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Opinions on the second chance round


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Thursday, April 1, 2021

American Idol Season 19: AI18 Top 20 Second Chance Twist

April 2nd Confirmation: This is not an April Fool's Day joke.
For those who forgot or didn't know, the most recent episode was suppose to end with "a surprise twist that no one saw coming," according to its official synopsis, but it didn't happen. Well, the announcement of said twist was simply delayed. It's not just any twist, either. In our opinion, it's the largest twist in American Idol history, by far.
  • The major twist is that 10 contestants from the AI18 Top 20 will be returning for a second chance, effectively making a Top 34.
  • To clarify, the Second Chance contestants are in addition to the 2 wild cards, which will be selected by the judges.
  • Second Chance contestants will in fact be voted on by the public.
  • Second Chance Performances will air Monday, April 19th, with the voting results serving as the cliffhanger for the 13-day hiatus.
  • Only a "few" of the 10 Second Chance contestants will ultimately compete with the new contestants.
  • The "few" winners of Second Chance will be officially revealed and merge with the remaining newbie finalists on Sunday, May 2nd.
Dibesh Pokharel (a.k.a. Arthur Gunn) - Runner-Up
Louis Knight - Top 7
Makayla Phillips - Top 11
Aliana Jester - Top 20
Cyniah Elise - Top 20
DeWayne Crocker, Jr. - Top 20
Faith Becnel - Top 20
Franklin Boone - Top 20
Nick Merico - Top 20
Olivia Ximines - Top 20
Declined Offer Or Not Offered
Jonny West - Top 5
Jovin Webb - Top 11
Sophia James/Wackerman - Top 7
Kimmy Gabriela - Top 20
Lauren Spencer-Smith - Top 20
(won and/or signed by American Idol-affiliated record labels)
Samantha Diaz (a.k.a. Just Sam) - Winner
Dillon James - Top 5
Francisco Martin - Top 5
Julia Gargano - Top 7
Grace Leer - Top 11
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Oh dear lord, they couldn't have gotten the actually talented ones? Okay, yeah, a lot of the best of them were ineligible, but Dewayne, Faith, and Nick were bottom of the barrel (though I alone thought Nick actually had his one good performance of the year the week that we were voting), Louis was an early frontrunner who completely flamed out, and our runner-up...eh. Which is also how I felt about Franklin and Olivia.


Makayla I like, though. She can stay. And Aliana was last year's "fodder edit that was actually really damn good", so I'm happy she gets another chance.

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I am so pissed about this!!! It doesn’t seem fair!!!


Truth be told I don’t want to have to worry all season about whether Arthur Gunn will win. I cannot stand his gravily, fingers on a chalkboard voice!!!  So many better contestants this season!!!!

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3 hours ago, MargoK said:

I am so pissed about this!!! It doesn’t seem fair!!!


Truth be told I don’t want to have to worry all season about whether Arthur Gunn will win. I cannot stand his gravily, fingers on a chalkboard voice!!!  So many better contestants this season!!!!

But tell us how you really feel... lmao jk :rolleyes:


Look. I'm one of Arthur's few IDF fans. He deserved to sing onstage just as much as Sam, Jonny, and the rest... IMO


Whatever happens there will be backlash... 

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3 hours ago, CarmenSandiego said:

I think that Olivia will do much better this season than last year since there will be a studio audience this time (not as big as in past seasons, but there was none last season).  Olivia needs an audience.


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5 hours ago, 1234567890 said:

Bored Jane Lane GIF

I'm pretty meh on it. I'll see how it plays out and what impact it has on this season. 🤷‍♀️

I doubt American will vote any of these people far, they will feel as they already got their shot. So I’m pretty indifferent about this too. 

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the idol pad and #idolspoilers have been played and they fell for it. that is not the damn twist. American idol has PLAYED US, this is a trap they set up. 

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12 minutes ago, wgm said:

the idol pad and #idolspoilers have been played and they fell for it. that is not the damn twist. American idol has PLAYED US, this is a trap they set up. 


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1 hour ago, wgm said:

the idol pad and #idolspoilers have been played and they fell for it. that is not the damn twist. American idol has PLAYED US, this is a trap they set up. 

on the tv listings there is an upcoming episode titled The Comeback



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I don’t really have a strong aversion to it. I’ve learned long ago that Idol is, above everything else, a reality show so they’ll do what they need to do to get buzz and get people talking. It’s still less confusing than half of the crap The Voice unleashes every year anyway.


Louis and Makayla were my top two last season, so I’m excited to see them back. I hope Makayla will do better in the votes this year, but as long as we aren’t doing quadruple eliminations, she may be fine.


Personal feelings on Arthur aside, I don’t see why they felt the need to bring him back given he was the runner-up and already turned down a deal with Hollywood Records. I would’ve much rather his spot gone to one of the semi-finalists that didn’t get chosen. (My personal preference would’ve been Jovin since I think he’s the contestant that really got screwed by the lack of band + idol stage, but he’s past the age limit and clearly Idol wasn’t going to make an exception on that.)

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Just now, Elliott said:

Personal feelings on Arthur aside, I don’t see why they felt the need to bring him back given he was the runner-up and already turned down a deal with Hollywood Records. I would’ve much rather his spot gone to one of the semi-finalists that didn’t get chosen. (My personal preference would’ve been Jovin since I think he’s the contestant that really got screwed by the lack of band + idol stage, but he’s past the age limit and clearly Idol wasn’t going to make an exception on that.)

He hinted at the twist in an Instagram post and said he did it for the fans, so that’s something to consider (I doubt that’s entirely why he agreed to come back though.)

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