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Rank the Top 11


Rank the Top 11  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite contestant?

    • Ricky Duran
    • Kat Hammock
    • MaryBeth Byrd
    • Katie Kadan
    • Will Breman
    • Rose Short
    • Joana Martinez
    • Myracle Holloway
    • Jake Hoot
    • Hello Sunday
    • Shane Q
  2. 2. Least favorite contestant?

    • Ricky Duran
    • Kat Hammock
    • MaryBeth Byrd
    • Katie Kadan
    • Will Breman
    • Rose Short
    • Joana Martinez
    • Myracle Holloway
    • Jake Hoot
    • Hello Sunday
    • Shane Q
  3. 3. Who has the best odds to win?

    • Ricky Duran
    • Kat Hammock
    • MaryBeth Byrd
    • Katie Kadan
    • Will Breman
    • Rose Short
    • Joana Martinez
    • Myracle Holloway
    • Jake Hoot
    • Hello Sunday
    • Shane Q

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1. Rose Short - Love her! BWR is imo the performance of the season, and I am glad she has a shot at the finale!

2. Joana Martinez - Monday was not her night, but she did the best she could with an awful song choice.

3. Katie Kadan - I was very worried after her KO, but I am loving her last two performances.



4. Ricky Duran - I love his tone, but his last two performances, while vocally nice, were boring to me.

5. MaryBeth Byrd - I do agree she MIGHT have hit her peak, but I do think she could also show us more.

6. Will Breman - While he seems inconsistent, I liked his playoffs, KO, and blind quite a bit!

7. Myracle Holloway - I didn't like her pre-lives really (though what we heard of her KO she sounded solid), but I feel she was much better in the playoffs and top 13 (especially when given that song)



8. Hello Sunday - I don't hate them, but I just prefer Myla and am not a fan of Chelsea

9. Kat Hammock - I don't get the hype really. I usually like voices similar to hers, but I am not feeling it with Kat. Enjoyed her blind though!



10. Jake Hoot - Not bad vocally (probably higher if this was based solely on vocal abilities), but I just am not a fan of country artists like him.

11. Shane Q - I don't think I will need to say anything about this one since I am sure many people have him last as well lol.

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Still the holy trinity

1 - Katie Kadan

2 - Rose Short

3 - Marybeth Byrd


Still improved a lot

4. Myracle Holloway

5. Joana Martinez


Not my thing but I can kinda see the appeal

6. Kat Hammock

7. Will Breman

8. Ricky Duran

9. Hello Sunday


Overstayed their welcome for WAY too long

10. Jake Hoot

11. Shane Q

Edited by MatthewPalermo
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1. Rose Short - Love this woman! She didn't start out as my snowflake, but as of the lives, she's the only one I can depend on to deliver great performances each time. Big White Room is THE performance of the season.



2. Katie Kadan - She's obviously an outstanding vocalist, and she exudes endless personality, but I'm not a fan of her genre. I would like to hear more of the lower range she showed in her battle.


3. Will Breman - Okay. My biases are the only reason he's this high up, I agree he's very inconsistent, but he's such a joy to watch. I want to see a performance where he stays still, so he can focus on the vocals more.


4. Jake Hoot - One of the better country singers I've seen on the show. His knockout was amazing and he can surely sing live.



5. Ricky Duran - Constantly good, never really great. Best stage presence out of anybody, though.


6. Kat Hammock - Her voice just fills up the room, and she sounds angelic, even when she's off pitch.


7. Myracle Holloway - She's overhated here tbh. No bad performances as of yet.


8. Marybeth Byrd - She's good.



9. Joana Martinez - Talented for her age, but she doesn't show much of herself on stage.


10. Hello Sunday - Myla's screechy high notes hurt my ears. But she's still a better singer than Chelsea. I get their appeal, I just don't get how they got this far.


:x :x :x

11. His name shall not be mentioned. Possibly the most undeserving singer to make T12 since Tyke James



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Top 4 pls :wub:

1. Ricky

2. Rose Short

3-4 The Kats


5. Joana, I wish she got TCO treatment that MB had. So much potential.

6. Marybeth, good but overhyped, and she rarely lives up to the hype.

7. Will Breman, decent vocally, although sometimes his performance is 'uncomfortable' to watch.


8. Myracle, she hasn't given any bad performance, but none of her performances are memorable.

9. Jake Hoot, same with Myracle, but I put Myracle over him because I like Myracle's tone more.


They've enough of mean words said to them, so I don't need to say anything.

10. Hello Sunday

11. shane Q

Edited by Archanium
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11. temporary put her here cause she robbed my king. very monotone singing too. can’t control her voice on the lower register. always wobbly note at the end of verses.


10. a disgrace. look so awkward on stage and on camera (same with rank 11) and his manner seems off too ugh. also not a fan of his voice.


9. disgraces. dazzle me at the big number of followers on social media.


8. overrated. still can’t see what people see in her. been ranged from mediocre to bad since blind. seems fake too. her last performance is the the most cringey thing i’ve seen on television this year.


7. well she doesn’t have a big range, dose she? it’s really showing in her last performance. destroy one of my fave song. how can she allow to sing that song with the same approach of shout in every chorus.


6. his nervous face during the results put me off ugh and that scream after being called... no mannerism. and he proves me to be a mess. he is basically stuttering than singing at this point.


5. she’s kind of disappointed me. haven’t impressed since her knock out. when she got that big (overdone) song and a great spot to sing, i’m really really expected more.


4. fake as hell but she’s really killing it lately. ironically, her fake persona really entertain me. enjoy her live performances by far. her vocal cord won’t enjoy that tho


3. the kind of voice i would listen to everyday. but she will end up either get bored real soon or flop on an uptempo song in upcoming weeks. but she will be safe till semi finals


2. he is very genuine and funny. i like his physic. killer voice. smart song selection so far. people just can’t accept the fact that he will win and not their faves.


1. surprised he warms me up a lot after last performance. his tone is soooo rich. i now see what judges see in him. still think he should fix his nose.


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1. Katie - She has never disappointed me

2. Rose - I love her so much

3. Will - Still doing a great job for me

4. Myracle - She deserves better

5. Ricky - He's such a nice singer

6. Hello Sunday - Actually I started to like them

7. Jake - Not amazing, but still good

8. Joana - She's nice

9. Marybeth - She's overrated

10. Kat - Same as Marybeth

11. Shane - No words

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Snowflake #1

1. Will Breman


Other Snowflakes

2. Kat Hammock

3. Rose Short


Making the way up to snowflake territory

4. Myracle Holloway


Always solid, but she’s out of snowflake territory atm

5. Katie Kadan


Gaining interest

6. Hello Sunday


Slowly losing interest, but still a fan at the moment

7. Jake Hoot


Performances are hit or miss for my tastes but have the potential to be enjoyable to me

8. Joana Martinez

9. Ricky Duran



Good but highly overrated by IDF

10. Marybeth Byrd



He has potential but clearly isn’t ready yet.

11. Shane Q

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