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Survivor: Winners at War


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Shallow: And, I know Sophie from New York. She’s a stone wall. I’m like, “Hi, Sophie!”  And she’s stonewalling me. I don’t know if that’s a bad sign or she doesn’t want to let on that we know each other.


Clarke: For the women, I’m really excited about Parvati and I hope she’s excited about me. Parvati used to live in New York, so I know her well, we used to workout together. Like, she’s met my family. But we’ve really been out of touch for the last year or so, like really out of touch. So, I was super excited to see her here, and I keep trying to smile. I keep trying to revive that friendship and I hope she’s thinking along the same lines. I also think it’d be a really unexpected alliance. I don’t think many people would know that we were friends. So I’m excited about Parvati.


Interesting how Sophie thinks she's trying to hint to Parvati she wants to work together but Parvati's not getting it at all. I'm praying they work together, I'd love to see them dominate. Disappointed they're not on the same starting tribe.

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