I decided that I've had enough of The Voice. It's just hard to care when the show doesn't care. Blood baths, Twitter saves, blocks, less performances, less studio recordings... I think the three-week lives last season (for the third straight season) was the final straw.
I had a few incomplete seasons on my DVR and just deleted them. For some reason, my DVR stopped recording this season, and I think it was a sign.
I didn't want to watch the rest of the season where Adam got destroyed (although that would've been really funny) and it made him quit, and Blake took three undeserving country stars to the finale. When I first heard about the cross battles, I knew exactly how it would turn out in regard to Blake and Adam's terms. How did the show runners not know?
I didn't want to watch Jake Hoot win it all either.
Don't know if I'll have anything more to contribute to IDF if I'm not watching anymore.