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"The Voice" Gossip 2.0


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I meant with a different song, if he actually could have chose his Playoff song.

I know. Bussing with songs is disgusting, and we can all recognize it when it's done.

Makes me loathe the show. If it weren't for IDF, I'd have bailed a long time ago I'm sure.

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I know. Bussing with songs is disgusting, and we can all recognize it when it's done.

Makes me loathe the show. If it weren't for IDF, I'd have bailed a long time ago I'm sure.


Yeah the show pisses me off a lot :haha: but if it weren't for idf and the fact that I do end up loving a couple singers most seasons I would have stopped watching a long time ago.

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Yeah the show pisses me off a lot :haha: but if it weren't for idf and the fact that I do end up loving a couple singers most seasons I would have stopped watching a long time ago.


True that, I still wonder why I even watch. But talent is somewhere every few seasons, like Queen Maelyn :wub:

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True that, I still wonder why I even watch. But talent is somewhere every few seasons, like Queen Maelyn :wub:


Yeah last season with Maelyn and I still follow Karly and Presley from that season as well. I'm sure from this season I'll still follow Gracee, Marybeth, Kyndal and Brennan L so I am glad that the show introduced me to them at least.

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no offense, but jake's almost last in all of social media (out of the top 20) - no song was gonna help him lol

That's like...not the point of his comment though. I think one can look past the show and voting for a second to understand where he is coming from.

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Yeah I think he said he chose 2 of them his blind and knockout.


No one picks their battle song.


So the one that he gets to be mad about is Turning Tables. And he still managed to finish ahead of Kyndal and sing for the Save.


He didn’t say they picked his Save song, and he wasn’t good on that either.

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No one picks their battle song.


So the one that he gets to be mad about is Turning Tables. And he still managed to finish ahead of Kyndal and sing for the Save.


He didn’t say they picked his Save song, and he wasn’t good on that either.


Yeah, and it's also, he chose his knockout song, and his play-off song, and his save song were all sort of in the same vein as his knockout song. And he probably chose his save song too.


I was really excited about a rocker, but Jake only chose one rock song.

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Jake had no chance anyways. he was probably 4th in that instant save voting. I would blame the fact that he missed 50% of the notes on his performance the previous night as the reason he was in that position anyways. not many people were voting for him so his only chance into the t13 was Gwen's save.


also, people are saying they didn't get a notification, but the app does send one out so that's there fault for having notifications turned off.


he also is complaining about how the producers pick his song choices and while that is somewhat true, they can't make you perform a song. Jeffery Austin has said how the artist has to ultimately agree with the song choice so it's not like they forced him to sing Turning Tables and There's Nothing Holding Me Back

Edited by rp3598
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no offense, but jake's almost last in all of social media (out of the top 20) - no song was gonna help him lol

But that's not strictly true though. :no: Based on the data and "rough" ranking contributed on the more recent post-Top 20 lives social stats thread, he was pretty decent:


Team Gwen


YT - Rose (8th/20), JHV (13th/20), Joana (15th/20), Kyndal (17th/20), Myracle (18th/20)

FB - JHV (7th/20), Joana (14th/20), Kyndal (17th/20), Myracle (18th/20), Rose (19th/20)

IG - JHV (4th/20), Rose (6th/20), Joana (16th/20), Kyndal (18th/20), Myracle (19th/20)

TW - Rose (4th/20), Joana (10th/20), Kyndal (12th/20), Myracle (14th), JHV (15th/20)


As you can see he was 4th/20 and 7th/20 on FB/IG -- that's top 25-30%, so quite good, no? Yes, conversely, bottom 25-30% on YT/TW, but as you can see above, on Team Gwen he was 1st on both FB/IG, 2nd YT, and was 2nd overall on social, beating Joana in 3rd. So Jake actually OVER-PERFORMED on social media. My guess is that his fans were worried about his performance (justifiably so) and rallied to his aid. This probably also explains how he pipped Kyndal on Team Gwen for the WC. Kyndal scored around 95% on YouTube (Likes/Dislikes%, for comparison's sake Kat on Team Blake also scored around 95% -- some small comfort there for Kyndal fans, as she went home ostensibly because she happened to be on a stronger team! :* ), while Jake scored 90-91%.


Pre-lives, Jake was also decent on SM, Top 1/3 FB/TW, Bottom 1/3 IG:



Anyway, regarding Jake's Twitter comments, I find that overall he appeared happy and grateful for the ENTIRE experience. Not all contestants are so single-minded about winning the show (as we sometimes are) that they get their knickers all twisted in a bunch over perceived conspiratorial bussing and wot not. Some (I think most) are appreciative of the opportunity to even experience being part of and performing on a major studio and live production like The Voice. Meeting and working with star coaches and mentors, working with professional trainers, musicians, make-up artists, wardrobe, etc.,.. getting to see how the sausage is made, hanging out with your fellow contestants and making friends for life, the whole creative process ...


The part about song selection was him answering the question of why he didn't perform more actual rock songs (a question we all had). Important takeaways: He did get to choose 2/4 which is 50%. I reckon that's not bad for someone who hadn't established himself as a front-runner, and came across as somewhat soft-spoken and timid (i.e. non-assertive = I suspect he just didn't fight hard enough for the songs he wanted, or just wanted to play nice on the show; probably doesn't help that his coach also leans toward the non-assertive kind). Now, we know battle songs are assigned, for obvious reasons. So that leaves his Top 20 song choice. It seems he did get to put songs forward, but that they didn't end up among the OPTIONS he was given. This suggests clearance issues, which is a common problem that's not specific to just our fav contestants, and just imagine the number of clearance problems when the field is still large (as the competition progresses and the field whittles, producers would have more time to clear fewer songs AND we're now dealing with contenders, not possible fodder). He still had options though, probably some list of songs that had been previously cleared on the show. Regarding that list, I imagine a little bit of a fight between producers/coaches/contestants as to who gets to sing what (and which songs need to be saved for which contestant for potential future rounds, etc.), and then you finally settle because the clock is ticking and you have to get down to work.


About his WC choice, the whole wildcard thing was kind of last minute, so I can imagine clearing specific songs would be a no go because it takes weeks not days to get songs cleared, (unless coaches have a direct line with the artists in question). So it was probably back to the "options" list, and very little time to practice. The kicker here is some contestants may be lucky enough to have a pre-existing repertoire that meshes with the options available. Jake's taste in music though, per his YouTube, is quite far removed from what I think most of us would expect to find on that list. To compound things, Jake seems to have a penchant for avoiding obvious popular LEGACY rock songs. Note that for his WC performance, they failed to give him a click cue to sync with the band for that performance (bummer)...


"Jake HaldenVang

Hey all you great people, I just wanted to THANK YOU for supporting my journey while on the Voice. Since I'm officially off the show, I wanted to share a sample of what I really do! Most of which, they didnt give as options in songs they assigned to me!





17h17 hours ago


Yes that is absolutely correct, my 2 really great performance, I picked the song. The 2 not so great ones the producers picked those songs. It was their choice, what they assigned me. They didnt give me my click down count that tells me when the band would start playing last nite"


Regarding assigned songs, if they ("they" being the producers) wanted him to flip an Adele song, I feel "Rolling in the Deep" would have been a far better choice, and as for Shawn Mendes, why not "In my Blood", which is an actual (pop) rock song? B)

Edited by dirActing
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Jake just wasn’t good. All of them, at some point, get stuck with a song they don’t like, or doesn’t fit their style. They just have to make the best of it. Some do, some don’t. He didn’t. Throughout the competition, he was mostly forgettable.

Edited by TeamAudra
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Jake just wasn’t good. All of them, at some point, get stuck with a song they don’t like, or doesn’t fit their style. They just have to make the best of it. Some do, some don’t. He didn’t. Throughout the competition, he was mostly forgettable.

I didn't watch his bts clips on the show for his performances, so could be totally off, but is it possible the arrangements (that didn't work I'm sorry to say) were Gwen's genius contribution?

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I know you have already looked at his Twitter page, but I'm shocked at how awful it is. And I liked the guy - A LOT. I loved him. I always love rockers on this show, and before having those tragic song choices foisted on him, he was one of the best-singing rockers this show has ever had. I'll stand by my opinion that his knockout was one of the best of the season.


But now this guy is shooting himself in the foot, and it is NOT a good look. His tweets and retweets make him look so salty. He retweeted someone who called the show "rigged." He retweeted someone who criticized Gwen. He's retweeting people complaining about the time zone differences and lack of app notifications in the Instant Save. (I'll get screenshots soon.)


Seriously, maybe he couldn't hear how out of tune and out of place his performances sounded to the viewers back home, and that's coming from a fan. I wish I could defend him, but even when you get a whack song choice like "Turning Tables," it helps to at least sing it in tune, and he didn't do that either. I know he didn't choose his songs, and I know a lot of people on this show just don't get the luck of the draw. You CANNOT win if the producers don't like you, and his song choices proved that they hated him. But this just looks really, really bad.


That's such a bad look, I just... thank you, Jake. I needed this drama. :haha:

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I know you have already looked at his Twitter page, but I'm shocked at how awful it is. And I liked the guy - A LOT. I loved him. I always love rockers on this show, and before having those tragic song choices foisted on him, he was one of the best-singing rockers this show has ever had. I'll stand by my opinion that his knockout was one of the best of the season.


But now this guy is shooting himself in the foot, and it is NOT a good look. His tweets and retweets make him look so salty. He retweeted someone who called the show "rigged." He retweeted someone who criticized Gwen. He's retweeting people complaining about the time zone differences and lack of app notifications in the Instant Save. (I'll get screenshots soon.)


Seriously, maybe he couldn't hear how out of tune and out of place his performances sounded to the viewers back home, and that's coming from a fan. I wish I could defend him, but even when you get a whack song choice like "Turning Tables," it helps to at least sing it in tune, and he didn't do that either. I know he didn't choose his songs, and I know a lot of people on this show just don't get the luck of the draw. You CANNOT win if the producers don't like you, and his song choices proved that they hated him. But this just looks really, really bad.


That's such a bad look, I just... thank you, Jake. I needed this drama. :haha:


Meh, the producers/show deserves it. If I knew I would never get recognition for my original music while someone like Blake does, I would go off and spill the tea :whistling:

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