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The Voice S22 Top 8 Power Ranking.


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1. Morgan (She Will Most Likely Win It)


2. Bodie (He Will Win If Morgan Flops Or Be Runner-Up If She Does Not)


3. Bryce or Brayden (Depends On Monday) (Most Likely Bryce For A Multitude Of Reasons)


4. Parijita (I Feel Like She Will Place Here Because She’s The Most Popular Of Team Legend)


5. Justin or Omar (Depends On Monday) (Justin Has The Advantage Of Being The Only Contestant Left On Gwen’s Team)


6. Omar or Justin (Depends On Monday) (Omar Has The Possible Disadvantage Of Losing The Entire Team Legend Vote To Parijita, But Has Shot Since He Closed Last Time)


7. Bryce or Brayden (Depends On Monday) (Most Likely Brayden For A Multitude Of Reasons But He Has Shot Because He Got It Over Bryce In The Playoffs)


8. Kim (After Being In The IS This Is Her Ceiling)



Edited by Jaffy
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A lot will be telling by next week, but looking at this week:


1. Morgan - She made this overdone asf song choice her own concert, now she has a few people questioning why she's here. I think it won't matter if it hurts or helps her, she's getting the votes from the audience who are just casuals. Don't let up though, she could win this with well picked songs.

2. Bodie - Took a recent song and made it his own. Even if he isn't Minivan's favorite, I think casuals like his overall voice and power. Blake sells him well and is clearly his favorite. At worst I think he'll get 3rd Place in the end, could win though.

3. Bryce - I think he's starting to overtake Brayden and finding his footing with the audience. I'm only placing him here because John's ace went with a risker song choice this week. Although I think Bryce will be Blake's 2nd finalist.

4. Parijita - I don't believe she's getting fewer votes just because she's not outselling her PO or Blind, she's being held to a higher standard, but the audience clearly loves her voice. All she needs to do is get a better song fitted for her and she'll get a PV, could very well place higher than Bryce too. At worst I see her winning the IS. I'm not sure she can win, but she's the underdog right now with a chance.

5. Omar - I'm starting to think Omar is backup if Gwen's final singer can't get in. They pimped him this week instead of Parijita, but that could also mean he needs help in the votes. He's still the most polarizing contestant, but he has his fans. I don't think he'll get a PV, but maybe the IS if Justin doesn't deliver.

6. Justin - With putting him in the 3rd spot coming off of the Top 13 pimp spot, I'm starting to think he may not have gathered as many votes as TPTB wanted to. If they have lack of faith in him for a PV, the IS is always possible. 

7. Brayden - I think his time is coming to an end, not sure if he's at the edge of the bottom, but now it's getting to the Finale and you shouldn't hold back anymore. Although can he have a big moment? If he tries it could be a trainwreck, which will definitely put him in the bottom. Not sure if he can win an IS, maybe an emotional song could help his case though.

8. Kim - Instantly Saved. If comparing to Jerishka, she had less competition. And if potentially Omar, Justin, Bryce/Brayden is there, it could be tougher. She's going to need a better song too, I didn't think "Believe" was the right call, although maybe TPTB doesn't care.

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PV Locks atp

1. Bodie (I think he’s slightly overrated but obv what I think doesn’t matter bc he’s a clear front runner to win) 

2. Morgan (unless Camila pulls a Gwen S12 *looks at Hunter & Brennley* then I think she’s a lock for finale easily) 

would be surprised if they didn’t go through

3. Omar (I think he’s undoubtedly going to perform his ass off and deliver one of the best vocals of the night so even if he may not be as popular as Bodie or Morgan, I  don’t see him not making the finale whether it’s the IS or PV 

4. Justin (I don’t think they’re going to keep Gwen out of the finale and he’s also really consistent) 


5. Parijita (hopefully she makes it but I don’t know how popular she is with the voters and the fact that she keeps getting called next to last every week is sussing me out) 

6. Brayden ( If he doesn’t step it up from last week I don’t see how he’s going to get voted through next to all these talented singers but if he gets a better song choice and delivers a solid vocal or even something similar to his blind or knockout then I see him going through tbh) 

could go either way
7. Bryce (I think he is one of the weakest singers left in the competition atp and  Brayden is prolly the more popular country male of the twoBUT he could easily snatch a PV from one of our favs or win IS like he did in playoffs ) 

8. Kim ( I don’t think there’s any way she gets PV but I do think she has a shot in the instant save) 

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1. bodie (by deafult because I don't know who's winning and he's the safest bet)

2. Morgan (could win depending on her future song choices)

3. Bryce 

4. Omar

5. Justin

6. Parijita

7. Brayden

8. Kim (I wouldn't count her out as a possible IS winner)


4, 6, and 7 all have an equal probability of getting a PV in my eyes. Comes down to song choice and performance. Justin probably won't get a PV but he is a very strong save contender. I put Brayden at 7 because if he doesn't get a PV, I don't see a reality where he wins against Justin, Parijita, Omar, or Kim.

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1. Bryce

2. Brayden

3. bodie

4. Omar

5. Morgan

6. Parijita

7. Justin

8. Kim



Morgan will close the show on Monday, and that may be enough for her to get a PV to the finale. They will probably have Justin open the show to help him maybe get a PV to the finale. Omar and bodie will get favorable songs and placement to push them to the finale. AND I predict Bryce and Brayden would be getting crappy songs (probably bro-country or 80s soft rock) to prevent Blake from having 3 finalists. 


If the double-decker buses work, Morgan maybe able to get the PV over one of country boys, especially if she sings country. The new power ranking would look like this:


1. bodie

2. Morgan

3. Bryce

4. Omar

5. Brayden

6. Justin

7. Parijita

8. Kim




Edited by season1
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Based on some of the spoilers and the edits shown on TV so far..... I think I can see how the Semis and Finale will play out.

8. Kim Cruse
7. Parijita Bastola
6. Justin Aaron
5. Omar Jose Cardona
4. Brayden Lape
3. Bryce Leatherwood
2. bodie

1. Morgan Myles

They're aiming for an S16 scenario where Team Blake gets in the Finale, but splits votes so that Camila can swoop in to steal the win. They'll help it further by making bodie do whatever he wants and alienating the core voting demo. 

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Deleted my other one. 

1. Morgan

2. Bryce 

3. Bodie 

4. Omar

5. Justin

6. Parijita 

7. Brayden 

8. Kim 


I concede there is the possibility of Brayden getting a third Team Blake PV, depending on how Monday goes, but if he doesn’t, I don’t like his chances in the instant save. 

Parijita/Omar is a tough call for me. That could flip, depending on what happens Monday. There’s also a chance neither of them could get a PV. 

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On 12/1/2022 at 3:51 AM, season1 said:



1. Bryce

2. Brayden

3. bodie

4. Omar

5. Morgan

6. Parijita

7. Justin

8. Kim



Morgan will close the show on Monday, and that may be enough for her to get a PV to the finale. They will probably have Justin open the show to help him maybe get a PV to the finale. Omar and bodie will get favorable songs and placement to push them to the finale. AND I predict Bryce and Brayden would be getting crappy songs (probably bro-country or 80s soft rock) to prevent Blake from having 3 finalists. 


If the double-decker buses work, Morgan maybe able to get the PV over one of country boys, especially if she sings country. The new power ranking would look like this:


1. bodie

2. Morgan

3. Bryce

4. Omar

5. Brayden

6. Justin

7. Parijita

8. Kim





I predicted the Top 5 though I may have overestimated Omar's voting power because he ended up in 5th.

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