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The Voice ♦️ S23 ♦️ Spoilers/News/Updates 🌼


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12 minutes ago, Misirlou said:

I´m actually looking forward to him. I know IDF would fume though lol.

Daughtry? I'm all in on Kason being leaked 🙂

I DO have a feeling that the way the tapings will go (and assuming they stick to the true final contestants of Katie Beth/NariYella/Talia/Grace), they might push Kason to Tuesday as a fifth contestant.


Only other option as a fifth for Tuesday would be Gina, since she's the only other non-team closer that isn't Chance-involved, but that would imply Niall gets zero people on Monday.

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Let's go. It's probably this dude. Look at that hand-over-my-heart sensitivity right there. Let's also hope that in a sea of dudes rocking brimmed cowboy hats, he goes with the snapback in his audition:


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Tbh I just want a good leak. It’s also harder to judge in the moment because we don’t know how it will stack up to the other performances. I like a lot of leaked auditions more after the episode airs because we know what to compare them to. I predict that I will like Cait the most, but I don’t know who will be second

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I liked Kique’s flip of “As It Was” from last season (the only flip of his I liked :ph34rwave:) so if Cait is also doing her own version, which is most likely, then I hope it stacks up.

Edited by FloorWax
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