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ANTM RE-Reloaded! All Cycles Completed!!!


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1 hour ago, FrogLenzen said:

I just realized we're not doing the avant garde shoot from casting because I forgot when that shoot happened lol


Yeah, I figured since that shoot was technically a casting shoot, it wouldn't make sense for it to be part of the voting. Not sure whether that was the best decision, but I'm personally fine with skipping it.

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8 minutes ago, rdhaley96 said:


Yeah, I figured since that shoot was technically a casting shoot, it wouldn't make sense for it to be part of the voting. Not sure whether that was the best decision, but I'm personally fine with skipping it.

I vote to include it in the final portfolios!

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Elimination #2

14 models stand before me, but I have just 13 photos in my hands. The first name I'm going to call this week is...


Liberty! Second FCO in a row! You came alive in this shoot and delivered an engaging take. You've firmly established yourself as a huge threat, and the others should be scared. Congratulations! Your score this week was 17.

Also safe are...


Jeana - 35
Khrystyana - 56
Erin - 62
Christina - 63
Brendi K. - 67
Rio - 69
Sandra - 76
Maggie - 83
Kyla - 87
Liz - 95
Coura - 101

Will Ivana and Shanice please step forward? Only one of you will make it through. Ivana, you are one of the only plus-sized models here, and we really do see your body as beautiful. However, we feel like you yourself aren't comfortable in your own skin, and we're not sure if you can get there in the short amount of time we have. Shanice, you have an interesting and unconventional sort of beauty, but it's one that can go wrong if you're not careful. Your take this week was lifeless, and it didn't show us the drive we wanted to see.


Based on overall scores, only one of you can continue on. And that person is...


Congratulations, Shanice. We feel like you are more ready to compete than Ivana is at this point. However, we need to start seeing some major improvement.

Ivana, this means you are out. You really do have a distinctive look, and we think if you can harness it, you'll be able to succeed in your own right. You just weren't able to show us that you're ready for this competition. Best of luck to you.



~Eliminated Model's Portfolio~





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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! ELIMINATION #2 POSTED! (C24)




Photoshoot #3 - American Horror Story






Brendi K.




















































Like always, rank these pictures from best (1) to worst (13). Comments are optional (but always encouraged!). Voting will remain open until tomorrow afternoon, so you have about 30 hours to vote.



My Ranking:

  1. Liz - I loooove this picture. I feel like it could run in pretty much any high fashion publication and not look out of place. Stunning.
  2. Khrystyana - She's bringing so much drama to this shot. It's very haunting and in all the right ways.
  3. Kyla - It's the simplest shot of the week, but I think it's one of the most effective in getting the theme across. That close-up is mesmerizing. 
  4. Liberty - I love the sense of motion in this shot. Very dramatic. She looks a little short, but that's really my only complaint.
  5. Christina - Definitely her strongest week so far. I'm not entirely sure what she was going for, but she's definitely pulling it off.
  6. Sandra - There's something very Gaga-esque about this picture. I like it a lot.
  7. Coura - The close-up here is stunning, and I like the strength in the long shot. I'm not sure how well it fits the theme, but she looks great.
  8. Jeana - I like the pose and just how different it feels compared to everyone else. It's overall a good shot, but I'm just not as impressed with it as the others.
  9. Shanice - It's nice enough. I actually like the subdued pose, but I wish she would've given more in her expression.
  10. Maggie - This is fine, and I think she'd do decently enough in the real shoot.
  11. Rio - This gives me Xiomara cycle 2 flashbacks. The crazy eyes really don't work for me at all. At least it's an interesting picture?
  12. Brendi K. - It's a bizarre picture. She shortened herself a ton with the pose, and the expression is strange.
  13. Erin - This is sadly a pretty terrible picture. The acting isn't convincing at all. It's just uncomfortable to look at.
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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! PHOTOSHOOT #3 POSTED! (C24)

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