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ANTM RE-Reloaded! All Cycles Completed!!!


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1. EBONY. Ebony. ebony. E. B. O. N. Y. Eh-bow-neeeeeee

[vast chasm of space]

2. Jenah

3. Heather

4. Lisa

5. Sarah

6. Kimberly - what a nice surprise to have this photo that kind of fits the shoot instead of Tootie Carparts

7. Ambreal - a little sleepy

8. Victoria

9. Janet

10. Bianca - gurl no

[vast chasm of space]

11. Chantal - a SHOCKINGLY bad photo. It hurts to look at. Takes your breath away. Who did she offend that this is the photo they chose for her. #11 is too good a spot. The fact that Chantal and Saleisha were not IMMEDIATELY disqualified after this photoshoot, and instead made the TOP 2 of the cycle??????????????????????????????????????????

 no way GIF

gordon ramsey GIF

gordon ramsey GIF

  • Haha 2
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Elimination #3

11 models stand before me, but I have just 10 photos in my hands. The first name I'm going to call this week is...


Jenah! That's two in a row for you. What a breathtaking picture. You really know how to come alive in a picture without being overly flashy. Congratulations! Your score this week was 24.

Also safe are...


Ebony - 40
Heather - 54
Sarah - 89
Lisa - 91
Janet - 102
Victoria - 104
Kimberly - 104
Ambreal - 110

Will Bianca and Chantal please step forward? Only one of you will make it through. Bianca, it's a shame to see you down here since you have so much potential, but you just haven't been delivering in your pictures. We were hoping a makeover would change that, but your picture this week was really only a little better than your last two. Chantal, you also have a lot of potential, and you have proven to be photogenic, but you crashed hard this week. I know you were given conflicting advice on set, but at the same time, it's still up to you to own the shoot... and you didn't. 


Based on overall scores, only one of you can continue on. And that person is...


Congratulations, Chantal. This picture really does not do your beauty justice at all, so I hope you can take what you learned this week and bounce back to where you were before.

Bianca, this means you are out. It really is such a shame to see you leave so soon, but ultimately, you just weren't really ready to compete. I think with a couple more years' experience under your belt, you could be great, but at the end of the day, you just weren't delivering. Still, I definitely see great things in your future. Best of luck to you. 


~Eliminated Model's Portfolio~






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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! (2.0) ELIMINATION #3 POSTED! (C9)



Photoshoot #4 - High Fashion Gargoyles















































Like always, rank these pictures from best (1) to worst (10). Comments are optional (but always encouraged!). I'll leave voting open until Thursday morning/afternoon, so you have about 40 hours to vote.



My Ranking:

  1. Lisa - The drama she's bringing here is fantastic. She committed 100% to this shoot and turned out an incredible picture. 
  2. Ebony - Like Lisa's shot, I love the dramatic flair here. The angle shouldn't work for her, but she's killing it. 
  3. Chantal - It's not as edgy as some of the other shots, but the pose is killer. The picture looks like a genuine ad campaign. 
  4. Jenah - It's a good shot. It's not as exciting as I think she could have been, but it works. 
  5. Heather - Same critique as Jenah, pretty much. I do like her profile here. 
  6. Kimberly - Again, not the most dramatic shot, but I like the power in her stance. It's surprisingly edgy. 
  7. Victoria - I like her pose here, but the angle of her face isn't the best. The shot as a whole isn't as powerful as I'd like. 
  8. Sarah - It's a pretty picture of her, but it doesn't really fit the theme at all. Her expression reads scared, almost. 
  9. Ambreal - With a few changes, I think this shot could have worked. I like her leg positioning, but everything else here feels so tentative and uncommitted. 
  10. Janet - It's just very bland. There's not enough commitment anywhere in this shot. 
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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! (2.0) PHOTOSHOOT #4 POSTED! (C9)

Ebony and Lisa are the clear top two this week people. Do the right thing! Lol.

1. Lisa

2. Ebony

3. Heather

4. Jenah

5. Kimberly

6. Chantal

7. Sarah

8. Victoria

9. Ambreal

10. Janet



Edited by Deeee
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01. Ebony - Stunning!

02. Chantal - Great comeback shot.

03. Ambreal - The arms aren’t great but everything else is.

04. Sarah - There’s no movement but I think she looks gorgeous.

05. Lisa - I don’t think it’s as great as everyone’s saying. It doesn’t scream fashion to me.

06. Janet - At least there’s some movement. Her height is the issue.

07. Heather - I’d prefer some movement but it’s decent.

08. Jenah - One of my least favourite shots from her. It’s basic and reminds me of that awful shoot from Cycle 2.

09. Victoria - I think she could deliver here but that shot isn’t great.

10. Kimberly - I don’t love it and I think it’s her time based on this and what we’ve seen so far.

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1. Ebony.


There's BAM and then there's this shot, which is a BAM thermal detonation. 

nuclear explosion GIF


2. Chantal - ugh fine. Should not be here though

3. Lisa

4. Ambreal

5. Sarah

6. Jenah

7. Heather

8. Victoria - best of luck finding photos of Victoria hahaha

9. Janet

10. Kimberly

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38 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

8. Victoria - best of luck finding photos of Victoria hahaha


I've found a few (like around 10 or so). They're all from the same shoot, though. Fortunately, I think there's enough variety in those photos where they'd all kind of fit each shoot (not to mention that the music video week would give her a break from having to take actual pictures). 


If she makes it all the way to top 4 or 3, then we might have a problem, but I can't see a situation where that happens. 

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