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Top 4 who will go home


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I think Chayce is a lock to make it because hes the last WGWG standing.


Between the other 3, I can make a solid case for it being any one of them. However, Im going to unfortunately go with Casey because she is the most niche compared to Grace and Willie.

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  • aaronjudge changed the title to Top 4 who will go home

I’ve predicted a Willie, Grace, and Chayce final 3 since the audition rounds were over but Casey seems to still be building momentum, so it’s gonna be a close call. I wouldn’t be shocked to see any of them go, honestly. It’s that close of a race. 

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According to the betting odds in Vegas which seem odd to put Chayce as last but the odds are


11-1 Willie


13-1 Grace


17-1 Casey


20-1 Chayce


Now these odds are really close but the top 2 in betting odds all season has been Willie then Grace,


This is why i say now that Willie has it in the bag and even more with the Caleb thing. If American idol even says anything about why Caleb was voted off Willie will reap the rewards.

Edited by aaronjudge
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4 hours ago, aaronjudge said:

According to the betting odds in Vegas which seem odd to put Chayce as last but the odds are


11-1 Willie


13-1 Grace


17-1 Casey


20-1 Chayce


Now these odds are really close but the top 2 in betting odds all season has been Willie then Grace,


This is why i say now that Willie has it in the bag and even more with the Caleb thing. If American idol even says anything about why Caleb was voted off Willie will reap the rewards.

I would be thrilled with this!!!!

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10 hours ago, aaronjudge said:

I doubt the only WGWG goes home lol i also doubt now with the Caleb thing that Willie goes home so i now say it will be 1 of the 2 girls.

that could back fire on Willie easily, Caleb's fan's could vote Chayce. 

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Because the voting is live. It comes down to who has the most dedicated fan base. My mom watches the show, but she still doesn’t understand how to text in a vote after I showed her. She is like “but that’s not a complete phone number” 🤣 she’s 56. So it might be harder for older people to vote. No one is a lock. After watching nearly every season, and after what happened to Chris in season 5. It could be anyone. No one is safe. 

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I could see placement of the order could matter. I think going 1st last week helped Casey a lot. People vote in real time so if you lead off the show with a bang you get the boost right away. How many people go back and change there vote. I can't see Chayce going home. I wish he would but he is already in the top of the country chart and people vote right away for there favs no matter what. So placement might matter for 1 person who opens the show and kills it.

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