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ANTM RE-Reloaded! All Cycles Completed!!!


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Photoshoot #6 - "Tired of Being Sorry" Music Video






Chantal, Heather, Jenah, Lisa, and Sarah

















Like always, rank these pictures performances from best (1) to worst (8). Comments are optional (but always encouraged!). I'll most likely leave voting open until Sunday morning, so you have about 40 hours to vote. I may close earlier if voting slows down, though. 



My Ranking:

  1. Lisa - She did a great job here. She committed to the scene and was one of the only ones to create a "character" this week. 
  2. Heather - I liked her darker take here. She was really the only one to go in a more "creepy" direction as a vampire, and it worked. 
  3. Kimberly - She's actually an actress in real life, so I found her most appropriate acting reel for this week. I think she would've done a solid job in this shoot. 
  4. Victoria - I'm not sure how she would have done. She might have been awkward, but she may have also made it work (think Allison C17). I'd say the jury's out on her.
  5. Jenah - She did okay. I liked the seductive approach she took, but she didn't commit enough to it. 
  6. Ebony - Part of me thinks she would have bombed here, but I do think she could have done an okay job. I think she would have looked great in the costuming, at least. 
  7. Chantal - Boring. She wasn't shown for long, to be fair, but there was definitely a good reason for that. 
  8. Sarah - She just looked kind of uncomfortable in this shoot. I think she was trying to go for seductive, but it fell a bit flat. 
Edited by rdhaley96
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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! (2.0) SHOOT #6 POSTED! (C9)

I barely see any differences between anyone lol so I’ll just rank how much I like them or think they’d do at a commercial as it should be.


1. Jenah

2. Lisa

3. Heather

4. Sarah

5. Kimberly

6. Chantal

7. Ebony

8. Victoria

Edited by Alex95
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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! SHOOT #6 POSTED! (C9)

Elimination #6

8 models stand before me, but I have just 7 photos in my hands. The first name I'm going to call this week is...


Heather! What we loved about your performance this week is that you really committed to your character. You gave it your all this week, and it paid off for you. Congratulations! Your score this week was 22.

Also safe are...


Lisa - 28
Jenah - 46
Kimberly - 65
Chantal - 68
Sarah - 76

Will Ebony and Victoria please step forward? Only one of you will make it through. Ebony, you are so stunning and have so much promise, but we're just not feeling enough commitment from you. You had two very good weeks, but ever since then, you've lost your spark. Victoria, it's a similar thing with you. We look at you and see definite editorial potential, but apart from your first two pictures, you haven't really lived up to that potential. Both of you lack the drive that the others have, so I think it's appropriate that you're the bottom two this week. 


Based on overall scores, only one of you can continue on. And that person is...


Congratulations, Ebony. We feel like you have more potential than Victoria, so you get another chance to prove you deserve to be here. 

Victoria, this means you are out. I think you have a very interesting look and a lot of natural talent, and I think if you wanted to give modeling a go, you could. Ultimately, we feel like most of the others have more drive at this stage, so it wouldn't really be fair to keep you around. Regardless of where you end up, best of luck to you. 


~Eliminated Model's Portfolio~












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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! ELIMINATION #6 POSTED! (C9)




Photoshoot #7 - Burning Car in the Desert



































Like always, rank these pictures from best (1) to worst (7). Comments are optional (but always encouraged!). Voting will remain open until tomorrow afternoon, so for about 30 hours. 



My Ranking:

  1. Chantal - It's stunning. She captured the frustration aspect of the shoot perfectly while still looking like a model.
  2. Jenah - I prefer the more subtle approach that Chantal took here, but this is still a great shot of Jenah. Her upper body and expression both look quite strong.
  3. Lisa - A lot of people really dislike this picture, but I feel like she embodied the concept well here. I like the sense of movement in her pose.
  4. Heather - She got the frustration aspect down, but she lost the model a bit. This would be higher up if she had a bit more neck. Still stunning, though.
  5. Kimberly - This is probably the most beautiful I've seen her look in a photo, but she's #5 because her pose isn't exactly making the dress look good. 
  6. Sarah - I like how tall she looks, and the pose is solid, but I would've liked to see more attitude here. She looks beautiful, though. 
  7. Ebony - Her pose is interesting but stiff, and there's not really anything going on in the face. I think it's probably about her time to go. 
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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! PHOTOSHOOT #7 POSTED! (C9)

01. Chantal - I always thought I preferred Jenah’s shot but I don’t think I do. I adore this photo.

02. Jenah - Love the pose but the face is meh.

03. Heather

04. Ebony

05. Sarah
06. Kimberly 

07. Lisa

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  1. Chantal - flawless
  2. Jenah - perfect
  3. Heather - i love the pose, it's very heather-esque
  4. Kimberly - look good but not sure how it would translate into the shoot
  5. Lisa - not bad but not the best one
  6. Ebony - meh. 
  7. Sarah - boring
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1. Lisa - I get both story and fashion, I like it

2. Chantal - fashion only

3. Heather - story only

4. Jenah - the arm is wiping sweat but it comes across as melodramatic instead

 dramatic eva longoria GIF

5. Ebony - there's really no point in getting her to any commercial shoots because she would be awful, but I like it better than the below

6. Kimberly

7. Sarah

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