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Updated At Last: Someone648's Inexplicable Ranking of his Top 200 Blinds Auditions - #10-6 POSTED!


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22 hours ago, Someone648 said:

32. This audition almost converted one coach, but even the singer called out some empty praise.


Is this Sa'Rayah? 


Adam said, "I feel like I was at church and I am usually a temple kind of guy" and then Sa'Rayah replied, "But Adam, you didn't turn your chair". LOL


Edited by Dalton Eduardo
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1 hour ago, Dalton Eduardo said:


Is this Sa'Rayah? 


Adam said, "I feel like I was at church and I am usually a temple kind of guy" and then Sa'Rayah replied, "But Adam, you didn't turn your chair". LOL


Queen Sa’Rayah! Corrrect!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Long Delayed Part 17: 40-31

40. Davon Fleming (Season 13, Me & Mr. Jones by Amy Winehouse)


Who gave this man permission to nail this song the way he did?! Hearing a male voice on this song was definitely a pleasant surprise and solidified early on that Davon was going to be one of the most powerful male vocalists we'd have on the show. He could've taken the easy route and given a basic copy of the song with a more masculine tone, which would've still been lovely, but he went above and beyond and put in his own runs and carved out some particularly unique moments. On perhaps the most stacked season of all, Davon managed to stand out and make his presence known. His run is still super admirable to this day.

40. What kind of compliment is this, coach?

Refers to the "What kind of f**kery is this?" lyric, and JHud's shoe-throwing compliment.

Points: @Adam Bruce


39. Jaeden Luke (Season 22, Make It With You by Bread)

Jaeden was such an unexpected and recent surprise in blinds that I'm still questioning how he ended up this high in my ranking, but listening to this audition again and again, I feel like I can justify it ranking pretty high. He took such a seemingly simple classic vocal and brought some contemporary charm and confidence (as well as some great runs!) to it. This kind of audition easily gets lost in the shuffle, but it definitely left a lasting impression on me and I'm very pleased that I was able to rank it this high up.

39. A strange dedication to one's baby, but that didn't stop this contestant.

Refers to the "thanks for saying baby, I might've been singing it for you" dialogue with Camila.

Points: @Adam Bruce


38. Mia Z (Season 8, The Thrill is Gone by B.B. King)



So there are definitely some notes for improvement on this audition. Mia's enunciation needed a lot of work at the time, she veers into "bananis and avocadis" territory quite a bit, and the beginning kind of felt stagnant until she opened up with bigger. runs. BUT, what she did show here was that she oozed confidence and charisma and had a very wide range to match. That whistle note was well-implemented and she maintained that bluesy power that she seemed to young to actually understand at the time - but she gave a whole show with this. Looking at her more recent stuff, her voice has definitely matured and she's improved a ton, but what a great first impression for Mia Z. Set herself apart from the very first round and was clearly robbed at the top 12.

38. This contestant sang every letter of the alphabet from B-Z, twice!

Refers to the fact that Mia covered B.B. King and Z.Z. Ward during the show.

Points: @FloorWax


37. Kailey Abel (Season 18, Forever Young by Alphaville)

I promise, this is my last "Who?!" contestant on the list. Kailey was only with us for 2 short performances and it's clear that she was placed at the end of the blind audition phase with not enough spots left, but this girl absolutely DEVOURED and sang for her spot. Taking a beloved song and making it her own and blowing the original vocal out of the water? She didn't have to do all that for just one chair, but she did! And for that, I'm grateful. Her fantastic growly tone set her apart from so many other contestants. It's just a damn shame that Blake Shelton bussed her.

37. What if we could turn back time and get this contestant another song with the perfect coach instead - and what if this clue isn't about who you think it is?

Refers to her battle song "What Ifs"... and the general sentiment I have about her run.

Points: @Dalton Eduardo


36. Melanie Martinez (Season 3, Toxic by Britney Spears)

Regardless of how controversial of a performer she was (and is), not including her on this list would be absolutely criminal. She completely reinvented the track (no, I don't think A&S is worth crediting here at all) and took us on a ride. Her breathy pacing at the beginning is both weird and perfect for the song and sitting with a guitar and tambourine is such a badass statement to make for an audition, especially as a 17-year old. It's no wonder that this is probably the most replicated cover/rendition of a song I've heard on several international versions of the show. This was really great and shame on Christina for not turning. Shame on Christina for a lot regarding Melanie, actually...

36. Yeah, we've all heard this audition a lot, but you know what doesn't get discussed? The two unique tones on the stage.

Refers to her iconic two-tone hairstyle.

Points: @Dalton Eduardo


35. Andi & Alex (Season 9, Thank You by Dido)


Good duos pop up pretty often on this show, but GREAT duos are very uncommon. Step in Andi & Alex. This pair nailed the song with their gentle but powerful acoustic approach to the Dido track. This was an easy four-chair to turn for and in this incredibly competitive season, they stood out well in the crowd. It's been a couple years, so I don't remember what kind of "logic" went into the selection of their knockout song (I'll just blame the producers and Adam - it's always them anyways), but they absolutely deserved to go so much further than the show allowed them to.

35. This contestant must've felt they'd found their true calling as a megastar, but they lost support once they went a more urban route on the show.

Refers to them singing songs by "The Calling" and Keith "Urban"

Points: @Dalton Eduardo


34. Kennedy Holmes (Season 15, Turning Tables by Adele)


Oh look, another "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE X YEARS OLD?" contestant! Of the hundreds of times we've heard this comment from any of the coaches, Kennedy's is definitely one of the most deserving. Kennedy's voice sounds simultaneously mature and youthful with her professional and sweet tone. Adele is obviously a tough performer to tackle, so I've found that the covers of hers that I prefer tend to be those that don't try to strictly adhere to Adele's techniques. While Kennedy's version didn't stray far from the original, she made it feel like her own unique rendition. That's just God-given talent there that deserves commendation.

34. I don't recall another coach openly expressing how ready they were to work with a contestant until this moment.

Refers to Kennedy implying that she wanted to sing with JHud and JHud immediately responding "I'm ready."

Points: @kirpik


33. Mike Schiavo (Season 10, Talking Body by Tove Lo)


Mikemikemikemikemikemikemike. Being a season premiere leak is supposed to come with benefits from all the pimping, so that battle elimination was super unexpected. Mike's flip on this otherwise very forgettable song was super creative and helped him cement his place in Voice history. This is definitely one of the coolest flips we've ever seen on the show and to think it came from a contestant that didn't get an opportunity to showcase this again due to their coach's awful decision-making skills... wow. He's got great rasp and technique. I feel that he would've been a lock for the top 12 and beyond if he'd been given the opportunity.

33. This contestant should have listened when they were warned by another coach to choose a different color.

Refers to Pharrell warning him not to "be marooned" by picking Adam. Smart man.

Points: @Dalton Eduardo


32. Sa'Rayah (Season 11, Drown In My Own Tears by Ray Charles)


One of the few times I can truly feel that someone "took me to church." Sa'Rayah's perforamnce here was next level and I'm still astonished that it only got 2 chairs. Like screw Adam's weird reasoning for not turning... she's a beast! Her overall run was a bit weird throughout but was super consistent, even though she wasn't always the popular decision (lost her battle, won her KO in an upset, snagged the coach save in playoffs...) This is definitely a contestant worth rewatching and appreciating for her whole presence on the show.

32. This audition almost converted one coach, but even the singer called out some empty praise.

Refers to Adam speaking highly of the performance and talking about it making it feel like church (despite Adam being Jewish), plus Sa'Rayah calling him out for not turning his chair despite the praise.

Points: @Dalton Eduardo


31. Amy Vachal (Season 9, Dream A Little Dream of Me by The Mamas & The Papas)


Amy is still probably my favorite female tone out of all the contestants we've had up to this season. This performance was so peaceful and comforting and still stood out as one of the most effective introductions to a contestant that we've seen so far on the show. This song seems to be covered a bit more frequently now and sure, they're all lovely covers... but for me, Amy's stands out the best by far. Her original work is also phenomenal. She's in my top 3 contestants of all time for a damn good reason.

31. It's crazy - sometimes, contestants aren't the only ones to get a second chance at their dreams.

Refers to the song choice ("dreams") and Adam not being able to turn in blinds due to having a full team, but getting a second chance at taking her far due to the KO steal.

Points: @FloorWax

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  • Someone648 changed the title to Once Again: Someone648's Inexplicable Ranking of his Top 200 Blinds Auditions - Results for Part 17 (40-31) Posted!

Updated Points for Part 17:

@FloorWax 48

@allistr 8

@Dalton Eduardo 26

@Gustavo527 5

@nytsch 9

@rp3598 5

@thevoiceisthetop 10

@AliXRose 4

@VintageVoice 2

@Maxwell 4

@Mistake006 7

@Teraginn 5

@kirpik 2

@erik g 1

@QueenCami 3

@Adam Bruce 4

@season1 1

@taylanastan 2


This round:

Adam Bruce: 2

Dalton Eduardo: 5

FloorWax: 2

kirpik: 1

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