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10 minutes ago, Blirel said:

Here’s my top people in this order. Haven’t really been following this thread much. 

  1. Rachel Mac
  2. Zae Romeo
  3. Deion Warren
  4. Christine Cain
  5. Denisha Dalton
  6. Anna Grace Felten
  7. Gihanna Kelly
  8. Keegan Ferrell
  9. Avery Roberson

Does anyone else love Rachel and Zae the most? Not sure if either will go far especially Rachel being a 1 chair turn

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23 minutes ago, Blirel said:

Does anyone else love Rachel and Zae the most? Not sure if either will go far especially Rachel being a 1 chair turn

Zae has the vocal prowse to be Nick´s frontrunner, and he is a 4 chair turn, but I´m still not sure if the audience will recieve him with open arms, given his style. 


I don´t see Rachel going far honestly. If anything playoffs is her ceiling, and that is if Nick actually decides to keep her until then.

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4 minutes ago, Bk1234 said:

Carolina. :giggle:

LOL I think she could be the artist that "fascinates" John and thus he might seem compelled to keep her a la Celia, Will, Mandi and Bailey. But as of now, I don´t see her getting past the two aformentioned artists.


Then again, you did predict Taryn moving to the live playoffs, so who knows lol.

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4 minutes ago, Misirlou said:

LOL I think she could be the artist that "fascinates" John and thus he might seem compelled to keep her a la Celia, Will, Mandi and Bailey. But as of now, I don´t see her getting past the two aformentioned artists.


Then again, you did predict Taryn moving to the live playoffs, so who knows lol.

Even if she doesn’t win her battle (worst case scenario), I’ll still support her like I do for Lain.

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27 minutes ago, Misirlou said:

Also, on Team Legend, it seems like the frontrunner fight might be between Victor and Deion. Who do y"all like better so far? I´m leaning towards Victor as of now.

I’m team Deion. He seems more versatile imho and Shallow 

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6 hours ago, FloorWax said:

Sí, siempre y cuando TPTB no intente mantenerla en ese carril de Mandi Castillo, podría destacar en el Team Legend lleno de RnB.

This, its range and tone is amazing, better than Mandi in my opinion. She can take a great trip. We'll see.

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29 minutes ago, Misirlou said:

Además, en Team Legend, parece que la pelea principal podría ser entre Victor y Deion. ¿A quién les gusta más hasta ahora? Me inclino hacia Víctor a partir de ahora.

I love both 😭


Victor is the one who has more pressure for his experience. Deion I feel is the one that grows and surprises. 

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16 hours ago, jus.vshn said:

Yeah which is great, because it leaves a lot of room for her to impress them and blow them away.


also, I think you guys are overestimating Zae. Just because he got a four chair turn. Zae seems like the kind to have an exceptional audition then flop in the other rounds like Tamara. 

Tamara's Crazy was iconic and you can't tell me otherwise. Also, I think, other than the PO performance, the quality of her performances were kind of similar throughout, including her BA. I didn't think she ever did that amazingly because she was constantly held back by the unfortunate combination of upbeat songs and breath control issues.

7 hours ago, Rodney said:

There is a way, actually.  If team quotas again exist, then I can see them slotting Cam last in the final Instant Save even if he's not the last one sent there like with Toneisha two seasons ago and Ian last season.  I'm starting to think that the producers really want Blake to be represented by two people in the finale every season, so I could see them doing that to Cam, too, if he reaches the semifinals.

Right! I don't know how much of it is the producers, but also, in the situation where it's Blake vs. Kelly vs. John vs. Nick, Minivan is going to pick Blake, unless there's a good country singers in the IS. And since the country singer(s) (Avery and Kenzie) will likely get the PV if the make the semifinals, that leaves Cam with an easy path to the finale because the Blake stans will just vote for Cam.

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1 hour ago, Dov said:

My personal favorites so far (generally in order)

1. Keegan Ferrell

2. Bradley Sinclair

3. Rio Lana

4. Awari

5. Cam Anthony

6. Jordan Matthew Young

7. JD Casper

8. Gean Garcia

yes i love this list simply because a lot of these people are barely mentioned but they’re SO great!! I really love Keegan Bradley and Rio Lana too!!!

3 hours ago, Blirel said:

Here’s my top people in this order. Haven’t really been following this thread much. 

  1. Rachel Mac
  2. Zae Romeo
  3. Deion Warren
  4. Christine Cain
  5. Denisha Dalton
  6. Anna Grace Felten
  7. Gihanna Kelly
  8. Keegan Ferrell
  9. Avery Roberson

Its funny you have Christine and Denisha right after each other. I think they’ll be paired for battles. Based on this list you think Christine would win?

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7 minutes ago, loveee said:

yes i love this list simply because a lot of these people are barely mentioned but they’re SO great!! I really love Keegan Bradley and Rio Lana too!!!

Its funny you have Christine and Denisha right after each other. I think they’ll be paired for battles. Based on this list you think Christine would win?

Yes Christine is the better vocalist but Denisha is so emotive. You feel every word she sings 

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1 hour ago, Blirel said:

Yes Christine is the better vocalist but Denisha is so emotive. You feel every word she sings 

idk if I agree with you 100% I feel like they’re pretty even but I agree shes super emotive like i felt this hard. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CJUqwRvHWmX/?igshid=1f9c12u5qdy6c

but I also think christine is emotive lol same with rio lana but I wish keegan and bradley were on the same team i’d love to see them battle

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1 hour ago, loveee said:

idk if I agree with you 100% I feel like they’re pretty even but I agree shes super emotive like i felt this hard. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CJUqwRvHWmX/?igshid=1f9c12u5qdy6c

but I also think christine is emotive lol same with rio lana but I wish keegan and bradley were on the same team i’d love to see them battle

There’s not a lot of Christine’s work online

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17 hours ago, sheepluver46 said:

I hope we get proved wrong and a female does win. As much as you guys say Anna Grace can’t win I don’t think it’s impossible. Another one I could see winning is Carolina.

Once again, We just have to wait and see🤔

Anna Grace is not winning LMFAO. I'm gonna be shocked if she makes the lives tbh :haha:.


17 hours ago, FloorWax said:

Watch Carolina be John's Mandi Castillo 2.0 😂

That's her best shot for sure 😂

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Just now, Mehhew said:

Why are y’all so mean?? Anna Grace probably has one of the best voices this season. She has one of the biggest chances of not only making it far in the show, but having a successful career. 

Kenzie, that's it.


Also successful career doesn't = on-show success. 

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