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Rank the Top 20/21


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Aliana Jester
Arthur Gunn
Cyniah Elise
Dewayne Crocker Jr.
Dillon James
Faith Becnel
Francisco Martin
Franklin Boone
Grace Leer
Jonny West
Jovin Webb
Julia Gargano
Kimmy Gabriella
Lauren Mascitti
Lauren Spencer-Smith
Louis Knight
Makayla Phillips
Nick Merico
Olivia Ximines
Samantha Diaz (Just Sam)
Sophia Wackerman





I'm surprised there isn't one of these yet...

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1) Samantha Diaz

2) Francisco Martin

3) Julia Gargano

4) Makyla Phillips

5) Lauren Spencer Smith





7) Grace Leer

8 ) Sophia Wackerman

9) Kimmy Gabriella

10) Dillon James




11) Cyniah Elise 

12) Olivia Ximines

13) Jonny West

14) Lauren Mascitti

15) Nick Merico


FOURTH TIER aka you're forgettable


16) Jovin Webb

17) Aliana Jester

18) DeWayne Crocker Jr.

19) Franklin Boone (I spent so long trying to figuring out that he is missing)




20) Faith Becnel

21) Arthur Gunn (I'm sorry, but his fan base is ABSOLUTELY AWFUL!!!)


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TIER 1- Amazing
1. Sam Diaz
2. Cyniah Elise
3. Sophia Wackerman
4. Kimmy Gabriela


TIER 2- Great
5. Dillon James
6. Arthur Gunn
7. Makayla Phillips
8. Julia Garagano
9. Francisco Martin


TIER 3- Passable
10. Jonny West
11. Jovin Webb
12. DeWayne Crocker Jr. 
13. Lauren Spencer Smith
14. Olivia Ximmines


TIER 4- Not Good Enough
15. Franklin Boone
16. Louis Knight
17. Aliana Jester
18. Faith Becnel
19. Nick Merico


Didnt Include Grace or Lauren because they arent confirmed.

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Samantha Diaz (Just Sam)
Makayla Phillips
Francisco Martin

Kimmy Gabriella
Louis Knight
Grace Leer
Cyniah Elise
Sophia Wackerman

Julia Gargano

Dillon James

Olivia Ximines
Lauren Mascitti
Jonny West
Dewayne Crocker Jr.
Lauren Spencer-Smith

Arthur Gunn
Franklin Boone

Jovin Webb


Nick Merico

Aliana Jester
Faith Becnel

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Lauren Spencer


Lauren M




















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1. Olivia 

2. Makayla

3. Sam

4. Francisco

5. Lauren SS

6. Jonny

7. Sophia

8. Julia

9. Kimmy

10. Dewayne

11. Jovin


12. Arthur

13. Cyniah

14. Grace

15. Dillon

16.  Louis


17. Faith

18. Franklin

19. Aliana

20. Lauren M.

21. Nick

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01. Makayla Phillips

02. Jonny West

03. Arthur Gunn

04. Olivia Ximinez

05. Grace Leer

06. Aliana Jester

07. Kimmy Gabriella

08. Dewayne Crocker Jr.

09. Sam Diaz

10. Francisco Martin

11. Cyniah Elise

12. Sophia Wackerman

13. Julia Gargano

14. Dillon James

15. Jovin Webb

16. Lauren Miscitti

17. Faith Becnal

18. Lauren Spencer Smith

19. Franklin Boone

20. Louis Knight

21. Nick Merico

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Just now, Elliott said:

ugh she was done so dirty 

Don’t remind me! 😤

and also Michael. He had a few performances that I remember watching on repeat at one point. 😂

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Hi Guys! The talent this season is mind blowing! I'm more active on the Voice Forums, but I wanted to meet all of you guys too

1. Francisco Martin

2. Makayla Phillips

3. Just Sam

4. Jovin Webb

5. Cyniah Elise

6. Grace Leer

7. Olivia Ximines

8. Julia Gargano

9. Louis Knight

10. Kimmy Gabriella

11. Sophia Wackerman

12. Lauren Spencer Smith

13. Lauren Mascitti

14. Arthur Gunn

15. DeWayne Crocker Jr.

16. Dillon James

17. Nick Merico

18. Jonny West

19. Aliana Jester

20. Faith Becnel

21. Franklin Boone

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S-TIER  •  A-TIER  •  B-TIER  •  C-TIER  •  D-TIER  •  F-TIER

  1. Samantha Diaz/Just Sam
  2. Jovin Webb
  3. Arthur Gunn
  4. Cyniah Elise
  5. Dillon James
  6. Francisco Martin
  7. Makayla Phillips
  8. Franklin Boone
  9. Jonny West
  10. Sophia Wackerman
  11. Julia Gargano
  12. Lauren Spencer-Smith
  13. Kimmy Gabriela
  14. Lauren Mascitti/Grace Leer
  15. Aliana Jester
  16. DeWayne Croker, Jr.
  17. Louis Knight
  18. Olivia Ximines
  19. Faith Becnel
  20. Nick Merico

Honestly, the only one who I strongly dislike is Nick Merico. Out of the Top 40, I think literally every single person who was eliminated deserved to make it farther (especially Shannon Gibbons, Amber Fiedler, and Jordan Jones). His body of work is weak, but his Hawaii performance was especially weak; he dodged every single one of the challenging notes and didn't do well with the notes that he DID choose to hit.

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From audition round to the showcase round, my consistent top 3 are 

1. Samantha Diaz (Just Sam)

2. Dillon James

3. Francisco Martin


I'm still not sure about the rest tbh.

Arthur Gunn
Sophia Wackerman

Jonny West
Jovin Webb

Kimmy Gabriella
Cyniah Elise
Dewayne Crocker Jr.
Lauren Spencer-Smith
Louis Knight

Makayla Phillips
Faith Becnel
Aliana Jester
Franklin Boone
Grace Leer
Julia Gargano
Lauren Mascitti
Nick Merico
Olivia Ximines


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Tier 1 - Potential Winners - Female:

1. Grace Leer

2. Just Sam

3. Julia Gregano

4. Lauren Spencer Smith 

5. Sophia Wackerman


Tier 1 - Potential Winners - Male

1. Arthur Gunn 

2. Johnny West

3. Dillion James 

4. Jovin Webb

5. Fransico 

Tier 2 - potential top 10 fillers 

1. Olivia 

2. Nick Merrico 

3. Loius knight 

4. Dwayne Crocker jr 

5. Franklin Boone



1. Faith 

2. Aliena

3. Kimmy

4. Lauren M 




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Rooting for them :❤️

Arthur Gunn - He's the entire package, seems like a very genuine dude with a lot of talent and artistry. When he first opened his mouth to sing during the auditions, I knew he would be someone I'd like, his voice is great, and then he sang 'Have you ever seen the rain' trying desperately to keep his eyes open and I knew I woud be a fan for life, simply because this man communicates so much joy through his singing, he's memorable and so darn endearing, as I said before the entire package. 


Jovin Webb - Everything about this guy is perfect; His audition is nothing less than stellar, it reminds me why I keep watching Idol each year, and it's so I could discover gems like him, his song choices throughout the rounds were exactly the music I listen to, his voice is beauuutiful and I think it's fair to say that I'll continue to enjoy each one of his performances, he picks the right songs and has the kind of voice that makes me melt.


Grace Leer - She embodies the kind of country music that is timeless and has a great voice, plus she nailed Mama's Broken Heart, what's not to love?


Jonny West - I always forget how much I like Jonny's actual voice until he opens his voice and I'm reminded that there is so much talent this season; He's got a little edge though over his competition because his originals are so freaking good, I really hope that he gets signed either way and he becomes a little star, he also seems like a good kid. He's got two winners with his original during the auditions and again with Moment, which says a lot about how much talent he's got,  it wasn't a fluke the first time, and I'm looking forward to hearing more from him.


Makayla Phillips - How come she's only 17, this little Ariana/Jessie J mini version could go on to do great things, singing seems to come so naturally to her. I actually love her singing 'Cuz I love you and Sorry Not Sorry which shows that she's not only a powerhouse but can go on to become a little pop princess with the right songs and right support from a good label.


Sophia Wackerman - I honestly feel like she's got the best female voice in the competition, but Hawaii was the first time I truly connected with her and felt like she's given a memorable performance and I hope she keeps doing just that.


Dillon James

Lauren Mascitti


Very talented, I enjoy their performances :👍
Cyniah Elise - Great singer, Hollywood round during the duets turned me off her a little, especially since after all the fuss, Makayla sang better than her, although she was great too..

Julia Gargano - Same as Kimmy but I do enjoy her voice more.

Lauren Spencer-Smith

Kimmy Gabriella - 100% agree with Kary, never remember her perfomances or what she sang but I do know that I like her voice.

Dewayne Crocker Jr.


I acknowledge their talent but I don't like them 😕

Olivia Ximines 

Francisco Martin

Samantha Diaz (Just Sam) 


Don't understand the appeal:

Aliana Jester

Franklin Boone

Faith Becnel

Louis Knight



Nick Merico


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Here’s how I ranked the Top 21, using a combination of personal liking and how I think the voting will go:


1.  Just Sam — my favorite, especially after she sang “Como La Flor”.

2.  Cyniah — she’s the type of female singer I often vote for:  big voice.

3.  Olivia — this is more personal liking but she brings something different from the other teenage girls, and that is dance skills.

4.  Arthur — he’ll be in the Top 10, no question.

5.  Sophia — I have Asperger’s Syndrome, so I can relate to her brother and his struggles with Fragile-X Syndrome.

6.  Grace — I think she’ll get in over Lauren Mascitti, so I’m putting her here.

7.  Francisco — I like him more than Louis.

8.  Jovin — he’s excellent.

9.  Kimmy — I just like her more than the other teenage divas, that’s all.
10.  Julia — she’s very good and I think she’ll make the Top 10

11.  Lauren Spencer-Smith:  I like her more than Makayla, that’s all.

12.  Makayla — she’s very good, but she’s my least favorite of the teenage divas.

13.  Dillon — he’ll make the Top 10 over three other teenage divas.

14.  Aliana — I felt for her given her struggle with a mom who probably got into some cult and rejected her as a result.

15.  Lauren Mascitti — she’s still very good.

16.  Franklin — I like him but he won’t get to the Top 10.

17.  Jonny — he’s just not as good as most of the others.

18.  Louis  — sadly, his star has been falling.

19.  DeWayne:  just forgettable.

20.  Faith — the weakest of the girls.

21.  Nick — he’s a bit too cocky.

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1. Kimmy Gabriella
2. Cyniah Elise
3. Olivia Ximines
4. Dewayne Crocker Jr.
5. Jovin Webb
6. Sophia Wackerman
7. Grace Leer
8. Nick Merico
9. Samantha Diaz (Just Sam)
10. Lauren Mascitti
11. Julia Gargano
12. Aliana Jester
13. Makayla Phillips
14. Lauren Spencer-Smith
15. Franklin Boone
16. Francisco Martin
17. Jonny West
18. Arthur Gunn
19. Dillon James
20. Faith Becnel
21. Louis Knight

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1. Louis Knight

2. Julia Gargano

3. Francisco Martin

4. Nick Merico

5. Lauren Spencer-Smith

6. Sophia Wackerman 

7. Johnny West

8. Arthur Gunn

9. Samantha Diaz “Just Sam”

10. Grace Leer

11. Lauren Mascitti 

12. Olivia Ximines

13. Makayla Phillips

14. Kimmy Gabriell
15. Jovin Webb

16. Dillon James
17. Dewayne Crocker Jr.

18. Franklin Boone

19.  Cyniah Elise
12. Aliana Jester
20. Faith Becnel

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  1. Louis Knight
  2. Francisco Martin
  3. Nick Merico
  4. Jovin Webb
  5. Jonny West
  6. Makayla Phillips
  7. Just Sam
  8. Franklin Boone
  9. Sophia James
  10. Cyniah Elise
  11. Faith Becnel
  12. Dillon James
  13. DeWayne Crocker, Jr.
  14. Lauren Spencer-Smith
  15. Grace Leer
  16. Olivia Ximines
  17. Kimmy Gabriela
  18. Lauren Mascetti
  19. Alania Jester
  20. Arthur Gunn
  21. Julia Gargano

That was harder than I expected because I went "who?" to half of them. :dead: 

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1. Nick Merico

2. Louis Knight

3. Lauren Mascitti

4. Makayla Phillips

5. Julia Gargano

6. Grace Leer

7. Francisco Martin

8. Arthur Gunn

9. Dillon James

10. Samantha Diaz (Just Sam)

11. Jonny West

12. Dewayne Crocker Jr.

13. Kimmy Gabriella

14. Olivia Ximines

15. Sophia Wackerman

16. Aliana Jester

17. Lauren Spencer-Smith

18. Cyniah Elise

19. Franklin Boone

20. Faith Becnel

21. Jovin Webb

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