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S12 or S23?


S12 or S23?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Which season has the worse result?

    • S12: Chris Blue won against IDF favorite Lauren Duski
    • S23: Gina Miles won against IDF favorite Grace West
  2. 2. Favorite Runner Up

    • S12: Lauren Duski
    • S23: Grace West
  3. 3. Did you expect the S23 winner?

    • No, and I'm happy about it
    • No, and I'm disappointed
    • Yes, and I'm happy about it
    • Yes, and I'm disappointed

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On the S23 spoilers thread, I joked about a possible S12 situation for S23:




And Hamza opined that IDF would not mind:




So is the results as bad as S12, worse, or not that bad?

Edited by season1
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Gina is a lot better than Chris and seems like a genuinely lovely human being so I'll take her winning over Chris any day. I went with Lauren over Grace but it's a tough call because Lauren had a lot more performances than Grace did. I was not that shocked that Gina won given everything I know about this show. I preferred Grace but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter who wins though.

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Can someone fix the result on the first question. I voted for one but misread it and think I should’ve  clicked the second 


also both winners are good but I prefer chris



i slightly prefer Grace to Lauren



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I think I prefer Chris over Lauren, but Lauren's a stellar storyteller. As for Gina and Grace, I haven't been big fans on the show, but they both would have been good winners! 


For me:

1. Gina winning was worse (but isn't bad at all!)

2. Lauren Duski (her tone is sooooo good)

3. No, and I'm happy about it (though I haven't really loved anyone this season)

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1. I don’t think either of these are bad results, but even as someone who preferred Lauren to Chris and Gina to Grace (at least in the finale), I can’t call Chris winning the worse result because I think he did more to prove himself as a winner than Gina did.


2. Lauren Duski by a lot.


3. No, and I’m very pleased.

Edited by FloorWax
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1. I thought Chris was the best contestant his season while Grace was overall the best in hers. So Gina winning is "worse". Not a bad result at all and pretty happy for her, her reaction to winning is one of the best winner reactions I've seen on the show lol.


2. I prefer Grace to Lauren. Grace's Tone appeals to me more.


3. I chose the 1st option even though I would have preffered a few others to win over Gina.

Edited by Hsamid
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Just now, Hsamid said:

her reaction to winning is one of the best winner reactions I've seen on the show lol.


Her face reminded me of the iconic Felicia Temple reaction

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Chris winning over Lauren was a CRIME (though I didn't follow the show fully that season).


LOVED that Gina won over Grace and I did expect it (at least after the performances I kinda thought surely there's no way Gina doesn't win???). 


Oh and Lauren >>>>>>>>>>>>> Grace and it's not even close.

Edited by Stacey.
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15 minutes ago, xfactor22 said:

Can someone fix the result on the first question. I voted for one but misread it and think I should’ve  clicked the second 


also both winners are good but I prefer chris



i slightly prefer Grace to Lauren



can't fix the results :rofl: I tried that once when I voted wrong and the whole poll reset

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Man, I'm having trouble answering these questions, maybe because the wording doesn't really describe how I viewed either finale.

  1. I say this as someone who actually liked all 4 to varying degrees (absolutely loved Chris and Lauren [especially Chris], really liked Gina and Grace). I guess I picked Gina's win as "worse," but I don't see either Gina's or Chris's win as "worse" or "bad" at all. Chris is still my #1 all-time favorite winner, and I voted for D. Smooth, but I was rooting for Gina.
  2. Definitely preferred Lauren Duski over Grace. I still play Lauren's performances, especially "Deja Vu," pretty regularly.
  3. Didn't expect the results, and I'm happy about it, but I would've been happy if Grace won, too. Grace's win would've been happy and expected, but Gina's was a pleasant surprise.

TBH, all I really wanted was for D. Smooth to finish over Sorelle, and for NOIVAS to get 5th after whatever "Fly Away" was. I thought it was all a pipe dream, but it all actually happened. Soooo I'm good 😄

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I guess I should have called it "more disliked results" instead of "worse results". But y'all know what I mean. 


Almost 80% of voters dislike the S12 results more than S23.

More than 60% of voters prefer Lauren over Grace.

3 out of 4  voters didn't expect the S23 results.

An overwhelming majority, more than 85% of voters are fine with the S23 results.




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