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The Voice 17 ● The Live Playoffs Top 20 ● Discussion


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Joana - solid but unremarkable

Kyndal - solid (minus that one note) but needs to get over those nerves because they were clearly impacting her

Myracle - started off really good and then sounded sick/like she was losing her voice which made her sound strained

Rose - she can sing but that song was meh and there were some messy parts


Jake - why (it wasn't actually that terrible but not that good either)

Edited by Koatterce
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Did you just say I didn't miss much? Just checking. :icecream:


Besides the fact that there have been a lot of bad performances, nobody has been “entertaining.” None of these people know how to perform live.

Edited by TeamAudra
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Team Gwen was MUCH better than Team Blake. Don't agree with all of the song choice (especially Rose's), but there were 5 good to great vocals overall.


!. Myracle - Best of the night for me (Kat is 2nd so far).

2. Joana, Kyndal Jake - Would be difficult to separate these 3. All three can sing really well, and tonight showed that. Probably all 3 deserve to go through, but we'll have to see. Tough choice ahead for Gwen.

3. Rose -- Again, she'll need a save from Gwen. But I think everyone knows she can SANG.

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