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Survivor Rankdown 2.0 (Winner Reveal Page 225)


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 12. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe

Survivor: One World Winner

Survivor: Winners at War 9th Place


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Average: 11.22



Andy - 3/20

Steven - 3/20

Amanda - 6/20

Public - 6/20

Zoey - 13/20

Alex - 14/20

Hayden - 17/20

JC - 19/20

Andrelliott - 20/20




KIM SPRADLIN - Honestly it was just my goal to drag Kim to the top 100 and then kinda stop protecting her there, but as the rounds kept going on and she kept surviving I was like well wtf I have to get her to the end now. Luckily she was able to sneak into the top 20. I don’t think she’s going to place very high because several people on IDF have a hate boner for her (overdramatic? idk), so it’s just a victory for me that she made the final vote this time. Almost any Survivor fan would say that Kim is one of the best winners ever and objectively she absolutely is. I won’t go into all the arguments against her game because we’ve heard them all before (boring, robotic, weak competition, etc), but there is no denying that Kim played a relatively flawless game and had much of the competition eating out of the palm of her hand. She even handily squashed the one person who was truly gunning for her in the second half (Troyzan, who has yet to return for a second season). Kim is also just incredibly likable and I can tell that she is the kind of person I would totally be hypnotized around, personally. Luckily we saw Kim come back for Winners At War and she was easily one of my favorite players that season. She started out at a really tough spot, being in the minority and awkwardly walking around while no one would want to speak to her. Me irl! She slowly found her footing and stayed under the radar and kinda ended up controlling one side of the game by around top 10-9 or so. She correctly identified Tony as the biggest threat...but unfortunately it was too late for her to go after Tony as he went on an immunity winning streak and Kim gave up immunity at a crucial point for some food. If she had stuck around another week who knows what could have happened, but oh well. She still went out of that season in a positive light imo and I don’t think her legacy was really tarnished (moreseo Tony’s was enhanced x100). Anyways, super glad to see Kim at the end as she has the single best Survivor game ever under her belt imo, and she deserves recognition for that.





Kim Spradlin made it to the Top 5 of the CBS Rankdown, but I don't think she'll rank as highly this time around as I know there are a few rankers here who aren't big fans of hers. Nonetheless, she gets a spot in my Top 3 out of these 20 Survivor finalists. Survivor: One World is not a season I enjoyed or would care to watch again, but I really like Kim and was happy when she deservedly won the season. She is regularly regarded as playing the most dominant first winning game, and what she achieved in her first season was impressive. She owned that season from beginning to end while making it look so easy. She tried to go under the radar at first with her calm and soft spoken demeanor, but she claimed the leadership role while maintaining strong social bonds with her allies and people outside her alliance too. She built enough bonds to give herself options, and she always chose the right move for her game. She was the one to call the shots, even brutally blindsiding people who trusted her. Her social game and strategic skills allowed her to maneuver her way to the end and take out her opponents at the most opportune time. She was impressive in the challenges too (she won four of the last five immunity challenges), making her such a well-rounded player. Kim's dominance was so exemplary, and future castaways can only dream to have a flawless Survivor run like Kim's One World game. When Kim returned for Winners at War, she had a lot to live up to. It was quite a challenge, but I believe Kim did enough to keep her legacy intact. Sure she didn't win, but she lasted long enough despite being on the outs after speculation of a "poker alliance." The edit made her very invisible, but she was often regarded as a social threat and she was the only one to recognize how big of a threat Tony was. Once she was voted out, Tony's win was made even easier. Anyway, Kim is a superb Survivor player and likable too. I enjoyed both seasons she played, and I hope she does decently well in this final ranking. I don't see her winning this, but she easily ranks within my Top 3 here.






I know some people find Kim to be a boring winner, but I love her. Kim turned in one of the most dominant winning games ever. Kim running her alliance of girls with an iron fist as they picked off the guys one by one was incredible to watch. Truly impressive gameplay. A fantastic strategist. Easily my favorite of One World. I'm glad she returned for Winners At War, where we got to see more of her personality I felt. Still, Kim's dominant performance in One World cannot be overlooked and I just really loved her a lot on that season, so I will gladly give her a high ranking. ❤️ I expect Andy will have a lot more to say about her, so just know that I love Kim and I'm glad she made Top 20 here after placing 5th in the CBS RTV rankdown.




Kim is one of my all time favorite players.  She had the most dominant game ever seen when she controlled Survivor: One World.  In Winners are War, we got to see a less robotic side of Kim, and it was a nice change.  She still showed strong game sense when said Tony was going to win if he wasn't eliminated.  Ultimately she couldn't replicate her success, but I commend her for being able to make it as far as she did with her reputation.  She is disliked by a JC and Andrelliott, so the fact that she made it to the final ranking shocked me.  I feel like had I been in the game trying to protect her, she would have been out way earlier.  Good job Andy for bringing her to the Top 20!  




Kim Spradlin-Wolfe

Kim's game in One World where forever be the greatest game played in the history of Survivor. Look I don't care what you say about the cast, there is potential there! Monica and Troyzan both made the finals on future seasons. Sabrina is clearly a smart girl and a gamer. Hell, Al*cia and C*lton both have good minds for strategy. Kim is just so damn good she made it look like a cakewalk. And while I don't think this was a cast of masterminds, I don't think it's fair to take away from Kim's accomplishments by downplaying her castmates.

Kim is a naturally likable person and every single person she played with felt so comfortable with her and viewed her as their number one. That is so damn impressive! Kim had some difficult decisions to make throughout the game and she finagled

them well. At the merge there were six guys and six girls and there easily could've been a war. But she effortlessly convinced the guys she had bonded with to take Jonas out first. Then she slyly flipped Troyzan and Jay against Michael. And while Kim easily had the numbers with her girls at this point, she still had the guys snowed. Troyzan became to catch on to Kim and threatened to idol her out, but Kim had Jay so wrapped around her finger he was exposing Troyzan's plans to Kim, moments before she blindsided Jay. Kim also pulled off an impressive move at the final six when she convinced Alicia and Christina that Tarzan is some sort of mastermind and they have to take him out. It really was a ridiculous notion, but the girls bought it hook, line, and sinker. Finally, I appreciate Kim having the cojones to sit with Sabrina and Chelsea in the end and be proud in her game that she could still win. She easily could've gone with Alicia and Christina and taken the easy victory, but Kim was confident enough in the end that she wanted to stay loyal to her true alliance and she knew she could still win the game.

Obviously this whole writeup so far has been about Kim's game. Well she's not the biggest personality in the world. Definitely not the kind of Survivor contestant I tend to be drawn to. I think Kim had the occasionally fun moments though. Kim consistently screwing Kat over was pretty fun for me to watch :giggle:. As was Kim during the family visit where we got to see her let loose for the first time and rant to her sister about how Alicia is delusional and Kat is too stupid to function :wub: . I loved seeing Bitchy!Kim come out of hiding. Though she's not a wild and crazy personality, I still think she's fun and someone I could see myself getting along with in real life.

After many years off, Kim returned to Winners At War to prove that she's deserving of her scary reputation. And y'know what? I think she delivered. She started off on the bottom because of that "poker alliance" but she dug herself out of that really scary hole. It was Kim, Amber, and Tyson on the bottom and she easily should've been the first boot there based on her reputation. Yet she beat both of them somehow and made it to the swap. And based on how the swap played out, she became the swing vote on her tribe, thus easily making the merge. She went from the absolute bottom to safely into the merge! That's impressive! Kim was really fun to watch at the merge. She was always scrambling and trying to secure the people on the bottom of the pecking order to overthrow the majority. She was suddenly in the Troyzan position! Unfortunately for her, she could never get all the votes together at the right time. She was the only one onto Tony though and worked hard to take him down. The peanut butter moment is way overhyped and does not tarnish her legacy at all! She was falling anyway and just wanted food out of it, you can't blame a bitch! Winners at War showed off a more human side to Kimbot. She was emotional about missing her family, and she got to be a bit messy since she was playing from the bottom the whole time and never really got a solid alliance. Winners at War really improved my opinion of Kim and while I always considered myself somewhat of a Kim fan just because I respect her game so much, I can now solidly call myself a fan of hers.




17.) Kim Spradlin

Interestingly enough, Kim is someone that I enjoyed more during her worse finishing season. I enjoyed Kim during One World (I mean the only others worth rooting for were Sabrina and Christina, I guess), but I don’t think she ever made me excited to root for her. She did undeniably play an incredibly strong game, only ever really being targeted by Troyzan. Kim played a scrappy underdog game during Winners at War, which made me much more fond of her. Kim played from the bottom the entire time, but still managed to eventually place 9th, which is pretty impressive imo and kinda proved to me that Kim is actually good at this game.




Kim Spradlin - Unlike Sandra, I just find Kim unbelievably overrated which is why she is being ranked low. I am proud of her for being a successful leader of an all female alliance which is ridiculously rare in these social games, and also for dominating the politics within the female alliance, she was always the one who people went to if they wanted to flip the game so she always avoided danger due to a stellar social game. However, she was aided by having females with absolutely horrendous social games like Alicia, Kat, and Chelsea, and also Christina was just a hot mess who was the ultimate outcast and could not get anyone to like her. It seemed just like high school which was really stupid, but Kim was able to hold on to her great social game ultimately because she somehow had Christina’s trust since the only one who really tried to make a move on Kim was Chelsea, but as soon as she tried to put something together with Christina, Christina ratted her out to Kim. So hilarious but a testament to the great social prowess of Kim. But I am being nice, because I do not like her and find her boring and unworthy of top 20 status. She’s lucky she has uber fans because she would have been my final cut easily if there was no immunity twist.




Kim Spradlin



I chose to do Kim's write-up because I definitely like her more than my husband. He and I did our rankings separately, but even after we averaged them out, she ended up last on our list. Personally, I'd probably rank her a few spots higher in this group of contestants, but I think we both felt we needed to rank her low to counteract the high rankings she would get from the other rankers and the public. In terms of why we feel the way we do about her, I think both of us feel like One World was a lackluster season. Even to this day, I barely remember most of the cast and the ones I do remember (Troyzan, Tarzan, Kat) I don't really like. Matt and Sabrina are excluded from this narrative.


That being said, I will give Kim credit. I think she's an incredibly smart player and made all the moves she needed to at the right time to win the game. I also did like seeing her and all the other female winners back for Winners at War because feel like the show needs more smart, strong female players like them and hopefully seeing them play again will inspire Survivor to cast them and make the necessary changes to the game to allow them to succeed.


It's funny because although Kim's strategy wasn't as successful in Winners at War, I found myself liking her more. It might be because we saw more of her flaws and her sense of humour and the fact that she was one of the only people to clue in to the fact that Tony was running the show and that he needed to go made me root for her near the end of her run. Ultimately, she was unsuccessful, but I think her 9th place finish was a testament to how strong of a player she is, more than anything else. All that is to say that I don't hate Kim, even though I used her as a pawn at one point in this game to get rid of some other big names. I'm sure she'll place high in this final ranking, but our ranking is both a reflection of our actual feelings towards her, especially in her first season, and meant to keep her from winning over some of our other favourites.



@Alex95 @*Amanda @sublymonal @Elliott @#jeah @hayden98 @JC @Steven_ @Zoey

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25 minutes ago, Elliott said:

unimpressed viola davis GIF

I didn’t spend 4 hours doing Natalie’s 26-paragraph write-up for her to not make the top 10. 😘

I’m not saying she doesn’t deserve it lol, most of the people left are bigger characters than her.

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5 minutes ago, #jeah said:

I’m not saying she doesn’t deserve it lol, most of the people left are bigger characters than her.

Wouldn’t you say the person who says they’re the least threatening... is in fact the most?


Erik Cardona Me

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3. Sue Hawk

4. Sean Rector





9. Michaela Bradshaw

10. Peih-Gee Law

11. Crystal Cox


13. Heidi Strobel

14. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe



17. Ian Rosenberger



20. Yul Kwon








6. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe


8. Michaela Bradshaw





13. Sue Hawk

14. Peih-Gee Law


16. Heidi Strobel

17. Ian Rosenberger

18. Yul Kwon

19. Crystal Cox

20. Sean Rector




2. Ian Rosenberger



5. Michaela Bradshaw




9. Yul Kwon

10. Sue Hawk

11. Crystal Cox

12. Sean Rector


14. Peih-Gee Law




18. Heidi Strobel


20. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe





3. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe






9. Sean Rector





14. Heidi Strobel

15. Peih-Gee Law

16. Crystal Cox

17. Yul Kwon

18. Michaela Bradshaw

19. Ian Rosenberger

20. Sue Hawk










8. Crystal Cox




12. Peih-Gee Law

13. Sue Hawk

14. Heidi Strobel

15. Sean Rector


17. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe


19. Yul Kwon

20. Ian Rosenberger




2. Yul Kwon



5. Peih-Gee Law


7. Ian Rosenberger 

8. Sean Rector





13. Heidi Strobel


15. Crystal Cox

16. Sue Hawk


18. Michaela Bradshaw

19. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe









6. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe



9. Yul Kwon

10. Heidi Strobel

11. Sue Hawk


13. Michaela Bradshaw




17. Peih-Gee Law

18. Sean Rector

19. Crystal Cox

20. Ian Rosenberger




2. Michaela Bradshaw

3. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe





8. Heidi Strobel



11. Peih-Gee Law



14. Yul Kwon


16. Crystal Cox

17. Sean Rector

18. Ian Rosenberger

19. Sue Hawk





2. Crystal Cox


4. Peih-Gee Law





9. Ian Rosenberger



12. Heidi Strobel

13. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe

14. Yul Kwon

15. Sue Hawk


17. Michaela Bradshaw



20. Sean Rector

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