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The Voice S22 Top 10 Power Ranking.


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1. Morgan - Showing versatility, I believe she'll go back to her sweet spot and have a winning moment soon. I will move her down if others show her up, the two below her could defeat her if things align for them.

2. Bodie - He has to be Blake's main guy now, he's his best shot to take another win this season.

3. Parijita - In her lane for the week, but just had a slightly weaker performance than the other two above her.

4. Brayden - He'll skate through, but nothing is interesting about him so far.

5. Justin - He's Gwen's savior, he could get to the Finale.

6. Bryce - He is just there at this point, sooner or later he'll have to sing again for the IS.

7. Omar - I'm close to exchanging with Bryce, but I'll keep him here. Best performance so far I'd say.

8. Kim - She did well, but I think she'll need one more good song choice to really bypass the upper-middle pack. 

9. Rowan - I think she could have been dangerously close to the bottom after Monday, its just that plenty of others were weak and the votes defaulted to Blake's squad. Good luck to her though, she's got a great tone.(Props for singing while sick, something another teenage girl couldn't do)

10. Kique - Instantly Saved. It may be his last week in the Top 10, but maybe another KO-like performance could skate him through?

Edited by QueenMae16
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He is likable, a great vocalist, and Blake could take him all the way

1. Bodie


They have a strong chance but they need to step it up / find an identity to stick to

2. Parijita Bastola

3. Morgan Myles


They won't win, but they'll outlast many contestants

4. Brayden Lape

5. Bryce Leatherwood


Very likely Instant Save into Finale

6. Justin Aaron


I am not sure how much support they're getting

7. Omar Jose Cardona

8. Kim Cruse


Probably gone next week

9. Rowan Grace

10. Kique

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I'm awful at these, but let's see.....

10. Kique - having been Instant Saved always curses your chances at the Finale.
09. Rowan Grace - the Team Blake factor may have saved her, but it can only take her so far. Especially when the rest of her team has so much more demo appeal.

08. Kim Cruse - I hate to say it, but she's not resonating as much as some of the artists of her ilk in previous seasons. An undeniable performance like Jershika's Top 13 might turn the tides for her.

07. Omar Jose Cardona - he's on a Joshua Vacanti type trajectory. He's coasting by through sheer vocal talent. Top 8 will be his ceiling though.

06. Brayden Lape - I think he's on a downward trajectory. His vocal limitations and lazy stage presence are becoming more and more apparent. He needs to shake it up, fast.

05. Parijita Bastola - I honestly think we may be overestimating Parijita's chances at winning this show. She's John's only shot, for sure. It will take some massive pimping to push her to the Finale.

04. Justin Aaron - I've debated whether to put him or Parijita ahead, and at this point, I think they've laid the groundwork for Justin to take a Finale spot. I will need to see how they pimp Parijita before calling it between these two.

03. Bryce Leatherwood - the difference between his Playoffs reception and this week's reception is staggering. If he continues to capitalize on that, he'll be cementing his place at the Finale.

02. Morgan Myles - now that she's her coach's only chance at the Finale, they will pimp her to high heavens. It also helps that she's one of the most skilled vocalists left. I think she can push past Bryce based on appeal and vocals, but we'll see what happens in the coming weeks.

01. bodie - He's got the best edit of the season so far, with the constant family man references, the advantageous pimp spots and the glowing praise from the coaches and TV audience. And he's got the Team Blake factor working for him. I do think he'll lose steam fast if the pimping gets siphoned off to other artists, but for now he's in the best position.

Edited by Teraginn
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1. Parijita (I’m sticking with this for now, but i’m not confident in it at all)

2. Bodie (TPTB loves him, so he’ll be 2nd at least)

3. Bryce (His reception improved significantly from last week. Tbh, he only needs to be decent to get a PV)

4. Brayden (I’m way less confident in him than I was last week. There is absolutely no way he’s winning with the vocal limitations he has. That said, he still has a lot of appeal so idk. I would not be surprised if he ends up in danger one of these weeks)

5. Justin (Gwen’s only chance at the finale, and tbh he checks all the boxes. He’ll still probably need the save to get there)

6. Morgan (I thought she was winning pre-lives, but i’ve fallen back on that now. I just don’t see it. She’ll need amazing songs from here on out to secure a PV)

7. Omar (Joshua Vacanti vibes, with maybe slightly more appeal)

8. Kim (She can outsing most people above her in an instant save, but minivan seems a bit cold to her)

9. Kique (He needs a good song next week)

10. Rowan (She got through by the skin of her teeth, I doubt she’ll be as lucky next week. They’re also not gonna want to have Blake occupying half the semifinal spots)

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10. Kique - Gwen encouraging/giving? him "Superstition" proves how much coach influence could be a plus or minus to one's team. Considering Gwen has some of the worst coach equity for voting, Kique's even more screwed. Truth is, even if he doubled down flipping Sean Kingston and OutKast early aughts reggae/funk songs, he's likely seen as more of a cool party trick rather than as a true artist.

9. Kim - The token belting/gospel stuff seems to belong to Justin this season, especially he's the only act remaining in Gwen with seeming vote equity. On the flip, we know Omar and Parijita were voted through above Kim in the first voting rounds as well. In a fast season like this, even an artist like Kim might have trouble righting the voting ship. Some corners of voters seem to deem her unlikeable (perhaps in disposition? style?) compared to belters of yesteryear. Considering Omar's pimpage and the fact that voters seem to buy into it more than what Kim's doing, just putting her here.

8. Rowan - Blake can sweet-talk the audience into voting for his acts, and Rowan does have that small-town eager-eyed charm. You might question the old-fashionedness, the musical identity stuff, but man, she singing ABBA and ONJ means she's just catering to the core audience's glory years. She's thrown away the Olivia and Spencer-Smiths and become this. Wonky notes and high school talent show-ness of it all, doesn't matter when you play to cater to demographics. I'm betting she can squeeze by Kim barring some really-protecting-Kim shenanigans coupled with some old-fashioned-Rowan sabotage.

7. Brayden -Ok, this is a bit of a 180 - but on second thought, once we siphon off all the weaker vote links and he's left playing with power belters and more "authentic" types, he'll hit snags. In XFUK/US, boybandy types always peter out somewhere in the mids after strong initial pimpage - even One Direction hit 3rd place. Brayden's still wearing the Jack-Swagger/"country" wristband, but let's be real - he's way too modern. Not surprising for a guy born in 2007, he came of age during the height of the bro country/boyfriend country stuff of the mid-late 2010s, so all he knows is Brett Young, Parker McCollum, Sam Hunt-influenced Kenny Chesney and all that stuff. Imagine once they throw him "Breakup In A Small Town". The audience doesn't go for that style of country at all. But Blake's done a great job capturing his sincerity, eye-camera stuff through his songs, so he'll power through the weaker vote links. But that's about it.

6. Justin - I just think he makes a lame frontrunner for Gwen. Yes, fully aware he can gospel-power his way through this and make it to the top four. The audience might just lap up all the Tevin Campbells and Tasha Cobbs and keep throwin' them his way. There's a buttery velveeta to his style, that's really reminiscent of any boybandy dude in the early 90s new jack swing era (Shai, New Edition, Boyz II Men). A boybandy church dude powering through gospel. I guess that can secure votes too, and once Kique goes by the wayside TPTB will certainly do all that it can to get Justin to as high a placement as possible. That's why he's higher than I would put him.

5. Omar - This is a guess that there is a hidden vote for Omar's effortful, glam-rock stuff of yesteryear. Weren't a lot of the core audience '80s groupies in Bon Jovi concerts who wanted to mack one on Jovi's "Bed Of Roses" shenanigans? Omar went current last week, and the audience clearly doesn't know or care who Bebe Rexha is, but it was important to show a more ballady, modern side and he succeeded on that count. I've criticized him for being derivative, but everyone I have ranked below him all have that problem, singing problems, identity problems, vote-bait problems, or all four. Omar at least has that identity completely set, and can really sell. Another thing - he brings much needed energy to this season, and TPTB loved him from all the spoilers. 

4. Parijita - The question is, does she have another side? Everything is so dreary ballady, even though she sells it well. I'm not expecting her to throw up the horns or prance around on stage, but one wonders if the sameness of it all might prevent a victory at the end. Jeer at what Morgan's doing, and some could say she's stumbling with her voting bloc. But at least Camila (or her) are experimenting the tempo, the genre, the stage positioning, etc. Super precocious teen girl, but once you've seen these shows enough, you almost become desensitized to the preternatural-ness of it all (of course the core audience won't, and will still throw votes regardless).

3. Bryce - Sincere country boy will really skate through by selling the sincerity, classically smooth vocals and the shared audience preference of trad-country. He's so mid and you feel he's more likely to flop than he is to have a moment, as he kinda struggled through the second/third non-voting rounds. He's kind of awkward but without any of the vocal power to compensate. But his toolset and Team Blake, really that might be all it takes. He'll need something beyond that (ie a moment) to go beyond, but this feels like a reasonable placement. I know he did younger versions of Billy Currington/Zac Brown, but those were non-voting rounds; I really wonder how he'd fare if he put up something current for voting (might be a sabotage idea). 

2. Morgan - Camila's voting power seems awfully crummy, which isn't surprising given that she really siphoned off huge chunks of her fanbase after flipped off the hip-hop switch circa 2020. Also, John has the gospel bloc, Blake has the strong country bloc, Gwen has no voting base despite trying to mooch off the country bloc, and Camila doesn't mooch or have ties to country/gospel. So in short, despite having a TV personality, she lacks a fanbase and much of the hardcore goodwill that a Kelly Clarkson has. You can tell by how poppified Morgan Myles has become. This is probably really stretching the limits of Morgan's choices, even if there's some internal desire by Morgan to do some of this. Morgan's social media metrics are even lagging behind some of the people I put behind her, and that makes you wonder - but you have to believe with her wherewithal she can right this ship, turn face and get the people on her side. But I think the janky arc, and maybe sharing votes with Bryce in the final, might lead the winner to be...

1. Bodie - Sometimes, it's just all about the consistency of identity, the gravity of the performance, and the ability to sell emotion. Bodie has those in spades - and despite user qualms about the zig versus zag, the hip hop versus the country, the SoCal versus the Georgia, the modernity versus the chestnut, all that other stuff- he does have that family backstory/doing this for the family stuff that might play almost, if not equally, as well as the country stuff others are selling. TPTB have showcased him incredibly, with premier slots, all sorts of focused releases, putting him on Team Blake, etc to give him all the rope he needs to secure a win. This is probably the most the show has pimped a specific act. The modernity could be a "thing" - really, it's hard to believe the audience would vote someone for the win who has Post Malone and Joji in their setlist. But where other act has weird problems, other flaws, etc Bodie has been a performance constant. Guessing he can pull through on this one.


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1 hour ago, jork said:

9. Kim - The token belting/gospel stuff seems to belong to Justin this season, especially he's the only act remaining in Gwen with seeming vote equity. On the flip, we know Omar and Parijita were voted through above Kim in the first voting rounds as well. In a fast season like this, even an artist like Kim might have trouble righting the voting ship. Some corners of voters seem to deem her unlikeable (perhaps in disposition? style?) compared to belters of yesteryear. Considering Omar's pimpage and the fact that voters seem to buy into it more than what Kim's doing, just putting her here.

Pimpage also comes to an effect here. Kim hasn´t been nearly as pushed as the past AA powerhouses, and adding to that, her gravelly voice itself might not be the audience´s cup of tea. I don´t think they bought her country effort last week either. She´s excellent, but the audience is not responding. At this point Jershika had elicited more of a reaction.


1 hour ago, jork said:

7. Brayden -Ok, this is a bit of a 180 - but on second thought, once we siphon off all the weaker vote links and he's left playing with power belters and more "authentic" types, he'll hit snags. In XFUK/US, boybandy types always peter out somewhere in the mids after strong initial pimpage - even One Direction hit 3rd place. Brayden's still wearing the Jack-Swagger/"country" wristband, but let's be real - he's way too modern. Not surprising for a guy born in 2007, he came of age during the height of the bro country/boyfriend country stuff of the mid-late 2010s, so all he knows is Brett Young, Parker McCollum, Sam Hunt-influenced Kenny Chesney and all that stuff. Imagine once they throw him "Breakup In A Small Town". The audience doesn't go for that style of country at all. But Blake's done a great job capturing his sincerity, eye-camera stuff through his songs, so he'll power through the weaker vote links. But that's about it

What´s funny is that even genre kinda hinders him, because indeed the audience doesn´t go for this type of country, they prefer everything in Bryce´s lane. If Brayden were in his mid 20´s or so, he wouldn´t be nearly as threatening. But he´s young, and has Blake by his side. That being said, him not taking a risk might come to bite him later.


1 hour ago, jork said:

5. Omar - This is a guess that there is a hidden vote for Omar's effortful, glam-rock stuff of yesteryear. Weren't a lot of the core audience '80s groupies in Bon Jovi concerts who wanted to mack one on Jovi's "Bed Of Roses" shenanigans? Omar went current last week, and the audience clearly doesn't know or care who Bebe Rexha is, but it was important to show a more ballady, modern side and he succeeded on that count. I've criticized him for being derivative, but everyone I have ranked below him all have that problem, singing problems, identity problems, vote-bait problems, or all four. Omar at least has that identity completely set, and can really sell. Another thing - he brings much needed energy to this season, and TPTB loved him from all the spoilers.

This dude has his identity figured out since day one. And he still might be polarizing, especially if he returns to the rock showmanship, but let´s see if he goes back there on continues to capitalize on his emotional moment last week.


1 hour ago, jork said:

2. Morgan - Camila's voting power seems awfully crummy, which isn't surprising given that she really siphoned off huge chunks of her fanbase after flipped off the hip-hop switch circa 2020. Also, John has the gospel bloc, Blake has the strong country bloc, Gwen has no voting base despite trying to mooch off the country bloc, and Camila doesn't mooch or have ties to country/gospel. So in short, despite having a TV personality, she lacks a fanbase and much of the hardcore goodwill that a Kelly Clarkson has. You can tell by how poppified Morgan Myles has become. This is probably really stretching the limits of Morgan's choices, even if there's some internal desire by Morgan to do some of this. Morgan's social media metrics are even lagging behind some of the people I put behind her, and that makes you wonder - but you have to believe with her wherewithal she can right this ship, turn face and get the people on her side. But I think the janky arc, and maybe sharing votes with Bryce in the final, might lead the winner to be...

She´s a better country singer than the Blake boys, if they keep her in that lane she could do it, but it´s clear she doesn´t want to stay in a box, and as result, her identity could be deemed as confusing. Versatility is important, but to what extent?


1 hour ago, jork said:

1. Bodie - Sometimes, it's just all about the consistency of identity, the gravity of the performance, and the ability to sell emotion. Bodie has those in spades - and despite user qualms about the zig versus zag, the hip hop versus the country, the SoCal versus the Georgia, the modernity versus the chestnut, all that other stuff- he does have that family backstory/doing this for the family stuff that might play almost, if not equally, as well as the country stuff others are selling. TPTB have showcased him incredibly, with premier slots, all sorts of focused releases, putting him on Team Blake, etc to give him all the rope he needs to secure a win. This is probably the most the show has pimped a specific act. The modernity could be a "thing" - really, it's hard to believe the audience would vote someone for the win who has Post Malone and Joji in their setlist. But where other act has weird problems, other flaws, etc Bodie has been a performance constant. Guessing he can pull through on this one.

At this point, this dude is my pick as well. Not an off week, clear lane, family man, Team Blake. Plus TPTB is clearly on his side. He could win, for sure.

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I’m probably wrong to at least some degree, but f*** it.


By category:


Good edit, right coach, and excellent performer

1. bodie


Decent edit, excellent performer, less sure on coach choice

2. Morgan Myles


Meh performers but right in the audience’s wheelhouse (I keep flip-flopping within this group)

3. Bryce Leatherwood

4. Brayden Lape


Good performer and polished for her age, but not 100% confident that she can overcome the Blake Block(TM)

5. Parijita Bastola


Strong vocalists with the right coach for them

6. Justin Aaron

7. Omar Jose Cardona

8. Kim Cruse


Sweet kid and has been pretty good most times, but an off week sent her tumbling

9. Rowan Grace


Creative artistry and cool flips, but struggling to click with the audience

10. Kique


What’s probably closer to reality:

1. bodie

2. Morgan Myles

3. Bryce Leatherwood

4. Parijita Bastola

5. Brayden Lape

6. Justin Aaron

7. Omar Jose Cardona

8. Rowan Grace

9. Kim Cruse

10. Kique

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On 11/27/2022 at 9:19 AM, TeamAudra said:

1. Morgan 

2: Bodie 

3: Parijita 

4. Bryce

5. Justin 

6. Brayden 

7. Omar

8. Kim

9. Rowan 

10. Kique 

I guessed the bottom 3 again, but probably overestimated Parijita’s support, and underestimated Omar. 

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On 11/28/2022 at 10:04 AM, QueenCami said:

1. bodie

2. Morgan Myles

3. Bryce Leatherwood

4. Parijita Bastola

5. Justin Aaron

6. Omar Jose Cardona

7. Brayden Lape

8. Kim Cruse

9. Rowan Grace

10. Kique


this is hard! 

content w this list except i would swap parijita and omar

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On 11/28/2022 at 6:05 AM, season1 said:

1. Bryce

2. Brayden

3. bodie

4. Parijita

5. Omar

5. Morgan

5. Justin

8. Rowan

9. Kim

10. Kique


I guess everyone including me got 8-10 right. I think Rowan got more votes than Kim overnight. 


My top 8 power ranking would drop down Parijita below Morgan's rank and would be tied with Justin for 6th.



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