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The Voice General Discussion Thread 🧵


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For Kelly's save order, DeSz is a clear #1, then the middle might get weird between Ryan, Madeline, and Cami. Madeline's got the advantage as the only original member who won both battles and KO and she improved greatly, Cami's super strong and more likely to give a stronger performance than either of the others imo, and Ryan's got the fanbase clearly. I think Tanner's dead last on her (and NBC's) list. For reasons.

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Ryan is clearly going to win this, but what’s he going to do, going forward? He’s already asking his fanbase whether he should sing rock or country next? The opera songs got him to where he is, but as has already been discussed, he’s probably not good enough to make a career as a professional opera singer. So, it makes sense to switch it up, but he’s also not as good with other genres. We’ll find out soon whether he’s a one trick pony (minivan will probably vote for him anyway, though).  

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4 minutes ago, Teraginn said:

That’s not as dramatic as Carter’s advantage was last night.  Ryan’s probably winning this, but that Google Trend is within the margin of error, which is enormous. That’s probably minivan googling for photos. 

Edited by TeamAudra
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1 minute ago, ashwinner said:

Julia tiene la segunda oportunidad más alta de ganar según las señales de las redes sociales, pero no sé qué pensar, incluso en Facebook lo está haciendo en segundo lugar.



It makes me angry that they see Ryan just a cute boy, they never cared about opera. I HATE YOU MINIVAN

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Just now, pauwis said:



It makes me angry that they see Ryan just a cute boy, they never cared about opera. I HATE YOU MINIVAN

aghhh i hopeeee, i'll be happy if any of larriah + julia + taryn goes through (actually, i won't because i'll be heartbroken for the other two 😭 💔)

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My personal opinion:


Taryn regressed a bit. More like her audition which was good but not spectacular like her battle. Her range seems big but not as big as I expected and her rasp is nice but I wish she’d open that range up a bit more.


Julia Cooper deserves the win. She was very stylistic but didn’t overdo it and the song was perfect for her.


Larriah has raw talent. She was pitchy on a few runs and some of her belts but she’s got untapped potential. 

Ryan would be my last choice yet he’s leading the views. Well he’s good; I feel as if he could be a bit more powerful and I’ve seen this type of act done better on AGT in my personal opinion. 

Vote Julia. John seems to love her so maybe she could get the CS over Bailey or Tamara if it comes down to it or even PV if she wins this. Doubt it but you never know

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1 minute ago, Blirel said:

Mi opinión personal:


Taryn retrocedió un poco. Más como su audición, que fue buena pero no espectacular como su batalla. Su rango parece grande pero no tan grande como esperaba y su escofina es agradable, pero me gustaría que abriera ese rango un poco más.


Julia Cooper se merece la victoria. Ella era muy estilística pero no exageró y la canción fue perfecta para ella.


Larriah tiene talento en bruto. Ella fue lanzada en algunas carreras y algunos de sus cinturones, pero tiene un potencial sin explotar. 

Ryan sería mi última opción, pero lidera las opiniones. Bueno, es bueno; Siento que podría ser un poco más poderoso y, en mi opinión personal, he visto que este tipo de actos se hacen mejor en AGT. 

Vote a Julia. John parece amarla, así que tal vez podría conseguir el CS sobre Bailey o Tamara si se trata de eso o incluso PV si gana esto. Lo dudo pero nunca se sabe

yes, nothing new

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An observation from the comments, angst and amazement from The Knockouts Part 3 thread...


What made everyone think that potentially misleading IDF on the 4-way KO order made any difference in the end. Even I fell for all the hype on IDF that Taryn would close. Just goes to show that TPTB will do whatever they want to do 😁

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1 minute ago, Jyn Mycle said:

Not a chance. I love julia also but base on stats Ryan will win this.

julia has the second highest on every part of SM i can find. if casuals vote her (or billie stans lmao), she can win, but it's a slim shot. better to vote and lose nothing, than to not vote and lose the opportunity for her to win imo

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