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Who will win the IS tomorrow

Sachin Jain

Who will win the IS tomorrow   

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will be in the IS tomorrow

    • Corey Ward
    • Jordan Mathew Young
    • Cam Anthony
    • Kenzie Wheeler
    • Gihanna Zoë
    • Pia Renee
    • Victor Solomon
    • Dana Monique
    • Rachel Mac
  2. 2. Who will win the IS tomorrow?

    • Corey Ward
    • Jordan Mathew Young
    • Cam Anthony
    • Kenzie Wheeler
    • Gihanna Zoë
    • Pia Renee
    • Victor Solomon
    • Dana Monique
    • Rachel Mac

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Doesn't let multiple answers in the first question:


But contenders: Pia, Dana, Gihanna, Corey, Jordan.


Corey = Gihanna = Jordan > Dana > Pia


I think it can be tight. Whoever appeals to Minivan more I guess.

Edited by QueenMae16
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Right now it's gonna still be Corey vs Jordan, edge to Jordan because of the Blake factor. 


I wanna say Gihanna has a chance, but for some reason Minivan isn't clicking with her. Basing that off previous showings on FB. But she can probably get it with some pimping.

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3 hours ago, Teraginn said:

Right now it's gonna still be Corey vs Jordan, edge to Jordan because of the Blake factor. 


I wanna say Gihanna has a chance, but for some reason Minivan isn't clicking with her. Basing that off previous showings on FB. But she can probably get it with some pimping.

I think we all know what the reason is...


OT: Gonna guess Jordan but Corey has a good shot if he kills it

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I feel like any of the five could deliver honestly. If they do so Rose Short style, it's over for the rest. Corey has the best numbers, Jordan has the TB boost. The other three are very competent vocalists and if given a good song they could crush it. The other thing is nerves, I don't see Jordan, Pia and Dana crumbling down because of nerves. All in all, it should be interesting

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8 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

The amount of people assuming Gihanna will be in the Instant Save...

Kanye West No GIF

No wonder you guys never get what you want on here.


We are just hoping out loud.  Beside....it lends emotional authenticity to the #GihannaWasRobbed hashtag

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