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ANTM RE-Reloaded! All Cycles Completed!!!


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Elimination #11

3 models stand before me, but I have just 2 photos in my hands, and these photos represent our two finalists this cycle. The first name I'm going to call this week is...

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Analeigh! I'll be blunt. This wasn't your best week. However, we still think you did the best cumulative job in these two tasks. You've worked very hard this cycle and have definitely earned your spot in the finale. Congratulations! Your score this week was 32.

Will Lauren Brie and Samantha please step forward? Only one of you will make it through. Lauren Brie, we look at you in person, and you don't blow us away. However, you've taken so many pictures throughout the competition that have. You have incredible talent. Having said that, the winner of this competition needs to be multifaceted, and we're not sure you're there. Samantha, you're not as naturally talented as Lauren Brie, but we've seen so much improvement from you, and that's commendable. However, while you've had some strong editorial shoots, you still haven't shown that you can be a viable editorial model. Like I said, the winner here needs to be multifaceted, and you lack that.

Based on overall scores, only one of you can continue on. And that person is...

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Congratulations, Samantha. It's true that you don't strike us as an editorial model, but your pictures throughout the competition have convinced us that you can transform when need be. Now it's up to you to show us this transformation on the final runway.

Lauren Brie, this means you are out. You're sort of the opposite of Samantha. You're definitely an editorial model, but our concern was that you couldn't be much else. However, you should definitely be proud of your journey here. You've taken some of the best pictures in this competition to date, and I have no doubt that you'll continue to do so outside the show. Best of luck to you.

~Eliminated Model's Portfolio~

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Final 2 Portfolio Battle (Part 1): Analeigh vs. Samantha


Week 1: Political Issues Made Sexy

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Week 2: Couture on a Hot Air Balloon

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Week 3: Susan Holmes Swimwear

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Week 4: Eyes Above Water

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Week 5: Natural Disasters

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Week 6: Fiercee Awards

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Week 7: CoverGirl Commercial

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Part 2 coming up shortly! Please don't post until I've got it posted.

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Final 2 Portfolio Battle (Part 2): Analeigh vs. Samantha


Week 8: Nautical Models

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Week 9.1: Simplistic

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Week 9.2: Dramatic

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Week 10: Windmill Couture

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Week 11.1: CoverGirl Ad

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Week 11.2: CoverGirl Commercial

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Finale: Final Runway



Here is the template -

Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9.1:
Week 9.2:
Week 10:
Week 11.1:
Week 11.2:
Final Runway:
Winner Pick:

As always, the winner of each battle will earn 1 point. The exception to this rule is the winner pick battle; the winner of that will get 3 points instead of 1. Your winner pick does not have to be the person who got more points in your battle. Have fun!

My Vote -

Week 1: Analeigh
Week 2: Analeigh
Week 3: Samantha
Week 4: Analeigh
Week 5: Analeigh
Week 6: Analeigh
Week 7: Analeigh
Week 8: Samantha
Week 9.1: Samantha
Week 9.2: Analeigh
Week 10: Analeigh
Week 11.1: Analeigh
Week 11.2: Samantha
Final Runway: Analeigh
Winner Pick: Analeigh

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Week 1: Analeigh

Week 2: Analeigh

Week 3: Samantha

Week 4: Analeigh

Week 5: Analeigh

Week 6: Analeigh

Week 7: Analeigh

Week 8: Samantha

Week 9.1: Samantha

Week 9.2: Analeigh

Week 10: Analeigh

Week 11.1: Analeigh

Week 11.2: Analeigh

Final Runway: Analeigh

Winner Pick: Analeigh

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Week 1: Analeigh

Week 2: Analeigh

Week 3: Analeigh

Week 4: Samantha

Week 5: Analeigh

Week 6: Samantha

Week 7: Analeigh

Week 8: Analeigh

Week 9.1: Analeigh

Week 9.2: Analeigh

Week 10: Analeigh

Week 11.1: Analeigh

Week 11.2: Samantha

Final Runway: Analeigh

Winner Pick: Analeigh

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Week 1: Analeigh

Week 2: Analeigh

Week 3: Samantha

Week 4: Samantha

Week 5: Samantha

Week 6: Samantha

Week 7: Analeigh

Week 8: Samantha

Week 9.1: Samantha

Week 9.2: Analeigh

Week 10: Analeigh

Week 11.1: Analeigh

Week 11.2: Samantha

Final Runway: Analeigh

Winner Pick: Analeigh

Edited by Halale
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Week 1: Samantha

Week 2: Samantha

Week 3: Samantha

Week 4: Analeigh

Week 5: Analeigh

Week 6: Analeigh

Week 7: Analeigh

Week 8: Samantha

Week 9.1: Samantha

Week 9.2: Analeigh

Week 10: Analeigh

Week 11.1: Analeigh

Week 11.2: Samantha

Final Runway: Analeigh

Winner Pick: Analeigh

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Week 1: Analeigh

Week 2: Analeigh

Week 3: Analeigh

Week 4: Samantha

Week 5: Analeigh

Week 6: Samantha

Week 7: Analeigh

Week 8: Analeigh

Week 9.1: Analeigh

Week 9.2: Analeigh

Week 10: Analeigh

Week 11.1: Analeigh

Week 11.2: Samantha

Final Runway: Analeigh

Winner Pick: Analeigh


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Week 1: Analeigh

Week 2: Analeigh

Week 3: Samantha

Week 4: Analeigh

Week 5: Analeigh

Week 6: Analeigh

Week 7: Analeigh

Week 8: Samantha

Week 9.1: Samantha

Week 9.2: Analeigh

Week 10: Analeigh

Week 11.1: Analeigh

Week 11.2: Samantha

Final Runway: Analeigh

Winner Pick: Analeigh



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Week 1: Analeigh

Week 2: Analeigh

Week 3: Samantha

Week 4: Analeigh

Week 5: Analeigh

Week 6: Analeigh

Week 7: Analeigh

Week 8: Samantha

Week 9.1: Samantha

Week 9.2: Analeigh

Week 10: Analeigh

Week 11.1: Analeigh

Week 11.2: Analeigh

Final Runway: Analeigh

Winner Pick: Analeigh

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Week 1: Samantha

Week 2: Samantha

Week 3: Samantha

Week 4: Samantha

Week 5: Samantha

Week 6: Samantha

Week 7: Samantha

Week 8: Samantha

Week 9.1: Samantha

Week 9.2: Samantha

Week 10: Samantha

Week 11.1: Samantha

Week 11.2: Samantha

Final Runway: Analeigh

Winner Pick: Samantha

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Week 1: Samantha

Week 2: Samantha

Week 3: Samantha

Week 4: Samantha

Week 5: Samantha

Week 6: Samantha

Week 7: Analeigh

Week 8: Samantha

Week 9.1: Samantha

Week 9.2: Samantha

Week 10: Samantha

Week 11.1: Analeigh

Week 11.2: Samantha

Final Runway: Analeigh

Winner Pick: Samantha

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Winner Announcement

Two beautiful, talented models stand before me, but only one of you can win. Both of you have had some fantastic moments in this competition, no doubt.

Analeigh, you started this competition as a diamond in the rough. You took good pictures, but you didn't really take great pictures. Over time, though, you blossomed into a dynamic and versatile model. You've proven yourself in pictures, on the catwalk, and in commercials. We look at you and see someone with her own unique flair, and we love that about you.

Samantha, you also had an iffy start, but as soon as you got that makeover, you started proving yourself. You've had your fair share of pictures that have wowed the voters, and you've proven that despite your more commercial look, you can model your butt off when you need to. For someone as young and inexperienced as you are to do so well in this competition is truly commendable.

Both of you could make a compelling case to win this cycle, but there can only be one. By a score of 13-6, the winner of cycle 11... is...

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:clap:Analeigh!!! :clap:

Congratulations, Analeigh! This was a very strong cycle with so many talented models, but with your versatility and all-around talent, you came out on top! You've done a fantastic job in this competition while always keeping that essence of you. You 100% earned this win!

Samantha, you should be proud of how far you've come. While Analeigh may have outperformed you, for someone like you to beat out so many other great models and get this far is something to hold your head high about.

Now it's time for both of you to get out of here and go make your marks on the industry!

~Winner's Portfolio~

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Here are the results of the portfolio battle:

Week 1: Analeigh - 7 / Samantha - 3
Week 2: Analeigh - 7 / Samantha - 3
Week 3: Analeigh - 2 / Samantha - 8
Week 4: Analeigh - 5 / Samantha - 5
Week 5: Analeigh - 7 / Samantha - 3
Week 6: Analeigh - 5 / Samantha - 5
Week 7: Analeigh - 9 / Samantha - 1
Week 8: Analeigh - 2 / Samantha - 8
Week 9.1: Analeigh - 2 / Samantha - 8
Week 9.2: Analeigh - 8 / Samantha - 2
Week 10: Analeigh - 8 / Samantha - 2
Week 11.1: Analeigh - 9 / Samantha - 1
Week 11.2: Analeigh - 2 / Samantha - 8
Final Runway: Analeigh - 10 / Samantha - 0
Winner Pick: Analeigh - 8 / Samantha - 2

And here are the end of cycle stats -

Most FCOs: Analeigh (4)
Most Bottom 2 Appearances: Marjorie (4)
Biggest Rise in Placement: Lauren Brie (+5 spots)
Biggest Fall in Placement: McKey (-6 spots)
Best COO Average: Analeigh (2.82)
Best Overall Score: Analeigh (This is calculated differently from COO Average).


Overall, I'm very happy with how this cycle turned out! I think Analeigh really was the best possible winner here because of how well-rounded she was. The placements overall made a lot of sense. I wish we could've kept McKey around longer, but I'm not really sure who else I would have sent home that week. I'm also glad we were able to give contestants like Lauren Brie the run they deserved. :thumbs:

Because cycle 13 got the most suggestions, we'll be doing that cycle next. I'm thinking I'll probably kick it off on the 26th, so the day after Christmas.

Thank you all so much for taking part this cycle. This was definitely a good one!

Edited by rdhaley96
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