ariana's best-known ballad-type song? More. Please. Although this definitely doesn't help with the Ali Caldwell parallels, I'm hoping this can at the very least net her the save if she needs it.
  • Pia may be in trouble with this song choice. However, we've seen a strong KO do a lot for contestants previously, so I wouldn't rule her out of the WC completely; that said, I'm not counting on it.
  • Ryleigh's song choice + her voice = *chef's kiss* so I'm hoping it translates well live. I don't see her making the WC unless there's no Carolina, but I do see this having the potential to be a Chloe-Hogan-style high note to end on if she fails to make the WC.

Team Nick

  • Jose's at least got the vocal chops to do Bruno, but I can see why he wasn't thrilled with the song choice. I liked this more than I expected in studio (and honestly, this may end up being one of my favorites of the night if he nails it live). WC is probably his ceiling, but he does have more of a shot than I expected given his KO got montaged.
  • Rachel on Kacey isn't what I was expecting give her some Joni Mitchell, you absolute cowards but I definitely think it's between her and Dana for the PV if she delivers live. I'm crossing my fingers that nerves don't get to her, though if she delivers live but needs the save then I'll have no complaints with Nick saving her. 
  • Andrew really got tossed under the bus with this song and this version of the song. As long as he doesn't train wreck, I'll be fine. Pissed on his behalf, but fine. He may end up in the WC, but I'm not counting on it.
  • Dana's going uptempo again - I don't know if it's gonna get her the PV, but I do think she's the logical save choice if she doesn't get the PV. If she ends up in the WC, I am demanding someone take Nick to get his hearing checked before next week.
  • Devan's voice sounds nice in studio, but I don't see him getting to do this live. Should he win the 4WKO and go live with this one, it's probably not going to get him in the WC.
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My thoughts after listening to all: (thanks to @Dalton Eduardo for helping with the geo restrictions).


TEAM KELLY (Great song choices all around)

Kenzie: He sounds GOOD. Overall very comfortable song for him. I don`t see him having any problems delivering this live. It should get him the PV.

Corey: The Sensitive Soldier back at it again! Very emotional, as expected. I don`t see Kelly not saving him if he delivers this well. 

Gihanna: Very good song choice, it fits her well, but the competition is too strong.

Zae: After listening to this, I think he might have a bigger shot than Gihanna at the WC if he does well.

Savanna: Wow, I need to hear her sing this live!



Pete: Mr. Oz back at it making a song out his wheelhouse work in his favor! This could help him get the PV.

Cam: Fist time I`ve felt lukewarm towards Cam. He sounds good, but this song is not it.

Jordan: Finally we probably get to hear him play more! And he sounds good. I like his studio way better than Cam`s. He could actually have a shot at the WC.

Anna: Sounds decent, but not nearly as impactful as her KO. 

Emma: Sounds decent too, a much better fit for her than her KO song. 


TEAM LEGEND (Based on studios, this is the weakest team tonight)

Victor: Nothing grounbreaking here, but has the potential to be an enjoyable and solid performance, which is what I`ve come to expect from Victor at this point. PV.

Zania: Not sure about this one...

Ryleigh: This has serious trainwreck potential, but if she nails it, she could get John`s save.

Pia: Adored her KO. This, sadly, is a step backwards.

Carolina: Stil doesn`t do it for me 



Rachel: A great song choice. If she delivers, she`s getting PV.

Dana: Not a good idea to go uptempo yet again. But Nick is not letting her go.

Andrew: Bus

Jose: This sounds good actually, not the bus I expected. But I still think this is it for him on the show.

Devan: Decent


Edited by Misirlou
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