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Favorite 4 chair Turn of S20 (Spoilers ahead)


Favorite S20 four chair turn  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose:

    • Jenzie Wheels
    • Zae Romeo
    • Avery Roberson
    • Anna Grace

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Zae - 9.4

Anna Grace - 8.8 or so (will wait to see it again on the show to actually rate it)

Avery - 8.6

Kenzie - 8.4


I think I'll like all of them on the show, especially if Kenzie uses his full voice as I know he can. It also would be nice to see more vocal power from Avery; his voice felt a little weak in his blind.

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6 hours ago, Misirlou said:

Solely from auditions:

1. Zae

2. Jenzie

3. Avery

4. Anna


This. Zae's audition was incredibly emotional. Jenzie and Avery were fine, above average country auditions. Anna's last because I think they all had perfect song choices for their style except for her

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Zae > Jenzie = Avery > Anna


All four of them are clearly talented, but Zae had the stronger vocals of Jenzie + the emotiveness of Avery and that ultimately gave him the advantage over both country guys. Jenzie's got a stronger full voice but is capable of better vocals + isn't necessarily the best at emotional connectedness; Avery, while a little more green vocally than Kenzie, nailed the storyteller aspect of the song he chose. Anna's creativity gets her points in that area over all three guys, but I feel like a different song could've worked slightly more in her favor and ended up placing her at least on the same tier as the country guys.

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