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After POs, predict again (Team Blake)


After POs, predict again (Team Blake)  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. PV 1

    • Peedy
    • LiBianca
    • Paris
    • Lana
    • Wendy
  2. 2. PV 2

    • Peedy
    • LiBianca
    • Paris
    • Lana
    • Wendy
  3. 3. CS

    • Peedy
    • LiBianca
    • Paris
    • Lana
    • Wendy

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This one is SO TOUGH because they all delivered tonight (I know Peedy got a lot of hate, but his performance was for the most part pretty solid besides the last note). 


PV1: Wendy- No explanation needed.

PV2: Peedy- I think Peedy, Lana, and Paris will all end up really really close in votes, but Peedy has the most minivan appeal, so I think that'll give him the slight edge. I can totally see Lana nabbing this spot as the only country artist though.

CS: Lana- I don't see a world in which Blake doesn't move forward with Lana in some form, unless the CS somehow comes down to her and Wendy in some insane alternate reality universe.

WC: Paris- I think this spot will either be for Paris or Peedy. If Lana gets PV2, I actually think Blake would pick Paris for the CS, but I don't see that happening. 

Eliminated: Libianca- I HATE to rule her out, since she DELIVERED, but I just don't see who her voter base would be, especially after how good everyone else did. :( 

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PV: Wendy

PV: Paris

CS: Libianca

WC: Lana


Wendy will coast through (as expected). I think Paris has picked up enough steam that he could get a PV as well since he seems popular with Minivan.


I’m holding out hope that Blake saves Libianca. To me, she is the most unique and interesting artist we have this season and she delivered tonight. She knows herself and I think Blake respects that. A team of Wendy, Paris, and Libianca may be one of my favorite teams ever

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PV: Wendy/Paris

CS: Leaning towards Lana here. Unless Blake very specifically plans to push more than one country song on Wendy, the lane would be unfulfilled with Lana's exit (and even then there is no reason that Wendy and Lana can't exist together). Libianca would be an earlier exit than Lana for certain.

WC: Libianca, though I doubt she'll win it.

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