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21 minutes ago, Daillon said:

Hailey was eliminated after that? Yikes. 

Anyways, extreeemely hard decision. They are completely different and both did their thing. Hailey had the bigger moment here imho, but LiBianca is the most unique contestant this season and is one of my personal favorites, so idk…

After a few rewatches I might also lean towards LiBianca, but both killed it.

Edited by Daillon
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Man, LiBianca gave me chills - all of that control over making her lows and highs equally stellar while making one of the biggest pre-quarantine pop songs of last year her own is a feat. Excellent work.


Hailey killed it too - all of that power and soul from someone that young + that lower register being well developed is super impressive. If there were KO saves, I guarantee she 100% would’ve gotten it.


Totally see why LiBianca won that, and very happy Hailey got to end her run on the show on a solid performance.

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3 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

Also, did anybody else notice that when LiBianca went into the first chorus, it sounded very autotuned? Is it just me?


bumping this bc next page. pls i can't unhear it 😭

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I think both arrangements could've been better. Don't get me wrong, Hailey gave a lot of power but still didn't feel sufficient to me to really sell the performance. Libianca had interesting but also some unnecessary moments. I'm sure there'll be someone with a less impressive knockout that went through and I definitely wouldn't be mad if both made lives but I wouldn't call either of the robbed if they hadn't

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18 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:

Inconsequential leak. 

I didn’t like either of them. 


It's okay for you to not like it. But saying incosequential just because you don't like it is kinda rude.


IMO Libianca's chance of getting through PO is pretty high, she is possibly the strongest candidate for Blake's CS at the moment.

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