season1 Posted April 11, 2020 Share Posted April 11, 2020 (edited) THE VOICE WINNERS' SPOTIFY MONTHLY LISTENERS CURRENT STATS: 5/3/23 Danielle Bradbery [Season 4] - 2.3M Cassadee Pope [Season 3] - 588K Brynn Cartelli [Season 14] - 354K Jordan Smith [Season 9] - 267K Craig Wayne Boyd / Texas Hill [Season 7] - 148K Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 76K Girl Named Tom [Season 21] - 65K Tessanne Chin [Season 5] - 51K Javier Colon [Season 1] - 48K Sundance Head [Season 11] - 38K Alisan Porter [Season 10] - 36K Chevel Shepherd [Season 15] - 31K Jake Hoot [Season 17] - 31K Josh Kaufman [Season 6] - 27K Chloe MK [Season 13] - 23K Cam Anthony [Season 20] - 12K Chris Blue [Season 12] - 10K Jermaine Paul [Season 2] - 9K Todd Tilghman [Season 18] - 8K Maelyn Jarmon [Season 16] - 7K Carter Rubin [Season 19] - 6K Bryce Leatherwood [Season 22] - NO DATA 2022 STATS: 12/20/22 Jordan Smith [Season 9] - 3.15M Danielle Bradbery [Season 4] - 1.52M Cassadee Pope [Season 3] - 586K Brynn Cartelli [Season 14] - 372K Craig Wayne Boyd / Texas Hill [Season 7] - 191K Girl Named Tom [Season 21] - 156K Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 74K Sundance Head [Season 11] - 56K Javier Colon [Season 1] - 46K Jake Hoot [Season 17] - 43K Josh Kaufman [Season 6] - 36K Tessanne Chin [Season 5] - 36K Alisan Porter [Season 10] - 35K Chevel Shepherd [Season 15] - 35K Chloe MK [Season 13] - 31K Jermaine Paul [Season 2] - 19K Chris Blue [Season 12] - 13K Cam Anthony [Season 20] - 12K Carter Rubin [Season 19] - 10K Todd Tilghman [Season 18] - 8K Maelyn Jarmon [Season 16] - 7K 12/9/22 Jordan Smith [Season 9] - 1.99M Danielle Bradbery [Season 4] - 1.54M Cassadee Pope [Season 3] - 609.5K Brynn Cartelli [Season 14] - 395.6K Craig Wayne Boyd [Season 7] / Texas Hill - 191.8k Girl Named Tom [Season 21] - 103.5k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 79.9K Sundance Head [Season 11] - 60k Javier Colon [Season 1] - 45.5k Jake Hoot [Season 17] - 40k Alisan Porter [Season 10] - 36K Tessanne Chin [Season 5] - 34.8K Chloe MK [Season 13] - 34K Chevel Shepherd [Season 15] - 33.8K Jermaine Paul [Season 2] - 17K Cam Anthony [Season 20] - 11K Chris Blue [Season 12] - 11K Carter Rubin [Season 19] - 9K Todd Tilghman [Season 18] - 7.6K Josh Kaufman [Season 6] - 3.6K Maelyn Jarmon [Season 16] - 6.8K 11/3/22 Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.52M Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 627K Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 427K Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 290K Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) / Texas Hill - 154k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 85K Girl Named Tom (Season 21) - 70k Sundance Head (Season 11) - 57k Jake Hoot (Season 17) - 47k Javier Colon (Season 1) - 45k Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 39K Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 37K Chloe MK (Season 13) - 36K Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 32K Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 16K Cam Anthony (Season 20) - 12K Chris Blue (Season 12) - 11K Todd Tilghman [Season 18] - 10K Maelyn Jarmon (Season 16) - 8K Carter Rubin (Season 19) - 5K Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 4K 7/20/22 Danielle Bradbery - 2.9M Cassadee Pope - 652K Brynn Cartelli - 378K Jordan Smith - 376K Sawyer Fredericks - 85.1K Girl Named Tom - 83.3K [new] Javier Colon - 55.9K Alisan Porter - 53.3K Jake Hoot - 51.5K Sundance Head - 51.2K Chevel Shepherd - 41.3K Tessanne Chin - 39.9K Chloe MK - 33.4K Jermaine Paul - 12.9K Chris Blue - 10K Todd Tilghman - 9.7K Cam Anthony - 8.6K Maelyn Jarmon - 8K Carter Rubin - 7.2K Craig Wayne Boyd - 5.7K Josh Kaufman - 4.8K 2021 AND OLDER STATS: Quote 2021 STATS: 5/30/21 Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.17m Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 924k Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 766k Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 334k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 125k Jake Hoot (Season 17) - 62k Javier Colon (Season 1) - 54k Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 50k Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 46k Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 40k Sundance Head (Season 11) - 31k Chloe mk [Kohanski] (Season 13) - 25k Cam Anthony (Season 20) - 22k [new] Chris Blue (Season 12) - 16k Todd Tilghman [Season 18] - 11k Maelyn Jarmon (Season 16) - 9k Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 7k Carter Rubin (Season 19) - 7k Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 5k / [Texas Hill - 26k] Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 5k 2020 STATS: 6/28/20 Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.69m Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 1.05m Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 446k Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 148k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 109k Todd Tilghman (Season 18)- 93k Javier Colon (Season 1) - 66k Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 54k Sundance Head (Season 11) - 45k Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 40k Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 34k Jake Hoot (Season 17) - 27k Chloe Kohanski (Season 13) - 24k [chloe mk] Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 17k [Texas Hill] Maelyn Jarmon (Season 16) - 16k Chris Blue (Season 12) - 13k Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 8k Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 6k ******************* 2019 STATS 12/19/19 Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 3.3m Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.2m Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 505k Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 114k Javier Colon (Season 1) - 93k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 89k Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 46k Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 38k Sundance Head (Season 11) - 36k Chloe Kohanski (Season 13) - 27k Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 21k Maelyn Jarmon (Season 16) - 19k Chris Blue (Season 12) - 15k Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 11k Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 10k Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 7k Jake Hoot (Season 17) - No Data THE VOICE ALUMNI'S SPOTIFY MONTHLY LISTENERS CURRENT STATS: 5/3/23: Morgan Wallen [Season 6] - 24M Melanie Martinez [Season 3] - 19.5M LiBianca (NEW) [Season 21] - 16.5M Foushee [Season 15] - 3.7M Kameron Marlowe [Season 15] - 3.4M Corey Kent (White) [Season 8] - 3.2M Vedo [Season 4] - 2.7M Loren Allred [Season 3] - 2.6M Dalton Dover (NEW) [Season 16] - 1.4M RaeLynn [Season 2] - 1.1M Christina Grimmie [Season 6] - 690K Alexa Cappelli [Season 14] - 689K Koryn Hawthorne [Season 8] - 645K Thunderstorm Artis (NEW) [Season 18] - 431K Andrew Jannakos [Season 16] - 409K Ashland Craft [Season 13] - 331K Lauren Duski [Season 12] - 206K Jake Worthington [Season 6] - 167K We Ani (NEW) [Season 11] - 160K Adam Wakefield / Texas Hill [Season 10] - 148K Rebecca Brunner [Season 13] - 143K Ian Flanigan [Season 19] - 89K Jon Mero [Season 13] - 80K The Swon Brothers [Season 4] - 70K Judith Hill [Season 4] - 59K bodie [Season 22] - 53K Brennley Brown [Season 12] - 49K Hunter Plake [Season 12] - 39K Billy Gilman (NEW) [Season 11] - 37K Chris Mann [Season 2] - 36K 2022 STATS: 12/20/22: Morgan Wallen [Season 6] - 14.16M Melanie Martinez [Season 3] - 12.29M Foushee [Season 15] - 4.42M Vedo [Season 4] - 2.65M Kameron Marlowe [Season 15] - 2.6M Loren Allred [Season 3] - 2.46M Corey Kent (White) [Season 8] - 2M RaeLynn [Season 2] - 873K Alexa Cappelli [Season 14] - 827K Christina Grimmie [Season 6] - 733K Koryn Hawthorne [Season 8] - 470K Ashland Craft [Season 13] - 302K Andrew Jannakos [Season 16] - 290K Lauren Duski [Season 12] - 278K Adam Wakefield / Texas Hill [Season 10] - 191K Ian Flanigan [Season 19] - 123K Rebecca Brunner [Season 13] - 111K Chris Mann [Season 2] - 92K The Swon Brothers [Season 4] - 76K Judith Hill [Season 4] - 56K bodie (NEW) [Season 22] - 51K Hunter Plake [Season 12] - 40K Noah Mac [Season 13] - 29K Gyth Rigdon (NEW) [Season 16] - 25K Jake Worthington [Season 6] - 25K Jon Mero [Season 13] - 25K Addison Agen [Season 13] - 21K Brennley Brown [Season 12] - 20K Matthew Schuler [Season 5] - 20K 11/3/22: Morgan Wallen (Season 6) - 13.55m Melanie Martinez (Season 3) - 12.56m Foushee (Season 15) - 4.42m Kameron Marlowe (Season 15) - 2.58m Vedo (Season 4) - 2.56m Loren Allred (Season 3) - 2.41m Corey Kent (White) [Season 8] - 1.86m RaeLynn (Season 2) - 1.02m Alexa Cappelli (Season 14) - 836k Christina Grimmie (Season 6) - 784k Koryn Hawthorne [Season 8] - 460k Ashland Craft (Season 13) - 318k Andrew Jannakos (Season 16) - 317k Lauren Duski (Season 12) - 287k Adam Wakefield (Season 10) / Texas Hill - 154k [NEW] Rebecca Brunner (Season 13) - 123k [NEW] Judith Hill (Season 4) - 65k [NEW] The Swon Brothers (Season 4) - 55k Chris Mann (Season 2) - 52k Hunter Plake (Season 12) - 37k Noah Mac (Season 13) - 34k [NEW] Ian Flanigan (Season 19) - 34k Jon Mero (Season 13) - 31k [NEW] Brennley Brown (Season 12) - 29k Jake Worthington (Season 6) - 28k Moriah Formica / Plush (Season 13) - 24k [NEW] Addison Agen (Season 13) - 23K [NEW] Matthew Schuler (Season 5) - 20k [NEW] Holly Tucker (Season 4) - 13k [NEW] Kenzie Wheeler (Season 20) - 10k 7/22/22: Morgan Wallen (Season 6) - 13.7m Melanie Martinez (Season 3) - 13.3m Foushee (Season 15) - 3m Vedo (Season 4) - 2.8m [new] Loren Allred (Season 3) - 2.3m Corey Kent (White) [Season 8] - 2.2m Kameron Marlowe (Season 15) - 2.2m RaeLynn (Season 2) - 1.3m Alexa Cappelli (Season 14) - 1.1m [new] Christina Grimmie (Season 6) - 1m [new] Koryn Hawthorne [Season 8] - 502k Ashland Craft (Season 13) - 471k Andrew Jannakos (Season 16) - 263k [new] Lauren Duski (Season 12) - 261k Ian Flanigan (Season 19) - 77k The Swon Brothers (Season 4) - 65k Chris Mann (Season 2) - 59k Brennley Brown (Season 12) - 51k Hunter Plake (Season 12) - 36k Jake Worthington (Season 6) - 30k [new] Kenzie Wheeler (Season 20) - 20k 2021 AND OLDER STATS: Quote 2021 STATS: 5/30/21 Melanie Martinez (Season 3) - 11m Morgan Wallen (Season 6) - 9m Foushee (Season 15) - 6.4m [new] Loren Allred (Season 3) - 2.4m Kameron Marlowe (Season 15) - 1.6m RaeLynn (Season 2) - 1.4m Koryn Hawthorne [Season 8] - 780k Lauren Duski (Season 12) - 300k Victor Solomon (Season 20) - 185k [new] Corey Kent (White) [Season 8] - 170k Ian Flanigan (Season 19) - 159k [new] Kenzie Wheeler (Season 20) - 129k [new] Rachel Mac (Season 20) - 123k [new] The Swon Brothers (Season 4) - 104k [new] Ashland Craft (Season 13) - 66k Chris Mann (Season 2) - 47k [new] Brennley Brown (Season 12) - 38k [new] Hunter Plake (Season 12) - 31k [new] 2020 STATS: 6/28/20 Melanie Martinez (Season 3) - 17.34m Morgan Wallen (Season 6) - 9.55m Loren Allred (Season 3) - 2.21m Raelynn (Season 2) - 1.61m Kameron Marlowe (Season 15) - 1.13m Koryn Hawthorne [Season 8] - 464k Ashland Craft (Season 13) - 99k Lauren Duski (Season 12) - 39k ******** Alumni stats are limited to Top 30, which currently include former contestants who have 30K+ listeners. If you think your favorite former contestants should be included in the list, please post their names, seasons and numbers in the comments. Edited May 3, 2023 by season1 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Spurrious Posted April 11, 2020 Share Posted April 11, 2020 Should have been Voice Winners' Spotify Monthly Listeners Current Stats: 4/10/2020 Lauren Duski Season 12 42k 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teraginn Posted April 12, 2020 Share Posted April 12, 2020 Kameron Marlowe from Season 15 is on Spotify for only a year and has only two songs out, but he has about 990,233 monthly listeners since 4/12/2020. This is mostly due to his debut single going viral across various Spotify country playlists. That was with zero label/radio support. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
season1 Posted April 12, 2020 Author Share Posted April 12, 2020 (edited) Morgan Wallen (Season 6) has 8.28 mil monthly listeners. He had several hit singles on Country radio. Raelynn (Season 2) has 1.47 mil monthly listeners. She also had success on Country radio. EDIT: I added Lauren, Kameron, Morgan and Raelynn to the list, under a separate category. Edited April 12, 2020 by season1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TeamAudra Posted April 18, 2020 Share Posted April 18, 2020 (edited) Chevel just cracked 100K monthly listeners. For an artist with no label support, or support from NBC/The Voice, that’s not too bad. She’s slowly releasing songs from her album...two so far, with the next one on May 1st. She’s also selling signed CDs on her website, by doing live-streams on Facebook and IG for $19.95. Last week, she showed how many were ready to be shipped. It was a lot. Maybe 1000+. As we all know, there isn’t much money in streaming, unless they get into the 10s of millions. I would recommend Chevel’s strategy of selling signed CDs, and slowly releasing the singles on all platforms to any artist who doesn’t have label or radio support. Of course, just putting it on their website isn’t enough. They actually have to make the effort, and go online and ask people to buy their music. Repeatedly. Edited April 18, 2020 by TeamAudra Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
antikid Posted April 18, 2020 Share Posted April 18, 2020 On 4/11/2020 at 5:47 AM, season1 said: Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 148k I'm not following her closely or the music industry in general when it comes to the numbers. But that seems way too low for someone who apparently gets much help from Kelly. Or I'm completely off? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
season1 Posted April 19, 2020 Author Share Posted April 19, 2020 (edited) 17 hours ago, antikid said: I'm not following her closely or the music industry in general when it comes to the numbers. But that seems way too low for someone who apparently gets much help from Kelly. Or I'm completely off? Here's my screenshot from Spotify app a few minutes ago. Her numbers went down a bit from 148k to 144k. I don't know how much support is Kelly giving her, and what type - whether label or management or promotion. But they may not readilly translate to streaming numbers. Monthly listeners can fluctuate too, depending on whether the singer have new songs out or not. Jordan Smith's numbers jump up a lot in December because he has a Christmas album. Edited April 19, 2020 by season1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
season1 Posted April 19, 2020 Author Share Posted April 19, 2020 4/19/20 Stats Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.45m Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 861k Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 490k Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 144k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 104k Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 100k Javier Colon (Season 1) - 67k Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 54k Sundance Head (Season 11) - 37k Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 34k Jake Hoot (Season 17) - 29k Chloe Kohanski (Season 13) - 27k [chloe mk] Maelyn Jarmon (Season 16) - 16k Chris Blue (Season 12) - 10k Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 9k Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 8k Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 6k Jake Hoot jumped from #13 to #11 and more than doubled his numbers, from 12k to 29k. Chevel has now more than 100k monthly listeners, as TA mentioned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archanium Posted April 19, 2020 Share Posted April 19, 2020 Loren Allred (S3) has over than 2.2 mil monthly listeners. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
season1 Posted April 26, 2020 Author Share Posted April 26, 2020 (edited) On 4/19/2020 at 3:55 PM, Archanium said: Loren Allred (S3) has over than 2.2 mil monthly listeners. Thanks! I didn't see your post sooner. I'll include her in future updates. Edited April 26, 2020 by season1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngelaKD Posted April 26, 2020 Share Posted April 26, 2020 (edited) On 4/10/2020 at 11:47 PM, season1 said: THE VOICE WINNERS' SPOTIFY MONTHLY LISTENERS CURRENT STATS: 4/19/20 Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.45m Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 861k Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 490k Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 144k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 104k Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 100k Javier Colon (Season 1) - 67k Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 54k Sundance Head (Season 11) - 37k Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 34k Jake Hoot (Season 17) - 29k Chloe Kohanski (Season 13) - 27k [chloe mk] Maelyn Jarmon (Season 16) - 16k Chris Blue (Season 12) - 10k Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 9k Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 8k Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 6k PREVIOUS STATS: 4/10/20 Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.44m Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 843k Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 476k Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 148k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 105k Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 88k Javier Colon (Season 1) - 68k Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 58k Sundance Head (Season 11) - 35k Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 34k Chloe Kohanski (Season 13) - 26k [chloe mk] Maelyn Jarmon (Season 16) - 15k Jake Hoot (Season 17) - 12k Chris Blue (Season 12) - 11k Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 9k Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 8k Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 7k 12/19/19 Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 3.3m Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.2m Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 505k Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 114k Javier Colon (Season 1) - 93k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 89k Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 46k Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 38k Sundance Head (Season 11) - 36k Chloe Kohanski (Season 13) - 27k Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 21k Maelyn Jarmon (Season 16) - 19k Chris Blue (Season 12) - 15k Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 11k Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 10k Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 7k Jake Hoot (Season 17) - No Data THE VOICE NON-WINNERS' SPOTIFY MONTHLY LISTENERS CURRENT STATS: 4/19/20 Morgan Wallen (Season 6) - 8.44m Loren Allred (Season 3) - 2.2m Raelynn (Season 2) - 1.48m Kameron Marlowe (Season 15) - 962k Lauren Duski (Season 12) - 42k 04/11/20 Morgan Wallen (Season 6) - 8.28m Raelynn (Season 2) - 1.47m Kameron Marlowe (Season 15) - 990k Lauren Duski (Season 12) - 42k ****** In the old site, there used to be a similar thread, tracking the Spotify of The Voice winners. I don't remember who was the OP and if they want to take over this thread. Anyway, y'all can add stats of non-winners in the comments. I may add them under separate category on the OP. How did Melanie Martinez (Season 3) not make the non-winners list? ETA: I checked it. 5,300,360 monthly listeners Edited April 26, 2020 by AngelaKD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TeamAudra Posted April 26, 2020 Share Posted April 26, 2020 Finalist Spotify Listeners: Season 13: Chloe Kohanski 18,137, Chloe MK 27,702 Addison Agen 24,045 Brooke Simpson 17,393 Red Marlow 6568 Season 14: Brynn Cartelli 145,371 Britton Buchanan 21,945 Kyla Jade 5657 Spensha Baker 3373 Season 15: Chevel Shepherd 111,855 Kirk Jay 42,825 Chris Kroeze 11,331 Kennedy Holmes 1886 Season 16: Maelyn Jarmon 15,031, Maelyn 561 Gyth Rigdon 33,310 Andrew Sevener 7697 Dexter Roberts 4084 Season 17: Jake Hoot 34,467 Ricky Duran 15,809 Katie Kaden 9032 Rose Short 1863 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
season1 Posted April 27, 2020 Author Share Posted April 27, 2020 18 hours ago, AngelaKD said: How did Melanie Martinez (Season 3) not make the non-winners list? ETA: I checked it. 5,300,360 monthly listeners From the OP -- Quote ... Anyway, y'all can add stats of non-winners in the comments. I may add them under separate category on the OP. There are hundreds of non-winners so y'all can help add info to the OP by posting about them in a comment. No worries, she'll be on the list now, thanks for the info. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
season1 Posted April 27, 2020 Author Share Posted April 27, 2020 (edited) 17 hours ago, TeamAudra said: Finalist Spotify Listeners: Season 13: Chloe Kohanski 18,137, Chloe MK 27,702 Addison Agen 24,045 Brooke Simpson 17,393 Red Marlow 6568 Season 14: Brynn Cartelli 145,371 Britton Buchanan 21,945 Kyla Jade 5657 Spensha Baker 3373 Season 15: Chevel Shepherd 111,855 Kirk Jay 42,825 Chris Kroeze 11,331 Kennedy Holmes 1886 Season 16: Maelyn Jarmon 15,031, Maelyn 561 Gyth Rigdon 33,310 Andrew Sevener 7697 Dexter Roberts 4084 Season 17: Jake Hoot 34,467 Ricky Duran 15,809 Katie Kaden 9032 Rose Short 1863 I am surprised that Maelyn is lagging in listeners vs Runner UP Gyth or even vs recent winner Jake. Good for Chevel for increasing her numbers nicely. She should be in the Top 5 among winners in the next big update (by end of the month). Edited April 27, 2020 by season1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngelaKD Posted April 27, 2020 Share Posted April 27, 2020 5 hours ago, season1 said: From the OP -- There are hundreds of non-winners so y'all can help add info to the OP by posting about them in a comment. No worries, she'll be on the list now, thanks for the info. There may be hundreds of non-winners, but only one I know of that has a platinum album. I assumed anyone making a list would start with her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FloorWax Posted April 27, 2020 Share Posted April 27, 2020 5 hours ago, season1 said: I am surprised that Maelyn is lagging in listeners vs Runner UP Gyth or even vs recent winner Jake. All Maelyn has on her page is a Christmas song. Gyth has tons of pre-show stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
season1 Posted April 27, 2020 Author Share Posted April 27, 2020 5 hours ago, AngelaKD said: There may be hundreds of non-winners, but only one I know of that has a platinum album. I assumed anyone making a list would start with her. I started the topic when I saw that article about Winners' Spotify number, and I initially intended to only have winners listed. I know that some of the alumni have good numbers, so when people posted stats for non-winners (see the other posts after OP), I added them. I remembered Morgan Wallen and Raelynn because I heard their songs on my playlist (mostly country). I made a comment about them, and added them to the list. Sorry I overlooked Melanie, no offense intended. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
season1 Posted April 27, 2020 Author Share Posted April 27, 2020 5 hours ago, FloorWax said: All Maelyn has on her page is a Christmas song. Gyth has tons of pre-show stuff. I would expect her The Voice stuff would be there too. I didn't realize that Gyth has a lot of pre-show stuff, thanks for that info. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
season1 Posted June 29, 2020 Author Share Posted June 29, 2020 I updated the data on the OP. Most artists gained listeners since last update. There are two additions to the list - one winner and one non-winner: Season 18 Winner Todd Tilghman has 93k monthly listeners, which places him in #6 among all winners. Season 13 contestant Ashland Craft is now signed to an independent country label, Big Loud Records. She has 99k monthly listeners, which could be the most listeners for a Top 13 contestant from that season. ******* WINNERS: Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.69m Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 1.05m Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 446k Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 148k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 109k Todd Tilghman (Season 18)- 93k Javier Colon (Season 1) - 66k Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 54k Sundance Head (Season 11) - 45k Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 40k Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 34k Jake Hoot (Season 17) - 27k Chloe Kohanski (Season 13) - 24k [chloe mk] Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 17k [Texas Hill] Maelyn Jarmon (Season 16) - 16k Chris Blue (Season 12) - 13k Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 8k Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 6k NON-WINNERS: Melanie Martinez (Season 3) - 17.34m Morgan Wallen (Season 6) - 9.55m Loren Allred (Season 3) - 2.21m Raelynn (Season 2) - 1.61m Kameron Marlowe (Season 15) - 1.13m Ashland Craft (Season 13) - 99k Lauren Duski (Season 12) - 39k 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngelaKD Posted June 29, 2020 Share Posted June 29, 2020 3 hours ago, season1 said: I updated the data on the OP. Most artists gained listeners since last update. There are two additions to the list - one winner and one non-winner: Season 18 Winner Todd Tilghman has 93k monthly listeners, which places him in #6 among all winners. Season 13 contestant Ashland Craft is now signed to an independent country label, Big Loud Records. She has 99k monthly listeners, which could be the most listeners for a Top 13 contestant from that season. ******* WINNERS: Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.69m Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 1.05m Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 446k Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 148k Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 109k Todd Tilghman (Season 18)- 93k Javier Colon (Season 1) - 66k Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 54k Sundance Head (Season 11) - 45k Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 40k Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 34k Jake Hoot (Season 17) - 27k Chloe Kohanski (Season 13) - 24k [chloe mk] Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 17k [Texas Hill] Maelyn Jarmon (Season 16) - 16k Chris Blue (Season 12) - 13k Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 8k Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 6k NON-WINNERS: Melanie Martinez (Season 3) - 17.34m Morgan Wallen (Season 6) - 9.55m Loren Allred (Season 3) - 2.21m Raelynn (Season 2) - 1.61m Kameron Marlowe (Season 15) - 1.13m Ashland Craft (Season 13) - 99k Lauren Duski (Season 12) - 39k Here’s another one for the list: Koryn Hawthorne—464 k Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
season1 Posted June 29, 2020 Author Share Posted June 29, 2020 4 hours ago, AngelaKD said: Here’s another one for the list: Koryn Hawthorne—464 k Added her to the list. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hamza Tufail Posted May 24, 2021 Share Posted May 24, 2021 (edited) 1. Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.15m 2. Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 908k 3. Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 629k 4. Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 325k 5. Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 127k 6. Javier Colon (Season 1) - 54k 7. Jake Hoot (Season 17) - 53k 8. Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 50k 9. Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 48k 10. Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 40k 11. Sundance Head (Season 11) - 30k 12. Chloe mk (Season 13) - 24k 13. Chris Blue (Season 12) - 14k 14.Todd Tilghman (Season 18)- 11k 15. Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 7k 16. Carter Rubin (Season 19) - 6k 17. Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 5k 18. Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 5k 19. Maelyn (Season 16) - 191(Can't find "Maelyn Jarmon" account. If anyone finds that then post it's numbers here). Big congrats to Brynn for going from about 100ks to 600k. Edited May 24, 2021 by Hamza Tufail 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dalton Eduardo Posted May 24, 2021 Share Posted May 24, 2021 3 minutes ago, Hamza Tufail said: 1. Danielle Bradbery (Season 4) - 1.15m 2. Cassadee Pope (Season 3) - 908k 3. Brynn Cartelli (Season 14) - 629k 4. Jordan Smith (Season 9) - 325k 5. Sawyer Fredericks [Season 8] - 127k 6. Javier Colon (Season 1) - 54k 7. Jake Hoot (Season 17) - 53k 8. Alisan Porter (Season 10) - 50k 9. Chevel Shepherd (Season 15) - 48k 10. Tessanne Chin (Season 5) - 40k 11. Sundance Head (Season 11) - 30k 12. Chloe mk (Season 13) - 24k 13. Chris Blue (Season 12) - 14k 14.Todd Tilghman (Season 18)- 11k 15. Jermaine Paul (Season 2) - 7k 16. Carter Rubin (Season 19) - 6k 17. Craig Wayne Boyd (Season 7) - 5k 18. Josh Kaufman (Season 6) - 5k 19. Maelyn (Season 16) - 191(Can't find "Maelyn Jarmon" account. If anyone finds that then post it's numbers here). Big congrats to Brynn for going from about 100ks to 600k. This is Maelyn's spotify account. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
David68 Posted May 24, 2021 Share Posted May 24, 2021 1 minute ago, Dalton Eduardo said: This is Maelyn's spotify account. lmao sad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dalton Eduardo Posted May 24, 2021 Share Posted May 24, 2021 Just now, David68 said: lmao sad Yeah. Only 191 monthly listeners. That's just so sad for someone as talented as Queen Maelyn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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