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The Voice 19 ● Live Top 17 Performances ● Discussion


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1. Chloé - 8/10

2. Cami - 8/10

3. Tamara - 7/10

4. DeSz - 7/10

5. Ben - 7/10

6. Sid - 6/10

7. Carter - 6/10

8. Payge - 6/10

9. Joseph - 6/10

10. John - 6/10

11. Ian - 5/10

12. Madeline - 5/10

13. Bailey - 5/10

14. Worth the Wait - 4/10

15. Taryn - 4/10

16. Jim - 4/10

17. Tanner - 3/10

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Not even close. He threw that low note in there just to show off. John Holiday is so much better than everyone else this season that it’s a little crazy. He can do so many technical things that the others just can’t do. But, of course, the Minivan vote that knows nothing about music will have a say too.

Edited by RedFury
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Team Blake:


Jim: B- (Bus, meet victim #3)

WTW: C+ (I could give them a Z and Blake would still move them through, so...)

Ian: B (I like the song, and I think he's got a decent shot at the PV all things considered)

Taryn: B- (I love her, but she was flat at some parts, and I think nerves/shock took her down a couple notches)

Sid: A- (Song was in his wheelhouse, and he was consistent the whole way through)

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I think his enunciation was a little bit off on the second half of the song, but that was still incredible.


1. Cami - 8/10

2. Madeline - 7/10

3. Desz - 6/10

4. Tanner - 4/10



1. Ben - 9/10 

2. Payge - 8.5/10

3. Joseph - 7.5/10

3. Carter - 7.5/10


1. Sid - 8.5/10

2. Ian - 7.5/10

3. Taryn - 5/10

3. WTW - 5/10

5. Jim - 4/10



1. Tamara: 9.5/10

2. John H.: 9/10
3. Chloe: 8/10

4. Bailey: 6.5/10

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