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Rank The Top 16 (S22)


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Rooting for them in the lives

1. Morgan Myles

2. Bodie

3. Kim Cruse

4. Parijita Bastola

5. Devix

6. Kate Kalvach


Pretty good vocalists, not my favorites

7. Kique

8. Omar José Cardona

9. Justin Aaron

10. Sasha Hurtado


Hard to place him, we've seen so little

11. Eric Who


Good too, I respect their talent

12. Bryce Leatherwood

13. Kevin Hawkins

14. Rowan Grace


Still not too convinced

15. Alyssa Witrado

16. Brayden Lape

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1. Kim Cruse

2. Parijita Bastola

3. Devix



4. Omar Cardona

5. Eric Who

6. Alyssa Witrado

7. Kevin Hawkins

8. Sasha Hurtado

9. bodie

10. Rowan Grace


Waiting but haven't been impressed me much yet

11. Kate Kalvach

12. Morgan Myles

13. Justin Aaron

14. Kique


Not my thing (neither are bad though!)

15. Bryce Leatherwood

16. Brayden Lape

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Empress of the season:

1. Miss Morgan Myles 👑


Great talents, would love to see as finalists too:

2. Parijita Bastola 

3. Kate Kalvach 


Huge potential, one song away from having a moment:

4. Sasha Hurtado

5. Bodie

6. Justin Aaron

7. Rowan Grace


Pretty good vocalists, but inconsistent or too restrained so far:

8. Kim Cruise 

9. Kique


Decent, but can be rough or pretty average:

10. Kevin Hawkins

11. Omar Jose Cardona

12. Devix 


Alright, shaky vocals so far but only room to improve:

13. Alyssa Witrado

14. Bryce Leatherwood

15. Eric Who(kind of unfair, but blame TPTB)

16. Brayden Lape(Kid, when a double montage beats you, you should probably step it up)




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I'm order of who I think has performed best throughout prelives ( personal favourites ranking would be different)



No faults with their performances so far.

1. Morgan

2. Kim


A few hiccups with other things, but Flawless vocally so far.

3. Omar

5 Bodie

6. Parijita



Very good vocalists, have had their ups and downs and the occasional vocal hiccup.

7. Kique

8. Justin Aaron


10. Bryce

11. Kevin

12 Sasha

13. Rowan

14. Kate


Vocal issues more often than not during performances or haven't shown much vocally.

15. Alyssa

16 Brayden


No idea where to put Eric. On one hand from the little we've seen, I'd put him in between kique and justin. But not realy fair since we didn't see a full performance of his for 2 rounds.

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Possible Snowflakes 

Morgan Myles

Omar Cardona


Love them


Brayden Lape

Bryce Leatherwood

Justin Aaron

Kate Kalvach

Kim Cruse













I have no specific order. Just alphabetically arranged them.

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I'm on the train

1. Omar Jose Cardona

2. Bodie


Rooting for them

3. Kique

4. Justin Aaron

5. Kim Cruse 

6. Morgan Myles

7. Devix

8. Parijita Bastola


Not as invested, but they're good

9. Rowan Grace

10. Kate Kalvach

11. Kevin Hawkins

12. Bryce Leatherwood 

13. Sasha Hurtado


Liked what I've seen, but little time to judge

14. Eric Who


Havent really hit a chord with me yet, but always ready to be positively surprised.

15. Alyssa Witrado

16. Brayden Lape

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In my prayer circle

1. Morgan Myles

2. Kim Cruse

3. Omar Cardona

Loves (in no order)

4. Parijita Bastola
5. Kate Kalvach
6. Bodie
7. Justin Aaron
8. Rowan Grace
9. Kique
10. Sasha Hurtado
11. Eric Who
12. Alyssa Witrado


13. Devix
14. Brayden Lape

Wish they would top their BAs

15. Kevin Hawkins
16. Bryce Leatherwood

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1. Parijita Bastola

2. Morgan Myles

3. Kique

4. Bodie

5. Rowan Grace 

6. Kim Cruse

7. Alyssa Witrado

8. Eric Who

9. Bryce Leatherwood

10. Brayden Lape

11. Kate Kalvach

12. Justin Aaron

13. Sasha Hurtado

14. Devix

15. Kevin Hawkins 

16. Omar Jose Cardona


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These are in order, by the way.


I. Snowflakes

1. Omar Cardona

2. Justin Aaron

3. Parijita Bastola


II. Really like them

4. Kim Cruse

5. Devix

6. Kique

7. Bodie

8. Eric Who

9. Sasha Hurtado


III. They're pretty cool, I guess

10. Morgan Myles

11. Kate Kalvach


IV. Respect their talent, but not particularly a fan

12. Kevin Hawkins

13. Rowan Grace

14. Alyssa Witrado

15. Brayden Lape

16. Bryce Leatherwood

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Wouldn’t this be a nice Top 3?
1. Parijita

2. Devix

3. Kim

On the verge of greatness

4. Morgan

5. Omar

6. Bodie

7. Kique

8. Kate

9. Justin


10. Alyssa

Losing interest / wasn’t interested in the first place

11. Kevin

12. Rowan

13. Sasha

Your average IDF user Bottom 2

14. Bryce

15. Brayden

A surprisingly fun Top 16. Wish the performances had been better but oh well.


(If I had to rank Eric I would put him between Justin and Alyssa)

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1. Kim Cruse

2. Eric Who

3. Justin Aaron

4. Alyssa Witrado


I'm a Fan 

5. Parijita Bastola

6. Kique

7. Morgan Myles

8. Rowan

9.  Kevin

10. Bodie


Almost a fan

11. Kate Kalvach



12. Sasha

13. Devix

14. Omar

15. Brayden


 Not My Thing

 16. Bryce

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Holy Trinity

1) Kim

2) Morgan

3) Parijita


Love them!

4) Bodie

5) Kique



6) Kate

7) Rowan

😎 Sasha


Growing on me

9) Devix


Not my thing but they're good

10) Omar

11) Justin


Inconsistent but there's some promise

12) Alyssa

13) Kevin


Deserve better 

14) Eric



15) Bryce

16) Brayden

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1. Parijita Bastola
2. Morgan Myles
3. Bryce Leatherwood
4. Bodie


5. Kique

6. Justin Aaron
7. Brayden Lape
8. Kate Kalvach

9. Rowan Grace
10. Devix


11. Omar Cardona

12. Kim Cruse
13. Kevin Hawkins
14. Alyssa Witrado
15. Eric Who 
16. Sasha Hurtado

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Holy Trinity

1. Parijita Bastola

2. Kim Cruse

3. Morgan Myles



4. Kique

5. Kate Kalvach

6. Bodie

7. Rowan Grace

8. Sasha Hurtado


Have been good at least once but overall unmemorable and I can go without

9. Alyssa Witrado

10. Justin Aaron

11. Devix


You've only been shown once but I've enjoyed what I've seen you deserve better

12. Eric Who


Meh, not my thing

13. Brayden Lape

14. Kevin Hawkins

15. Omar Jose Cardona

16. Bryce Leatherwood

Edited by MatthewPalermo
only added last names for half of them and the inconsistency bothered me lmao
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16. Brayden Lape

15. Bryce Leatherwood


Utter wildcards

14. Alyssa Witrado

13. Eric Who


Consistent kings/queen

12. Kevin Hawkins

11. Omar Jose Cardona

10. Morgan Myles


I would love to see them blossom on the live stage

09. Rowan Grace

08. Kate Kalvach

07. Sasha Hurtado

06. Kique


She embodies "The Voice"

05. Kim Cruse


Rooting for them to go far

04. Parijita Bastola

03. Justin Aaron

02. Devix


Snowflake status achieved!

01. bodie

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1. Morgan

2. Parijita

3. Kim


On the verge of being snowflakes

4. Rowan

5. Sasha


OK but I need more convincing

6. Kique

7. Kate

8. Alyssa


OK but not my cup of tea

9. Bodie

10. Devix

11. Omar

12. Kevin

13. Brayden


Not liking what I see so far

14. Justin

15. Eric



16. Bryce

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Have not enjoyed a single performance from them:

16. Bryce Leatherwood

15. Sasha Hurtado


They're fine, but were there really NO better singers that could've taken their places?

14. Alyssa Witrano

13. Kate Kalvach


A bit boring or a bit of a mixed bag:

12. Eric Who (idek where to rank him, since we've barely seen him)

11. Rowan Grace

10. Brayden Lape

9. Kevin Hawkins



8. Morgan Myles

7. Kim Cruse (I want to love her, but I still need a little more from her!! She will probably shoot up a ton on my list as the show progresses)

6. Justin Aaron

5. Devix (Was a favorite, but is slowly dropping)

4. Bodie



3. Kique

2. Omar Cardona

1. Parijita Bastola



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5 minutes ago, QueenCami said:

I believe Parijita has been in the top 5 of every person's list here, except for 2 people.


She is running away with the top spot lol, easily the most consistently liked contestant here.

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My favorites (im stanning):

1. Kique 

2. Morgan Myles

3. Devix

4. Kate

5. Parijita


Super talented, but not my fav style:

6. Bodie

7. Kim

8. Omar


Love their voices tonally and technically, but dont stand out to me as much:

9. Sahsa

10. Justin

11. Eric


Talented, but not my style of voice or songs:

12. Alyssa

13. Kevin

14. Rowan

15. Bryce


Really just hasn't been doing it for me:

16. Brayden

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