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4 way KO polls (After the performances, for real this time)


4 WAY KO  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. ¿Who was your favorite performance? (No biases, just based on these performances)

    • Taryn
    • Julia
    • Larriah
    • Ryan
  2. 2. Who´s going to win?

    • Taryn
    • Julia
    • Larriah
    • Ryan

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Julia was the best in terms of vocals and originality. Taryn surprisingly had vocal problems and Larriah was good but didn't have the connection the song needed.


Ryan sounded pretty great and is the likely winner, but at the end of the day it was a pretty safe cover of Time to Say Goodbye. No change-up at all and I actually felt he could have gone bigger with the ending as well.

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26 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

Ryan > Julia > Larriah >> Taryn

This 💯

Taryn was off, which surprised me, think she got nervous or something 😔


Julia was good she will definitely be short votes she totally did deserve though


Ryan was a vocal beast, period. Really hope he picks songs that can have english parts . Like ave maria ( Beyonce version) that's when whoever was there for crowd lost it 😂 idk..


Larriah was amazing, If Ryan doesn't pull this off I hope ppl voted for her cause.. wow!!  I have other opinions as far as Gwen as Coach.. but I will spare you all my moral high ground 


Voted Ryan for both poll questions





Edited by seamaidencora
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17 minutes ago, Someone648 said:

Ryan was the best of all 4. Julia and Larriah were very good but each had their flaws. Taryn was pretty disappointing.

This. After rewatching all of them, I would still say Ryan is my pick. None of the four were earth-shattering, but Ryan had the best vocal performance. I like Julia well enough but her upper chest voice is grating on me idk why. 

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