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The Voice 17 ● Live Top 13 Performances ● Discussion


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Beat that Katie stans.

ana oup--


Overall, Kat's rendition was beautiful. She's joint top with Joana for me, for obviously different reasons. It wasn't perfect. Some of the high notes were at the top of her range, and she struggled a tad. One high note in the middle was spectacular, but a descending run a while later fell apart. BUT a voice like Kat's is not about pristine perfection. Blake pimped her proper.


Katie is sounding strong. The contrast with Kat couldn't be starker, lol. These two Ks aren't going down anytime soon ...

katie...and joana??? i ---


Ugh. She’s good but I hate that song choice so much. I can’t rank her high just due to song choice alone. But she can SANG

good thing this is the 'voice' then

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ana oup--

katie...and joana??? i ---

good thing this is the 'voice' then

The voice isn’t only about technical performance. It’s about time and also using your voice to connect to emotion of the song. Voice is about more than just the technical aspects of vocalizing

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