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Who Was Your Pick To Win Out of the Finale Contenders? (Seasons 1-3)


Who Was Your Pick To Win Out of the Finale Contenders? (Seasons 1-3)  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Was Your Pick To Win Out of the Season 1 Finale Contenders?

    • Javier Colon
    • Dia Frampton
    • Vicci Martinez
    • Beverly McClellan
  2. 2. Who Was Your Pick To Win Out of the Season 2 Finale Contenders?

    • Jermaine Paul
    • Juliet Simms
    • Tony Lucca
    • Chris Mann
  3. 3. Who Was Your Pick To Win Out of the Season 3 Finale Contenders?

    • Cassadee Pope
    • Terry McDermott
    • Nicholas David

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I do not know enough of S1 to answer, but I would say Juliet and Cass from S2 & S3. I love Juliet and Cass is good but after watching S3 performances I can safely say I prefer Amanda and Melanie over her.

Edited by Daillon
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Season 1 is Javier, by far. His voice is just gorgeous. I'd give an honorary mention to Vicci, though. I just like her.


Season 2 is Juliet. Not even close.


Season 3, I voted for Terry. I have a soft spot for hard/classic rock singers on these kinds of shows, and I really, really loved his voice on every song he did. But I also have to say that my snowflakes that season, Trevin Hunte and Amanda Brown, were already voted off by that point. Otherwise, I would have rooted for them.

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Started watching since season 5, but got familiar with the earlier seasons recently. Didn´t see enough of 1, but I would have given the S2 to Juliet (also, I don´t think Jermaine is nearly as bad as IDF says, he´s a very competent vocalist), and the S3 win to Nicholas, who was an engaging and creative artist. I enjoyed Terry as well as I´m a big rock fan, but some of his covers didn´t do it for me.

Edited by Misirlou
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Season 1 and 2 I didn't watch, but based on overall runs and finale performances. Dia and Juliet would have been my winners. Javier deserved his win though, Jermaine ROBBED Juliet.


Season 3 it was a no brainer on the finalists. Cassadee had a bad solo, but her Reprise of "Over You" and just her overall run put her over the top. Especially when you see the other two contenders :whut:

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Season 1, wanted Dia, knew Javier had it.


Season 2, rooted for Jermaine, liked Chris more. Didn't care who won.


Season 3, Cassadee all the way, although she had to earn it and grow week by week in the lives. Something that wouldn't happen now with three rounds of lives, one of them being the playoffs.

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