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Survivor: Island of the Idols - Version 2.0


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Kass' tweet is one of the more interesting. I'd highly reccomend her RHAP podcast from last week it's amazing


She talks about the evolution of production from her seasons to now. I really wish we could get her again to talk about what a huge step back this show took when it seemed like it was moving forward. Also for gameplay, she was highly critical of Kellee's move last week and a lot of what she said came true (Noura exposing her, Dean turning on her, etc.).


Early on when I was feeling good about the episode, I didn't want to say this, but I found it interesting that it was a man who was checking up on Kellee to make sure she felt comfortable. I was a little surprised they had a male producer do this when I felt a women's voice could've been easier for Kellee to confide in. Kass talked about how the producers are mainly men and what kind of impact it has on the game. Like I said, it's a must listen!

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I’ve been really enjoying this season but I’m not looking forward to watching this latest episode. Kellee was my fave this season, she’s been a great player with great confessionals, so hearing everything that happened and how she had to go is so disappointing. Also on a game note I was really hoping she could have been a contender this season, I'm still kinda useless when it comes to Edgic knowledge and I haven't seen any game spoilers this season but I felt like it looked like she was having a pretty good run.. but ah well. Surely a lock for a returnee season?


I also was really enjoying Missy and Lauren but not looking forward to seeing how they acted (by the sounds of it, moreso Missy). I’ve loved Janet too and it’s gonna be hard to watch her go through all this :(


I'll have more to say on this when watching the episode but I went from loving my draft picks to... hoping for a random Noura win I guess? :dead:

Edited by ImSomebody
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Okay sat down and watched the episode in full. I went into it with an open-mind trying to remember the paranoia the game creates, the fact that the contestants don't see everything we see, and also knowing the outcome hoping that would make things easier. Unfortunately, I am still very disturbed over everything that happened.

Dan comes out of this looking the worst and I refuse to hear otherwise. He has been appropriate for 20+ days, was warned about it episode one by Kellee, vowed to calm down, and very clearly hasn't. On top of that, he villainized Janet, was ultra defensive at tribal council, and had a few very disingenuous apologies (I was hoping to hear an apology to Kellee at TC and that never happened because he was too busy defending himself). There is the least ambiguity with him, he is wrong.

Elizabeth also came out of this looking terrible and I'm not sure what she can say to make herself look better. Once again, very little ambiguity she was pretty clear with her intentions both at camp and in the confessionals. Extremely ugly look from her tonight.

Missy is felt like 3% better about on this watch? Which means I feel like 5% good about her right now lol. I think the best thing in her defense is first that she was trying to save her ass. Her butt was on the line with Kellee throwing her name out and she did feel she had to scramble to save herself. Also, Janet saying that Missy never came to her with concerns about Dan. Missy seemed to let other people play that card, but I guess she didn't play it herself? Idk still very icky. Like I said, this is a very optimistic look at the situation and even doing that I still feel disgusted.

Aaron came off worse to me. That tribal council speech was worse than I ever could have imagined. Him invalidating Kellee and Janet, pretending like nothing happened because he wasn't in the loop when it was frankly none of his business, him pulling the mom card. It was disgusting and very low. Grateful for Jamal to be there to put him in his place.

Elaine, Tommy, and Dean were pretty equal where at best they were just silent bystanders. The bystander effect isn't a good look. It's tough in a game where every word you say could be used against you, but some things go beyond the game. We also don't know if they were more active or not. Elaine & Tommy had some background moments that made me feel they were edited in a more positive way than they deserved. But unfortunately on a 40 minute show we'll never truly know. I guess you can say Noura & Karishma were bystanders as well despite their vote, but Karishma did defend Janet at tribal council and Noura did vote for Dan and made it pretty clear it was personal. So no, I'm not too judgemental of them, even though they didn't do as much as Janet as I would have liked.

Lauren's an interesting one who I keep going back and forth about. The thing that's standing out to me is her confessional where she said she didn't feel uncomfortable with Dan so that's why she voted how she did. Her actions would look a lot more........not sympathetic but understandable if not for that (even with her apologizing to Kellee in the confessional). I feel like we kind of saw the realization with her that she was an $^^@*(!, but also too little too late? Her defensiveness on twitter certainly isn't helping, she should've shut her ass up like everyone else and waited till she composed herself to put out an official statement like I'm sure all the others are doing.

Finally, production who I refuse to let off the hook. People are praising either production for handling this well, or saying it's not their fault that the contestants are assholes. I disagree. The fact that it ever escalated to this point is production's fault. For 20+ days, they have been content with filming Dan sexually harass women without doing anything about it. They don't speak up until Kellee cries about it in a confessional. I wonder how many women were involved in the filming and felt comfortable with what was happening? I can't imagine many. And I think Probst sensationalized it to the point of satire. His closing speech was pitiful with his "everyone is right and wrong" nonsense. That was him trying to overly direct a raw and human moment. I bragged about Kass' RHAP last week and she talks about Probst attempting to be Oprah but coming across as Maury and that's exactly how I felt watching tribal. We need more women on the crew and more diverse voices.


Yeah, what a disgusting episode. Some people felt this was compelling, but I think this was an awful look for this show. I think the #bigmovez culture is slightly to blame too. Where gameplay is the most important thing in the world and the human feelings are completely ignored nowadays. They tried arguing that it was just a game and they were making game moves. That's what Elizabeth was saying at least. Production has forced this culture to be the most important part of the show. Some say the show is evolving in a good way, but look at Survivor: Amazon in 2002. Everyone votes Roger out, no questions asked, because he is a sexist freak. That's when raw human emotion was important to the shows culture in a very real and natural way.

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I’m going to re-watch the episode, because I don’t remember much of Lauren in it.

I didn't remember her being that bad or too much of her either but I guess others stood out to me on that / I didn't pay as close attention to her. :unsure: But.... I really don't want to rewatch the episode.


If they removed somebody for lying, there’d be nobody left in the game. :wacko:

LMAOO exactly. :dead:


Ugh I did find Elizabeth to be the worst of this stuff (outside of Dan), but don't think she should be the one removed from the game for what she did.

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What an episode... It was an emotional whirlwind watching everything unfold - it brought lots of emotions. And like everyone, I have lots of opinions and feelings regarding this episode.


same here..


never I've been more affected by a survivor episode.




Okay sat down and watched the episode in full. I went into it with an open-mind trying to remember the paranoia the game creates, the fact that the contestants don't see everything we see, and also knowing the outcome hoping that would make things easier. Unfortunately, I am still very disturbed over everything that happened.

Dan comes out of this looking the worst and I refuse to hear otherwise. He has been appropriate for 20+ days, was warned about it episode one by Kellee, vowed to calm down, and very clearly hasn't. On top of that, he villainized Janet, was ultra defensive at tribal council, and had a few very disingenuous apologies (I was hoping to hear an apology to Kellee at TC and that never happened because he was too busy defending himself). There is the least ambiguity with him, he is wrong.

Elizabeth also came out of this looking terrible and I'm not sure what she can say to make herself look better. Once again, very little ambiguity she was pretty clear with her intentions both at camp and in the confessionals. Extremely ugly look from her tonight.

Missy is felt like 3% better about on this watch? Which means I feel like 5% good about her right now lol. I think the best thing in her defense is first that she was trying to save her ass. Her butt was on the line with Kellee throwing her name out and she did feel she had to scramble to save herself. Also, Janet saying that Missy never came to her with concerns about Dan. Missy seemed to let other people play that card, but I guess she didn't play it herself? Idk still very icky. Like I said, this is a very optimistic look at the situation and even doing that I still feel disgusted.

Aaron came off worse to me. That tribal council speech was worse than I ever could have imagined. Him invalidating Kellee and Janet, pretending like nothing happened because he wasn't in the loop when it was frankly none of his business, him pulling the mom card. It was disgusting and very low. Grateful for Jamal to be there to put him in his place.

Elaine, Tommy, and Dean were pretty equal where at best they were just silent bystanders. The bystander effect isn't a good look. It's tough in a game where every word you say could be used against you, but some things go beyond the game. We also don't know if they were more active or not. Elaine & Tommy had some background moments that made me feel they were edited in a more positive way than they deserved. But unfortunately on a 40 minute show we'll never truly know. I guess you can say Noura & Karishma were bystanders as well despite their vote, but Karishma did defend Janet at tribal council and Noura did vote for Dan and made it pretty clear it was personal. So no, I'm not too judgemental of them, even though they didn't do as much as Janet as I would have liked.

Lauren's an interesting one who I keep going back and forth about. The thing that's standing out to me is her confessional where she said she didn't feel uncomfortable with Dan so that's why she voted how she did. Her actions would look a lot more........not sympathetic but understandable if not for that (even with her apologizing to Kellee in the confessional). I feel like we kind of saw the realization with her that she was an $^^@*(!, but also too little too late? Her defensiveness on twitter certainly isn't helping, she should've shut her ass up like everyone else and waited till she composed herself to put out an official statement like I'm sure all the others are doing.

Finally, production who I refuse to let off the hook. People are praising either production for handling this well, or saying it's not their fault that the contestants are assholes. I disagree. The fact that it ever escalated to this point is production's fault. For 20+ days, they have been content with filming Dan sexually harass women without doing anything about it. They don't speak up until Kellee cries about it in a confessional. I wonder how many women were involved in the filming and felt comfortable with what was happening? I can't imagine many. And I think Probst sensationalized it to the point of satire. His closing speech was pitiful with his "everyone is right and wrong" nonsense. That was him trying to overly direct a raw and human moment. I bragged about Kass' RHAP last week and she talks about Probst attempting to be Oprah but coming across as Maury and that's exactly how I felt watching tribal. We need more women on the crew and more diverse voices.


Yeah, what a disgusting episode. Some people felt this was compelling, but I think this was an awful look for this show. I think the #bigmovez culture is slightly to blame too. Where gameplay is the most important thing in the world and the human feelings are completely ignored nowadays. They tried arguing that it was just a game and they were making game moves. That's what Elizabeth was saying at least. Production has forced this culture to be the most important part of the show. Some say the show is evolving in a good way, but look at Survivor: Amazon in 2002. Everyone votes Roger out, no questions asked, because he is a sexist freak. That's when raw human emotion was important to the shows culture in a very real and natural way.


I agree with everything you said!


major respect for Janet as well cause having to endure with all that hate from most of the tribe and still deciding to stay there I'm sure it wasn't easy.









Please cancel this season and just bring Janet, Kelle and Jamal back in the future!

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I watched some of it on Instagram. It at least seems like a genuine apology, and he seems remorseful and is owning up to his actions, so I’ll take it over the half-assed apologies we get from most today. Considering some of the other actions from this cast (Tommy has disabled comments and blocked anyone who was upset with him last night), at least there’s that.


Still have no desire to finish this season though. :x

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You can't remove someone from the show for lying that's just dumb.

yeah i meant voted out for lying about the harassment stuff. why didn't they vote off dan though since hes such a problem. Jamal was sticking u for the women thats what i dont get.

Edited by bswanson
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