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Poll: Rank Auditions (Episode 1)

Hamza Tufail

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65 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick

    • Neil Salsich - Honk Tonk Blues
    • Sorelle - Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
    • Holly Brand - Mississipi Girl
    • Tasha Jessen - River
    • Ross Clayton - Blue Ain't Your Color
    • Michael B. - Save Your Tears
    • D. Smooth - Perfect
    • Alex Whalen - Help Me Make It Through the Night
    • NOIVAS - A Change Is Gonna Come

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2. Tasha

3. Neil

4. Holly

5. D Smooth

6. Sorelle

7. Alex

8. Ross (not convinced)

9. Michael


After 5 is kinda interchangeable for me, so could go back and forth. Only NOIVAS and Tasha merited A-level imo.

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I’m going to go into more detail with my rankings here, since I already ranked them on the other thread.


1. NOIVAS- Mind blowing audition. When I saw this a few days ago, I had a feeling nothing was going to top this tonight.

2. Neil Salsich- Most consistent performance out of the remaining ones. Not the most exciting song, but I really like his tone here and his falsetto notes.

3. Holly Brand- She hit some great notes, especially at the end. It’s lower than Neil because the middle part wasn’t too exciting.

4. Tasha Jessen- Started off pretty good, but the second half was great. The song has been done very well in the past, but her version was still enjoyable.

5. Alex Whalen- Very cool tone, especially for a country singer. Also cool to see a British country singer.

6. Ross Clayton- Cool tone and not a typical country voice, but the audition was not 4 chair worthy to me. The song has been done better in the past.

7. D. Smooth- Good voice, but I am not a fan of this song choice. Still better than the other 2 auditions of this song.

8. Michael B- I really like theatrical voices, but this song does not suit a theatrical style, since it does not go anywhere.

9. Sorelle- Not a fan of the tones on this song, and I felt that the song didn’t showcase the best parts of their voices enough.


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Finally listened to Neil's audition



 Now, I usually dislike uptempo country songs especially sung on the voice. But this one was very fun and I think partly because it was a very dynamic vocal from the quick falsetto flips (with how often and fast he did them, thats not easy to do), the short, quick runs and even some rasp and growls thrown in there. He also has a naturally high voice but can descend to those low notes easily. So he already has more range than most male country singers that come onto the show.


That, and his stage presence was engaging. His facial expressions and the way he moves to the music looks natural and makes the performance just a tad more enjoyable.


Really impressed with Neil. Vocally, one of the best male country auditions I've heard in recent years and the best of the night for me.


Anyways, my actual ranking..


1. Neil

2. Noivas

3. Holly

4. Tasha.

5. Alex

6. Ross

7. D. Smooth

8. Sorelle

9. Michael B.


Everyone from 6 to 3 is pretty interchangeable tbh.





Edited by Hsamid
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1a.Sorelle( I did not expect them to be my fave of the night but they were, the arrangement was amazing, the song was amazing, and the harmonies were wonderful, really dig their style.)

1b. Holly(tied in first with Sorelle, something about her tone is just special, like I wanna listen to more, that hight note and whistle note were amazing as well)

2.Tasha ( her tone was immaculate, her vocals were really good, and the arrangement was just great)

3.Noivas( his performance was just phenomenal, the urgency was 🔥🔥🔥)

4.Neil Salsich( the falsetto was great, the tone was great, and the vocals were great)

5.Ross Clayton( really good audition, and for a 5 year break he still sounded really good, great even)

6.Alex Whalen( his tone is beautiful, and that rasp was great, solid audition)

7.Michael B.( wasn’t really a big fan however he has potential and his voice is really good)

8. D.Smooth( solid audition, nothing more and nothing less)


Holly and Sorelle are a tie for me and 7-8 are interchangeable.

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Great auditions.

1. Holly 


3. Tasha 


The country guys are killing it this season 

4. Neil 

5. Alex 

6. Ross  



7. Sorelle 


Good singers, but these song choices...

8. Michael 

9. D. Smooth



Edited by Gustavo527
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Few thoughts...


- Neil was great. Upon rewatches, I'm starting to like him even more. He even tho doesn't go super high in chest voice, but instead uses head voice/Falsetto. He's well aware of how to use his craft.

- I LOVED Sorelle. I think they have much more to offer, and they're even better than this. Bella has that high pitched voice, Madi has a chest-dominant, while Ana has a bit of deep folksy voice. There were few parts that I think could've been executed better, but of course it can be improved. This was a really exciting audition, and they have stage presence for days. Really excited to see what's next.

- I've been sleeping on Holly, I have to admit. She can SING! I love her tone, and her vocals are dope as well. 

- I love Tasha's tone as well. She started good, and got even better as the performance went on. She's from my province as well which makes me root for her even more. lol

- I thought Ross didn't show the power Jim and Sundance showed, but his elongated notes made up for it. He's obviously really talented, but I wanted a bit more in the first half.

- I thought Michael was good, and he showed control. But the song choice could've been better, SYT didn't showcase his voice well.

- D. Smooth was smooth, but there were def issues. I liked his runs tho. I think Kelly is the perfect coach for him.

- Alex's lower voice is my fav thing about him. I'm not a fan when he goes higher because of the excessive rasp. Overall, I really liked him because he kept that rasp under control for the most part.

- Vocally NOIVAS was far and away the best of the night. The emotion, the passion, the growls, the power, the tone, the delivery.... I felt it.



1/2. NOIVAS/Sorelle

3/4. Tasha/Holly

5. Alex

6. Neil

7. Michael

8. Ross

9. D. Smooth



Technically, NOIVAS >>> Sorelle, but I enjoyed their audition just as much as Noivas'.

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Favorite of the night

1. Neil Salsich - Normally I’d probably hate a song choice like this but this was so fun and so polished at the same time. Neil has a very appealing tone and the falsetto moments are incredible. Will probably be replaying this a ton over the week.


Right now, its very difficult for me to rank the rest, so I’ll just give some thoughts on each.


Sorelle - Gotta be honest, I kinda dug what they were trying to do. They didn’t get all the way there but I think they’re a very interesting act. Hope they do better moving forward.


Holly Brand - Uhhh this was one of my least favorites of the night overall tbh. She seems a little raw and I don’t really love her tone either. She’s a skilled singer but maybe not my thing. 🤷


Tasha Jessen - I like the song choice, I like her voice, but I didn’t think they matched. She also seemed a little unsure at times, but I would love to hear her again with a bit more confidence.


Ross Clayton - Not the most original performance out there and he doesn’t really sound convincingly country but this was a very consistent vocal.


Michael B. - Nice tone, and I like how he approaches runs, but the song went nowhere. I’ll keep an eye out for him though.


D. Smooth - Actually liked this much better upon a rewatch. Song choice was bleh but he is a skilled vocalist.


Alex Whalen - I actually loved the softer parts of the song, but his higher register is too distorted for my liking. Either way, one of the best vocals of the night, imo.


NOIVAS - Y’all know how I feel about this. Impressive but the way the song flowed didn’t work for me. I know the song means a lot to him but somehow I wasn’t really feeling it :((. I wish I liked it more than I do.

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On Top

1. NOIVAS (9) - Really strong closer to the show! I know there was mixed feedback at first but just don't let the hype get to you and you'll enjoy it ;)

2. Neil Salsich (8.75) - Great introduction to Neil. He can definitely do a ton! Can't wait for his battle.

3. Holly Brand (8.75) - Didn't have super high expectations here but she definitely delivered! Nice whistle note there, too!



4. Alex Whalen (8) - Probably the most unexpected one of the night for me? Just enjoyed the whole thing throughout.

5. Ross Clayton (8) - Admirable range and a solid performance overall. Just wish there was a bit more WOW to that performance.


(Glee Cast Version)

6. Sorelle (7.75) - Needed a few listens to give a proper ranking. They sound good together overall but it was chaotic and I don't think the song was the right one they should've entered the competition with. Ready for them to step it up!

7. Michael B. (7.5) - Nice voice and pretty consistent, but I kept waiting for a big moment that never quite arrived.

8. D. Smooth (7.5) - Song choice, song choice, song choice. He's so much more capable.


Not For Me Today

9. Tasha Jessen (7.25) - Consistent throughout, but not a tone for me. Or at least that tone didn't fit the song well. You can tell with better song choices, she'll be up there.

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strong audition

1. NOIVAS (9.25) -- strong performance with a few vocal issues


what the heck

2. Neil (9) -- i thought the yodel-type thing was cool and this was a strong audition overall

3. Alex (9) -- unexpectedly big voice


expectedly good

4. Holly (9) -- super cool high notes but the beginning wasn't super interesting

5. Tasha (8.5) -- loved her tone and this would be higher but it wasn't pitch perfect or really even near it lol

6. Sorelle (8.5) -- i enjoyed their harmonies and the song choice



7. Ross (7) -- not very interesting. jim outsold and so did gracee vs. brennan's 10 second clip

8. Michael (6.5) -- also boring


actively disliked

9. D. Smooth (4) -- i did not like his vocal choices, his vocal texture, or the song choice

Edited by QueenCami
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2 minutes ago, QueenCami said:

what the heck

1. Neil (9) -- i thought the yodel-type thing was cool and this was a strong audition overall

2. Alex (9) -- unexpectedly big voice


:haha: The yeehawfication of QueenCami

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1 hour ago, FloorWax said:

this was so fun and so polished at the same time

yeah i think this is a great way to put it. i think i enjoyed it for the same reason that i liked Todd's, in that not only was it vocally strong, but also it was just a good time to listen to lol

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OKAY I got a ranking and it seems like I’m really not with the IDF majority for once this time around :haha:


Very strong

1. Neil

2. Alex



3. D. Smooth

4. Sorelle


6. Ross



7. Michael

8. Tasha

9. Holly


I usually agree with Daillon on a lot of things but today his top two is my bottom two. 💀

Edited by FloorWax
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2 minutes ago, FloorWax said:


:haha: The yeehawfication of QueenCami

LOL i did actually just edit it to put NOIVAS above... i can't decide how i feel about it? like it's very good but there are some vocal issues. i think when i listen to it in the background i'm super impressed but if i'm listening really carefully then i'm more bothered. but idk i will leave it like this and not edit anymore.


nonetheless -- yeah, i enjoyed Neil and Alex! this is not particularly unprecedented, i was in my male country hater era when i started watching teh voice, but i realize that i really like a lot of male country / country-adj auditions (Jake / Cory / Tanner / Ben / Jim / JMY).


i think the problem is that i tend to find them enjoyable but i don't feel super passionate about them, so i end up finding someone else whose performance really excite me, and that tends to not be male country singers. for that reason i don't think Neil or Alex will be contestants i root for long-term, but i'm open to seeing what happens.

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4 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

OKAY I got a ranking and it seems like I’m really not with the IDF majority for once this time around :haha:


Very strong

1. Neil

2. Alex



3. D. Smooth

4. Sorelle


6. Ross



7. Michael

8. Tasha

9. Holly


I usually agree with Daillon on a lot of things but today his top two is my bottom two. 💀

this list is D. for Disastrous bc why are Holly and Tasha below Michael and D. Smooth?? /joking (i will probably be making lots of these jokes, so brace yourself for that)


in all seriousness, glad to see someone else enjoyed Alex as well, and pleasantly surprised that you liked Sorelle to some extent at least lol

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9 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

OKAY I got a ranking and it seems like I’m really not with the IDF majority for once this time around :haha:


Very strong

1. Neil

2. Alex



3. D. Smooth

4. Sorelle


6. Ross



7. Michael

8. Tasha

9. Holly


I usually agree with Daillon on a lot of things but today his top two is my bottom two. 💀

I'm surprised about that too. :haha:

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Just now, QueenCami said:

this list is D. for Disastrous bc why are Holly and Tasha below Michael and D. Smooth?? /joking (i will probably be making lots of these jokes, so brace yourself for that)


in all seriousness, glad to see someone else enjoyed Alex as well, and pleasantly surprised that you liked Sorelle to some extent at least lol


Sorelle’s performance was so bizarre for this show in a good way and I always appreciate that :haha: Despite the messiness towards the end I still do enjoy the performance.


Regarding Holly and Tasha, in all honesty my 3-9 are all very close which will be evident when I post in the ratings thread, and it just so happened that the other performances had more redeeming elements for me. 

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Favorite audition of the night

1. Holly


Hell must have frozen over lmao

2. Alex Whalen


Really good


4. Tasha Jessen



5. Ross Clayton

6. D. Smooth

7. Neil Salsich


Not my cup of tea but I'm open

8. Sorelle


Didn't expect to rank him that low but it went nowhere

9. Michael B.

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Y'all need to stop posting multiples of this kind of thread LOL.

Anyway this is my ranking from the other thread:



9. D. Smooth


Y'all cool.... but I need to hear more

8. Sorelle

7. Alex Whalen

6. Tasha Jessen


Solid AF

5. Holly Brand



They're hot AND can sing?

3. Michael B.

2. Ross Clayton



1. Neil Salsich - I enjoyed this so much, I didn't expect him to show off as much of his range as he did here! I'm glad he got casted for this show because he's absolutely in my wheelhouse and I don't know how I would've discovered him otherwise.

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