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Rank Team Niall Post Blinds (S23)


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God tier

1. Ryley Tate Wilson



2. Kala Banham

3. Kate Cosentino



4. Gina Miles


Wish I liked it more

5. Talia Smith

6. Tiana Goss


Some good parts, but overall not for me

7. Ross Clayton

8. Laura Littleton



9. Jerome Godwin

10. Michael B

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Pre-spoilers, I wasn´t feeling this team. But this could have a killer Top 2 if things work.


What are they feeding these kids?

1. Gina

2. Ryley

Took me a bit to "get" her, but I´m in

3. Kate

Not my thing, but they´re good.

4. Kala

5. Laura


6. Ross

7. Talia

8. Tiana

Not a good first impression, gotta see more

9. Michael B.

10. Jerome

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1. Ryley Tate Wilson

Emotive and technically great vocal. Tasteful runs.


2. Kala Banham

Unique tone and great vocal control, especially on lower register and falsetto.



Very good

3. Kate consentino

All around solid, effortless, vocal


4. Laura Littleton

Unique voice and arrangement of song


5. Gina Miles

Unique voice




6. Jerome

Nice low notes


7. Ross

Nice rasp


8. Tiana

Pleasant tone



Need some work, but there's potential.

9. Talia

Pitchy high notes at points, but has some range

10. Michael B

Pitchy around the beginning, but Nice tone

Edited by Hsamid
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8 minutes ago, QueenCami said:

jerome in the bottom three of every list but one 😭😭😭

Lol now that I'm thinking about it more i might put him at 8th. But him, Ross and Tiana are pretty interchangeable to me.

Edited by Hsamid
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Spectacular interpretation

1. Ryley Tate Wilson


Cool gals

2. Kate Cosentino

3. Gina Miles


It’s not her, it’s the arrangement

4. Kala Banham


Pretty decent

5. Talia Smith

6. Ross Clayton

7. Michael B.


Not exactly bad, but…

8. Laura Littleton

9. Jerome Godwin


Less issues than those above, but nothing stood out about this at all

10. Tiana Goss

Edited by FloorWax
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