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Now this is a response I'm more familiar with.

For what its worth, I don't agree with this excessive force here either. If people want to gather in DC for a peaceful protest by all means they should be able to do so. This would have been a much more appropriate response earlier today when security was breached at the Capitol building.

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4 minutes ago, psterina said:

Here we go ... news, coming out ...


"A retired military officer told The Washington Times that the firm XRVision used its software to do facial recognition of protesters and matched two Philadelphia antifa members to two men inside the Senate."


Full Article:













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Interesting question - how did Pence have authority to lead the National Guard? 


Oh god, should have seen this coming. No, it wasn't Antifa. It was Trump supporters. And no amount of Trump supporting twitter accounts will change that. 


Edited by mercfan3
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1 minute ago, ButterflyEffect said:

In Germany, the Nazi's had the Jews.

In the USA, the MAGA's have ANTIFA.

Why are we still listening to Lin Wood, didn't they just go off on an insane Twitter rant about videos of people making others rape and kill children on video?


Lin Wood, is an expert at defamation law. Do you honestly think, that he would post that, if it WEREN'T true? Why, would he do that?  And why, haven't J Roberts, and Mike Pence, disputed this? Why haven't they tried to sue Lin Wood?


In 2017, President Trump, signed an Executive Order, to deal with  Human Trafficking. It's one of the main reasons, that he ran for president, to begin with. There is A LOT, that people, don't know. I've tried to tell you, without, coming out and saying it


I truly wish, that it was just an insane rant. I really, really do. I guarantee you ....  it is not. I told you all, that things would come out, that are at the very least .... shocking. 

J Epstein, apparently had video cameras set up EVERYWHERE, on his island. . There's videos of so many politicians, royalty, celebrities, media. And, guess who has them?

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4 hours ago, psterina said:


Yeah ... it didn't make sense, after all of the rally's and other protests, that were so peaceful.

Now, it does. I'm glad, that the truth, came out quickly



More videos. Trump supporters trying to stop Antifa from breaking a window outside the Capitol.


And protecting the police --


Look at how violent they are!




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yeah this is a Trump base thnig. I mean look at how many people hated obama they would even havr racist signs, but no groups actually tried to storm the white house when he won or got re-elected. this only happned cause of the things trump has said in the past 4 years. 

Edited by bswanson
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Lol. unbelievable. 


This was a Proud Boys (Trump supporter - wholly supported, encouraged, and incited by Trump) thing, that everyone was well aware was going to happen. Pelosi and the mayor of DC requested the National Guard in the morning. This is fully in line with Trump supporter behavior. Remember the Tiki torches? 


Enough. Seriously. Wake up. I'm done being even a little bit kind to delusions. 

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12 minutes ago, ButterflyEffect said:

Somehow lost in all the insanity, I missed that Lin Wood called for the execution of Mike Pence.

I also see that they're still doing it on Parler.


Totally levelheaded attorney. Definitely not suffering from some serious mental issues...

Edited by Smoochy
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1 hour ago, Smoochy said:

Totally levelheaded attorney. Definitely not suffering from some serious mental issues...l

If Trump were holding out a last bit of hope that this person could find a way to save his presidency.....well, lets just say it might be wise for Trump to begin packing his bags. 

EDIT: Look at all this law & order, and respect for those "blue lives", which supposedly matter


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It's interesting how 12 hours and a mere number of pages ago, the people who stormed the Capitol were within their rights to be in the peoples' house, they had every reason to be protesting a stolen election, and besides they weren't even breaking anything.


Now? Antifa. All fake. 

Edited by RWG
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The beginning of the Trump riot as rioters break through the fence barrier and shove a police officer to the ground.

At 14:50 Trump rioters break through the police barrier.

At 2:19:45 a Trump rioter says "Start making a list. Put all those names down and we start hunting them down one by one. (Inaudible) Every single one of them. Listen. Every news broadcaster, freaking tech giant google”

Trump rioters breaking and entering the building while yelling "Kill'em, Kill'em, Kill'em.” 

Rioters attempt to break into the capital chamber floor. 

Rioters call for the hanging of Mike Pence.

Rioters refuse to leave premises on grounds of trespassing.

Rioters breaking barricades and shoving police.

Republican Senator Todd Young pleading with rioters to follow the law.

Rioters attempting to smash through doors with stolen barricades before being tear-gassed.

Resistance to the police for trying to contain the riot inside and outside capital hill. 

House of representatives forced into recess due to a riot.

Rioter inside the building holding a Confederate flag.

A mob of Trump rioters attacking and destroying the camera equipment of media. 

Rioters held at gunpoint by the national guard.

Police shoved rioters. Police become aggressive. Rioter shoves back.

Police prevent man from climbing wall. Rioter falls.

US lawmakers evacuated.

Replacing the American flag with the Trump flag.

Trump rioter yells "We will freaking kill you.”

Trump rioter shot for refusing to stop trespassing further. Rioter dies.

Rioters attack police. They hit the police with sticks and bats, throws a sledgehammer at them, throws boxes and tear gas at them too.

Rioters throw tear gas at police.

Police and rioters beat each other and spray each other with pepper spray.

Fights break out between police and rioters in the capital building.

Trump supporter pepper sprays police, no retaliation.


From Reddit. I tried embedding it all separately but it was so much that it was crashing my computer!

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14 hours ago, ButterflyEffect said:

People seem to always have a tenuous grasp on this idea of freedom of speech. You can personally say whatever the hell you want, but you aren't entitled to use someone elses platform to do it.

I think the problem people struggle with is that if you're going to police someone's words, you better do it across the board or you come across as carrying water for one side. Unless you're willing to do that, you're better off letting it be an open platform and let folks do their own research. 

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14 hours ago, sneaky said:

These riots have nothing to do with quality of life suffering for Americans or systemic American problems though These are little b--- fits because someone idolized a human being too much and cant let go. Middle school behavior. No empathy from me.

You don't know that though. Did you go into the crowd and take a survey? I'm not defending the behavior, but this whole thing where we lump thousands of people together as all having the same belief system, the same motivations, and equating them with over 74 million of your fellow Americans is irresponsible. It's not JUST about claims of election fraud. 

14 hours ago, JC said:

I feel that some Republicans do not understand that Democrats have nothing against being a Republican and do not judge them for that at all. I get along with Republicans just fine, I actually agree economically with them more than the Dems.

However, supporting Trump is the thing that we just cannot condone or overlook. If you support him after all his antics and blatant disregard for humanity, you must be a horrendous person.

I think most reasonable folks, even on the right would describe themselves as ~sometimes Trumpers, as you have the MAGA folks and then the never-Trumpers. They would probably readily admit to you they don't agree with 100% of the statements, actions/behavior of the man, though they believe the policy in general to be sound. However, when you attack anyone's character as harshly as you do here (and it's not just folks like you), of course people are going to become dug in and revert to their respective ~sides. You don't need to be a psychology major to understand that. 

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13 minutes ago, Drew said:

You don't know that though. Did you go into the crowd and take a survey? I'm not defending the behavior, but this whole thing where we lump thousands of people together as all having the same belief system, the same motivations, and equating them with over 74 million of your fellow Americans is irresponsible. It's not JUST about claims of election fraud. 

I think most reasonable folks, even on the right would describe themselves as ~sometimes Trumpers, as you have the MAGA folks and then the never-Trumpers. They would probably readily admit to you they don't agree with 100% of the statements, actions/behavior of the man, though they believe the policy in general to be sound. However, when you attack anyone's character as harshly as you do here (and it's not just folks like you), of course people are going to become dug in and revert to their respective ~sides. You don't need to be a psychology major to understand that. 

Yeah, even though I generally don’t like the guy, and don’t even believe he’s a conservative, he did support a sound, conservative agenda. It was either that, or Biden + the most liberal member of the US Senate. A lot of people held their noses to vote for Biden too. 

Having said that, I believe the man is nuts, and cost himself a lot of votes with his actions and statements. I also think he’s responsible for the GOP losing both Georgia Senate races. I wish he would just go away at this point. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen, and every mainstream media outlet will continue to give him a platform. 

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