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Who will Blake save based on last night?


Who will Blake save based on last night?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose:

    • Jordan
    • Anna
    • Pete

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I picked Anna because of what he said and everyone did stand for her! I know for Jordan they did too, so it’s between those two. I thought it could be Pete but I know sometimes Blake will pick the best performer that night and I don’t think the coaches stand for Pete

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If he were smart, he would save Anna. She's the least likely to get voter support compared to her country guys, while also performing the most well out of the three remaining.


We saw how strategic he was with his save last season though. Jim would've absolutely slaughtered the Instant Save candidates during the S19 playoffs, and that save could've easily gone to Sid or even WTW. But he's not gonna risk losing his country powerhouse. 


With all that said; Jordan.

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I'm expecting the save to go to Anna or Jordan, but there's no bad choice here on who to save - all of them did well last night.


Voted for Jordan since Blake does tend to save his OG members over steals, but crossing my fingers I'm wrong this time since as long as Corey isn't there I could see Jordan winning the WC.

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1 minute ago, VintageVoice said:

I'm expecting the save to go to Anna or Jordan, but there's no bad choice here on who to save - all of them did well last night.


Voted for Jordan since Blake does tend to save his OG members over steals, but crossing my fingers I'm wrong this time since as long as Corey isn't there I could see Jordan winning the WC.

If Kelly saves Corey and Jordan goes into the WC without him, I could see him taking it.

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Just now, VintageVoice said:

I'm expecting the save to go to Anna or Jordan, but there's no bad choice here on who to save - all of them did well last night.

This season is so unpredictable.


Pre-songs and performances it would've been "definitely pete"

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6 minutes ago, QueenCami said:

#AnnaForPV #IfAmericaChoosesSomeoneElse #AnnaForCS

#IfBlakeChoosesSomeoneElse #AnnaForWCWin #ButBlakeWontChooseSomeoneElse #AndThenCoreyOrGihannaWillWinTheWC🙂


Edited by David68
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