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Top 9 Power ranking.


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it’s a little easier this time. Don’t read too much into the order of 5-8. Any one of the 4 could take the wild card spot, and 3 of the 4 still have an outside shot at PV (Ben does not).  

Note: This is not based on my preferences. 

1. Carter

2. Ian

3. Desz

4.  John

5. Jim

6. Ben
7. Cami

8. Tamara

9. Bailey  

Edited by TeamAudra
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If the semifinals has team quotas:


1. Carter

2. Desz

3. Ian

4. John

5. Ben

6. Jim

7. Cami

8. Tamara

9. Bailey


If the semifinals does not have team quotas:


1. Carter

2. Desz

3. Ian

4. Ben

5. Jim

6. Bailey

7. Cami

8. John

9. Tamara

Edited by Rodney
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1. Carter

2. Ian

3. Desz

4. Ben

5. Jim

6. Holiday

7. Cami

8. Tamara

9. Bailey


I think John's team is too far behind, even Jim has him beat so far. John needs the IS if not Team Quotas to enter the finale.

Bailey/Tamara/Cami remain at the bottom, they have low chances to make the Finale even in Team Quotas.

Edited by QueenMae16
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1. Carter

2. Ian

3. DesZ

4. Ben

5. John

6. Cami

7. Jim

8. Tamara

9. Bailey

(not at all my list in order of favorites. I know it’s power rankings but I wanted to make it clear it’s not in order of my favorites :haha: )

Edited by rp3598
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1. Carter

2. Ian

3. Desz

4. Ben

5. Jim

6. John
7. Cami

8. Tamara

9. Bailey  


also, disclaimer, this isn't my favorites list (you already know cami would be on top :wub:), but this is pretty much the same as TeamAudra's list except with Jim, John, and Ben switched around.

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1. Carter Rubin (Duh 😂)

2. Desz

3. Ian Flannigan

4. Ben Allen

5. John Holliday

6. Cami Clune

7. Jim Ranger

8. Tamara Jade

9. Bailey Rae




1. Carter Rubin

2. Desz

3. Ian Flannigan

4. John Holliday

5. Cami Clune

6. Jim Ranger

7. Ben Allen

8. Tamara Jade

9. Bailey Rae


The reason why I think Ben could have a harder time entering the finale when there is a team quota is because I think there's a chance for them to bus him in favor of Carter, since TBTP knows Ben could be a HUGE threat. Meanwhile, Jim Ranger had an unappreciated performance last playoffs and had an underwhelming support from anyone, while Cami had a great performance and had momentum, so this might work in her favors if she do yet another great performance.

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Power Ranking Regardless of Team Quotas


Should Move On With Little Issue

1. Carter Rubin: Half the audience wants to adopt him, he's very poised for his age, and he's got the backstory to booth. He also made it through a Mariah song in one piece, which is a feat a lot of vocalists struggle with. Add in his social media numbers and it would be surprising to see him lose the PV on Tuesday night.

2. Desz: She's had very good reception online, has been consistent the whole season, and overcame having to open the show with questionable sound mixing to get the PV. If she gets something that fits her slightly better than last week's song, she's going to be hard to keep away from the finale.


Likely Also In The Finale

3. Ian Flanigan: Surprisingly good reception online, and he got a good song choice last week that moved him into a PV lock and made a lot of fans pay closer attention to him. With another good song choice, I can see him making the finale without too much trouble, but I have this gut feeling it's slightly less guaranteed than the top 2.

4. John Holiday: The audience has reacted well to him and he got the PV on his team last week. His PV is likely the most precarious of the four teams, but unless he gets majorly bussed I think he'll be moving on.


Could Be In The Finale

5. Ben Allen: Good reception everywhere for a country guy, especially on a team less associated with country. He's not beating Carter, but he could win an Instant Save into the finale. 

6. Jim Ranger: His reception has been the weakest of the male country acts left, but he's Team Blake so he's still a threat for an Instant Save situation.

7. Cami Clune: She's gotten decent reception and doesn't have any competition in her lane, but two obstacles stand in her way - her age (an 18-22 year old woman has only made the finale once) and her genre (less the mainstream audience's speed). I don't think she's gonna be bussed, but I think she'd have an okay shot at an Instant Save given Kelly seems really excited about working about her and saved her over two OG Team Kelly members.


Probably An Uphill Battle to the Finale

8. Tamara Jade: Has a fantastic instrument and has solid backing, but she's on Team Legend and in an Instant Save with two Team Legend members, the vote might be weakened since his fans have two choices to back. She could pull it off with the right song, but she's unlikely to get the PV and an Instant Save is her best shot.

9. Bailey Rae: John loves her and the audience backed her last week in the Wildcard, but she's got the age factor against her and has already had to be saved by the audience once; if she can pull it off, I'll be surprised albeit happy for her.

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If they actually do the classic 3 PVs + 1 IS, then Ben might actually have a chance at getting PV honestly. He was very well recieved and the only reason he didn´t get it last week was because of Carter. Not to mention, Gwen´s decision to save him might have gotten her some points with Minivan, and they might be willing to help her get both. Not to mention, Ben´s not a threat for Carter´s win either way. 


Honestly, the more I think about it, Gwen´s decision was actually smart. She seems to actually be, in her own words "playing the game". Seems like she has finally understood how this show works. That being said, if she sticks around, we might see some similar decisions in the future, and wouldn´t be surprised to see her with another country artist in a later season if she returns.

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5 hours ago, Misirlou said:

Honestly, the more I think about it, Gwen´s decision was actually smart. She seems to actually be, in her own words "playing the game". Seems like she has finally understood how this show works. That being said, if she sticks around, we might see some similar decisions in the future, and wouldn´t be surprised to see her with another country artist in a later season if she returns.

See, I think that Gwen really started finally learning how to play the game in season twelve.  Her Blind pitches started being more competitive and solid, and her Battle and Knockout elimination choices almost all made sense, and she seemed to have her head in the game.  Her final save in the Playoffs was probably her one goof (although in hindsight, I see why she made it now), but other than that, I can't point to any huge flub she made.  And in season seventeen, I don't think that I disagreed with any of her choices then, either.


She definitely had me worried about her choices going into this season, but it seems like they've actually paid off better than I or anyone else here could ever have anticipated.  I'm eager to see if it'll pay off with her first win.  Or if not that, at least her first finalist to finish out of fourth place.

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On 12/3/2020 at 3:08 PM, TeamAudra said:

it’s a little easier this time. Don’t read too much into the order of 5-8. Any one of the 4 could take the wild card spot, and 3 of the 4 still have an outside shot at PV (Ben does not).  

Note: This is not based on my preferences. 

1. Carter

2. Ian

3. Desz

4.  John

5. Jim

6. Ben
7. Cami

8. Tamara

9. Bailey  

Just wanted to make one clarification on this. I made the assumption that it will be one contestant per coach in the finale, plus a wild card, like we had in S18. If it’s top 3 plus IS, I will move John down and Jim and Ben up. However, I’m not really expecting Ben to have a great song to sing on Monday. 

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I really think Cami should get the PV for Team Kelly bc I think DeSz has a much better shot at winning the Instant Save tmrw, based on how Toneisha won the Instant Save last season. So make sure u guys VOTE FOR CAMI tonight for Team Kelly so that DeSz can annihilate the Instant Save tmrw with her phenomenal vocals!!! 🤩

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On 12/3/2020 at 3:08 PM, TeamAudra said:

it’s a little easier this time. Don’t read too much into the order of 5-8. Any one of the 4 could take the wild card spot, and 3 of the 4 still have an outside shot at PV (Ben does not).  

Note: This is not based on my preferences. 

1. Carter

2. Ian

3. Desz

4.  John

5. Jim

6. Ben
7. Cami

8. Tamara

9. Bailey  

Knowing the song choices, the only thing I would consider doing differently would be switching Ben and Tamara. Tamara has a shot at PV, but I still think John is a slight favorite to hold his spot.  If Tamara closes the night, all bets are off. 

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