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Who is the TCO of this season?


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With the exception of Kennedy, TPTB hasn’t really shown their hand, in recent seasons, until the voting has started, because massive pimp out of the gate doesn’t work anymore. A week 2 casual, non-pimp spot leak of Carter’s audition could be a sign, but it’s too soon to know whether they will be able to pull off a Gwen win with him.  I need to see a couple more performances. He’ll need to do better, going forward. 

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Carter and Payge are strong contenders but this season is surprisingly stacked, at least compared to the past two seasons, its still too early to call. But I also want a Gwen win to change things up. She better redeem herself from the 'playoffs disaster' on her last season.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/28/2020 at 9:27 PM, TeamAudra said:

With the exception of Kennedy, TPTB hasn’t really shown their hand, in recent seasons, until the voting has started, because massive pimp out of the gate doesn’t work anymore. A week 2 casual, non-pimp spot leak of Carter’s audition could be a sign, but it’s too soon to know whether they will be able to pull off a Gwen win with him.  I need to see a couple more performances. He’ll need to do better, going forward. 

He did better, going forward. It’s seems pretty obvious now. 

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Now I can't see anyone else being TCO besides Carter. Jim is the one to defeat and they had a similar winner as him last season, so he'll get bussed. Desz or Ryan are capable of winning on Kelly's team, but I don't think TPTB is in the mood for a 4th Kelly win, maybe if Desz has more votes they will try, but I don't see it. 


Carter fits the perfect mold and story. Teen boy with autistic brother, who donates to charity, on Gwen's team for her first win. Likeable character, big voice, fantastic control, I don't know what else TPTB could want.


Edit: Also Gwen beating Blake is a good story.

Edited by QueenMae16
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2 hours ago, QueenMae16 said:

Now I can't see anyone else being TCO besides Carter. Jim is the one to defeat and they had a similar winner as him last season, so he'll get bussed. Desz or Ryan are capable of winning on Kelly's team, but I don't think TPTB is in the mood for a 4th Kelly win, maybe if Desz has more votes they will try, but I don't see it. 


Carter fits the perfect mold and story. Teen boy with autistic brother, who donates to charity, on Gwen's team for her first win. Likeable character, big voice, fantastic control, I don't know what else TPTB could want.


Edit: Also Gwen beating Blake is a good story.

With you laying it all there like that, yeah I think they're going for a Carter win. I wouldn't be mad if he does. As long as Jim doesn't lmao.

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