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This is a common theme of my write ups recently. I used to watch this show, but I did not make it to the end. Castle originally aired on ABC. It honestly lasted way too many seasons. It stars Nathan Fillion as Rick Castle. Good role for him, but not his best. It also stars Stana Katic as Kate Beckett. The basic premise of the show was a writer follows around the police department. He was either friends with someone important or gave money to someone important. He used Kate as inspiration for the lead character in a book series. How did they justify him sticking around for so long? I have no idea. It did happen. Nathan and Stana worked very well together. They were one of the tv couples that took an absurd amount of time to get together. 

Saving, the best season of AHS, Asylum 

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I pretty much picked this at random while saving Game of Thrones for the second time in a row lol. God I know that show fell off the rails but the first four seasons alone are better than half the sh*t still in this game! I've never heard of Star so sorry if it has any fans here, but time to learn about it I guess! Star is a musical drama series that aired on Fox. It's about three young singers who slowly become famous and deal with the consequences of becoming famous. It's created by Lee Daniels who also created Empire and this show sounds kinda similar to Empire lol. I guess he just got bored? The main character's name is Star LOL. She was an orphan in and out of a sh*tty foster care system until she meets Alexandra Crane who helps her become a star I guess. Oh I see Queen Latifah in the trailer! Good for her! It looks like she has a sister too who sings as well and she helps save her. A bunch of characters come together in Atlanta to try to become stars. Oh Lenny Kravitz is in it too lol that's random. The girls attempt to work together but there is lots of #drama. There's rises and falls I'm sure and sometime they succeed and sometimes they don't. The series got cancelled after three seasons due to low ratings and poor reviews. It seems like one of those fun trashy dramas you can enjoy three glasses of wine in. Otherwise, I'm sure it's cringy. I've been refreshing the page and no one's asked me to change my cut so I'm locking it in!


Save Game of Thrones again

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Fringe is a science fiction show.  The show was partially created by J. J. Abrams, so thats pretty cool.  The show aired from Sept 2008 and went until January 2013.  That gave the show 5 episodes and exactly 100 episodes, that's a great accomplishment for any television show.  The show stars Anna Torv as Olivia Dunham an FBI agents.  The show isn't just another cop show though, so it sounds a little more interesting.  Other leading actors include: JOshua Jackson, John Noble, Lance Reddick, Jasika Nicole,  Blair Brown,  Kirk Acevedo, Mark Valley and Seth Gabel.  Sorry to any fans but its time is up... for now!


Save: 30 Rock

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