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47 minutes ago, anonymouskid_35 said:

Oh wow Desz's original is actually good! It gives me a last song syndrome somehow, something I'd listen in the radio or something


But her.. cover. It is actually pretty good! Just weird to hear her sing a country (am I right?) music


Carter's winning WELP and he is singing a popular song sooo yeah, it matters now on who the 2nd-5th places are

The original is not country, but the Dixie Chicks’s version (which is probably more famous) is. I’m assuming she is going to sing the original.

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3 minutes ago, Daillon said:

The original is not country, but the Dixie Chicks’s version (which is probably more famous) is. I’m assuming she is going to sing the original.

Are you joking? You think the (Dixie) Chicks cover is more well-known than the FM original? That’s blasphemy (and very wrong).

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From what I heard so far in the recordings Here is my final 5 Prediction:



5- Desz. (4TH place at best!)



She either got sabotaged with these song selections or she really just don,t want that horrible contract with Republic lol.


Landslide is a great song to sing if you want to win. However, the arrangement of the song is not good for her and won't help her clinch the W. I don't know who chose her that song for her but congratz on taking her out of the competition


I'm personally not feeling her orignal song ''Holy Ground''. I fear it sounds like some generic (trying to be modern) gospel sounding track I heard thousand of times before and I don't think it would do well on the charts, unless Desz being really popular. I really hope she can deliver some BeastMode vocals Live on that song so that she can make this song better then it does now (which I expect her to)


If she REALLY REALLY REALLY delivers vocally, she can maybe get past 5th place, but I think its extremely unlikely to happen 


Chances to win: no chance



4- John Holiday ( 3RD PLACE at best!)



Based on the song choices think he'll definitively beat Desz but  won't  stand a chance against either the 2 country boys or the Prodigy child!



Of all the songs, he uses one of the most oversung songs in coverS history lol. Did not like the first half of the song, but he delivered beautiful vocals and notes by the end of it. However, I dont think that ''Halo'' is however the ticket that can bring him the W.


The title of his song ''Where Do We go''  fits what I tought of that song honestly. I didn't expect his original song to be ''poppy'' and im not sure thats the direction he should chose for his georgeous voice honestly. I would chose to stay to my lane and try to find a way to revive Jazz to make it modern again. Love the end of the song and he got ranges FOR DAYS!!!!!


He's one of my 2 remaining last artists and hope he can clinch the win ''which he won't''. I don't think he can beat both country boys (maybe Ian) but he definitively is not near beating Carter anytime.


Chances to win: No chance



3- Ian Flanagan (3RD AT BEST)


For me, HE has the best male voice in the competition, We won't hear a husky low voice like his  anywhere or anytime soon. I tought he stood a chance of winning the whole show, even when he had to fight for his life at the Instant Save. My opinion changed after listening to his song choices.3rd  place is the best he can be with these boring song choices.



This was the first time I ever listened to this song named ''in color'' and I hope it is the last time I ever do honestly. He sounds great as always and does on ANY song. However this song is such a snooze festival from the first note to the end. Personally hated the song choice. Easily the worst song choice of the night.


I like his original song a lot more and can feel his emotions to the song. I personally like the song but don't think the others will think the same way I do for this song.  I could listen to this song anyday honestly. However it is definitively not the ticket that brings the W for him.



I hope he gets a career after the show cuz this voice deserves to be heard in the whole world. However I know for a fact he does not have the songs needed to clinch the W this season of the voice


Chances to win: 5 PERCENT


2- Jim Ranger (1ST AT BEST)


Been a fan of him since his Blind audition and still am. I think him and Carter are the only ones who have what it takes to win after listening to their song choices. And I am very pleasingly surprised by his song choices


''A little help from my friends'' WHAT A TUNE!!!!!! NOW THATS HOW YOU CHOSE A SONG THAT MAKES SENSE FOR A FINALE!!! I am on fire after listening to it!!!!!! If he delivers this song vocally exactly OR better then in the semis, I think he can be the winner of the Voice S19!!!! The first and only time I got excited by someone's song choice in the Finale


His original song is 1 word: Beautiful. I'm however not sure that this song could do well in the charts but I like it. Love the lyrics of that song. I did exppect however a pastor to at least sing a original christian song in the finale.


I think next to Prodigy child, he has the next best chances to win this show. However I dont think overall, he has nearly enough to detrone Carter's position in the show. CMON JIM, WIN THIS SHOW FOR MEH!!!


Chances to win: 10 PERCENT



1- Carter ( 2ND AT WORST)



Lets be honest here. We all know he was set to bring Gwen Stefani her first win after the TOP 17 live shows. He has been consistently great on every single performance since the start of the competition and clinching 1st place on EVERY SINGLE POLL that I ever checked for this season.


The Climb: I felt bad for Desz after hearing this song cuz now I feel she got even more sabotaged by the arrangement of her cover song. The arrangement of Carter's song is FANTASTIC! This song alone should be enouggh to clinch that win! All he have to do is deliver it vocally and not underperform and he should be fine.


His original song ''Up from here'' is easily the best original song of the bunch, and has the best chance to perform in the charts.



Lets be honest, This finale is only his to lose lol. None of the other finalist have nearly a ounce of chance to win this season! CONGRATZ ON THE W CARTER AND GWEN!!!!!!!


Chances to win: 90 PERCENT!





Edited by WillisCurtis96
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”In Color” is a great song. People who like country music will eat that up if he delivers. I haven’t listened to Ian’s yet, his version could very well be a snooze fest, but the original? Absolutely not. I actually think it’s the best song choice out of all of them. 

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I haven't participated on the forums in several seasons but wanted to pop in! I'm only sad and surprised due to all the reactions. I thought John would win this season from the start but it appears it will be Carter? I will say Carter definitely had the best performance last week and it kind of makes me sad cause I have had the winner chosen correctly practically from the start every season since season 9 so my streak is coming to an end. Tho maybe I should have watched this season closer. Carter is very talented.


Also I love John but I prefer Jordan's cover of Halo.

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21 minutes ago, AngelaKD said:

Are you joking? You think the (Dixie) Chicks cover is more well-known than the FM original? That’s blasphemy (and very wrong).

My bad. For some reason I thought DC’s had more views on YT. I vastly prefer the original so I’m happy to be wrong.

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12 minutes ago, Daillon said:

My bad. For some reason I thought DC’s had more views on YT. I vastly prefer the original so I’m happy to be wrong.

I don’t consider YT views for songs that came out before YT originated. They don’t necessarily reflect the popularity of the song in its time.


FM is the definitive Landslide. The DC cover did well for them, but it’s not nearly as iconic.

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42 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:

”In Color” is a great song. People who like country music will eat that up if he delivers. I haven’t listened to Ian’s yet, his version could very well be a snooze fest, but the original? Absolutely not. I actually think it’s the best song choice out of all of them. 

I just listened to Ian’s version. He didn’t pull it off. 

Skip his, and listen to this one. 


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Wow Jim's original song is one of the best I've ever heard on the voice!

Also I disagree, in my opinion Ian does a wonderful cover of In Color, it's not as good as the original duh, but I think he did good!


Wow... Did Carter cowrite his original? It's also really good! I'd be impressed if he did.

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3 hours ago, French20 said:


listen to you then, let's ask NBC to cancel ALL the performances tonight, and announce Carter winning without people's votes, it will save money for NBC


just, let's wait for the performances that can change everything until the last moment 

I agree with you, but I fear after hearing the song choices, I think it solidified what I tought... The Voice is setting Carter to win this season, clinching Gwen's first Ever win of The Voice 19.


Jim is however the dark horse that can snatch up that win!!!!! CMON JIM!


And The Voice did dirty on Desz in my opinion... Kelly did a great job with her until this finale 😩

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1 minute ago, seak05 said:

The production on Carter's song is really radio ready, not a surprise considering it's produced by Justin Tranter. Same with Jim's and again not a surprise since it's a Ross Copperman. 

Is Julia Michaels on Carter’s song? I know Justin and her work together a lot. And that both Maddie Poppe and Brynn Cartelli’s coronation songs were produced by the duo if I remember right

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