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Rank the Top 20/21


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So much talent. Just WOW. With that said, I think that my list will change, as the season (as short as it is), moves forward. That is ….except for my Top 3 (they are a lock in)


Top 3

Julia Gargano -  If she isn't the full package, I don't know, what is  (great songwriter [those lyrics, and original melodies], velvet vocals, good piano player, confidence, gorgeous, funny  )

Just Sam - Lordy …. she gives the feels, great vocals, awesome performer

Dillon James - really, really like him. He's got a lot of depth, and talent


Really like them

Grace Leer - Great stage presence, great vocals, 

Arthur Gunn - Unique voice, very likeable, would like to hear something original, from him

Sophia James - A lot of talent, and presence, good vocals, songwriting

Johnny West - Good songwriting & vocals

Kimmy Gabriela -  Highly talented. Definitely will make it far this season


Talented, with lots of potential ...  in no particular order

Makayla Philliips

Lauren Spencer Smith

DeWayne Crocker Jr

Lauren Mascitti

Aliana Jester

Jovin Webb

Faith Becnel

Francisco Martin

Cyniah Elise

Louis Knight


Bottom 3

Olivia Ximenes - Great performer, but weak on vocals (and in a season, with so many great vocalists)

Franklin Boone - He's good. But … that's all

Nick Merico - He's Ok. 












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