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Weekly Rank the Survivors: Winners at War


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This is our 10th season doing the cumulative ranking thread!!


Pre-Show ranking will go until Wednesday, February 12th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors in your pre-show rankings

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Top Posters In This Topic

01. Parvati Shallow

02. Nick Wilson

03. Denise Stapley

04. Sandra Diaz-Twine

05. Sophie Clarke

06. Controverchele Fitzlegend

07. Adam Klein

08. Ben Driebergen

09. Natalie Anderson

10. Ethan Zohn

11. Yul Kwon

12. Jeremy Collins

13. Danni Boatwright

14. Tyson Apostol

15. Sarah Lacina

16. Amber Mariano

17. Kim Spradlin

18. Wendell Holland

19. Tony Vlachos

20. Rob Mariano

Edited by Elliott
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1. Natalie Anderson

2. Sarah Lacina

3. Michele Fitzgerald

4. Sandra Diaz-Twine

5. Kim Spradlin

6. Parvati Shallow

7. Jeremy Collins

8. Danni Boatwright

9. Sophie Clarke

10. Yul Kwon

11. Denise Stapley

12. Amber Mariano

13. Tony Vlachos

14. Nick Wilson

15. Adam Klein

16. Ben Driebergen

17. Ethan Zohn

18. Tyson Apostol

19. Wendell Holland

20. Rob Mariano


Edited by kamil24
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1. Parvati Shallow

2. Kim Spradlin

3. Natalie Anderson

4. Yul Kwon

5. Sarah Lacina

6. Danni Boatwright

7. Ethan Zohn

8. Denise Stapley

9. Sophie Clarke

10. Sandra Diaz-Twine 

11. Michele Fitzgerald

12. Jeremy Collins

13. Nick Wilson

14. Tony Vlachos

15. Amber Mariano

16. Wendell Holland

17. Tyson Apostol

18. Ben Driebergen

19. Rob Mariano

20. Adam Klein



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01. Natalie

02. Parvati

03. Sandra

04. Wendell

05. Kim

06. Yul

07. Ethan

08. Sophie

09. Danni

10. Denise

11. Sarah

12. Tyson

13. Jeremy

14. Amber

15. Rob

16. Michele

17. Adam

18. Nick

19. Tony

20. Ben

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1. Kim Spradlin

2. Sandra Diaz-Twine 

3. Natalie Anderson

4. Yul Kwon

5. Nick Wilson


6. Parvati Shallow

7. Denise Stapley

8. Sophie Clarke

9. Sarah Lacina

10. Rob Mariano


11. Michele Fitzgerald

12. Ethan Zohn

13. Danni Boatwright


14. Adam Klein

15. Wendell Holland

16. Jeremy Collins

17. Amber Mariano


18. Tony Vlachos

19. Tyson Apostol


20. Ben Driebergen


PS how do we edit our sigs? mine keeps saying "too many lines" even when i just have one line lol

Edited by holinessss
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1. Sandra Diaz-Twine

2. Parvati Shallow

3. Michele Fitzgerald

4. Natalie Anderson

5. Kim Spradlin

6. Danni Boatwright

7. Sophie Clarke

8. Yul Kwon

9. Denise Stapley

10. Amber Mariano

11. Jeremy Collins

12. Wendell Holland

13. Ethan Zohn

14. Sarah Lacina

15. Nick Wilson

16. Tony Vlachos 

17. Rob Mariano

18. Adam Klein

19. Tyson Apostol

20. Ben Driebergen

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1. Sophie Clarke

2. Parvati Shallow

3. Danni Boatwright

4. Amber Mariano

5. Natalie Anderson

6. Michele Fitzgerald

7. Sandra Diaz-Twine

8. Tony Vlachos

9. Kim Spradlin

10. Tyson Apostol

11. Sarah Lacina

12. Ethan Zohn

13. Yul Kwon

14. Wendell Holland

15. Nick Wilson

16.  Adam Klein

17. Jeremy Collins

18. Denise Stapley

19. Rob Mariano

20. Ben Driebergen

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1. Sophie Clarke -- I feel like she has the most potential and likelihood to improve on her legacy, only because the editing in SoPa did her dirty and her win is one of the most underrated in history. Plus she has proven to be a really cool and fun person post-show and has enough connections to help her out but not make her a big target. Hoping for the best for Sophie

2. Parvati Shallow -- It seems like she's gotten the most pre-season press and hype, so I feel like that bodes well for her chances. Easily the person I'm most excited to see back.

3. Ethan Zohn -- Zaddy ❤️ I have really high hopes for him too. People are like "omg he's too old school he's not gonna adapt well to all the twists and advantages in modern day Survivor" but like come on, he's such a smart and charismatic person...a few extra idols and advantages aren't gonna make him suck lol.

4. Michele Fitzgerald -- Of course I'm gonna be wrong lol, but I feel like there's almost zero percent chance she's voted out before like, top 7. I hope she slays and makes Probst feel even more like an idiot ❤️

5. Danni Boatwright -- I am a bit scared for her because I feel like she could get lost in the shuffle early on, but I also want her to do well so bad. 

6. Yul Kwon -- He's somehow gotten even hotter since Cook Islands. I actually think a lot of people will want to work with him at first.

7. Kim Spradlin -- Idk, I feel good about her chances too. I feel like there are bigger "targets" than her right away - Rob, Parv, Sandra, Amber, Jeremy, most of the new school guys...so even though she's so revered I feel like people will actually want to work with her. Hoping for a Parv/Kim/Sophie power trio to take over the season!!!

8. Natalie Anderson -- SJDS is one of my favorite seasons and Natalie is one of my favorite winners ❤️ She's either gonna play too hard out of the gate or slip through the cracks and make it to the end I think.

9. Tony Vlachos -- I get why he's so divisive, but I'm definitely one of those who loves Tony and his win was incredibly entertaining. I think he's in the same boat as Natalie - he'll either escape being a huge target and make it far, or he'll flame out early a la Tony 2.0. I don't see it any other way

10. Jeremy Collins -- One of those winners I've always liked bu not loved, idk I've never been super excited about his game play or win. I think he's my winner pick this season though, he's a pretty big target but charismatic enough to steer the vote elsewhere. 

11. Sandra Diaz-Twine -- Lol she is the least likely to win this season haha, besides maybe Rob (although I think he has a better shot than her). Having said that, I hope she goes full Game Changers Sandra mode and causes as much chaos as she can before she's eliminated.

12. Nick Wilson -- I'm still trying to decide if I like Nick or don't like Nick, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how he plays. If he can lay low the first half I think he's another likely winner for this season.

13. Amber Mariano -- She doesn't really do anything for me one way or the other, I wish Jenna Morasca had gotten her (or Sarah's) spot. I don't really know what her strategy would be...I guess if Rob is an early boot and she slips through the cracks Michele style she can make it to the end? Don't see her being ruthless enough to win though.

14. Denise Stapley -- Always found her a bit overrated, did not like the way she treated Abi all season long, but I'm totally willing to change my opinion on Denise this season. I think if she's in the majority and runs the game mafia-style, she could win.

15. Sarah Lacina -- Don't see her winning lol. A lot of the cast has already revealed pre-season that they don't trust her and she comes off really unaware and cocky in her interviews. But, maybe she'll get over that in the beginning and go far. Who knows.

16. Tyson Apostol -- Another possible winner pick, he had some pretty smart pre-game strategy (lying about players demanding $200K before the season starts is smart, lol). Having said that, I think he's a really overrated player who played like a fool in 2 out of 3 seasons and kinda lucked into a win during S27. I think for some reason people think he's one of the best winners ever so I can see him doing well though.

17. Wendell Holland -- I like Wendell, I really do. he was my winner pick for Ghost Island. I just don't think it was necessary to bring back Adam, Ben, him, AND Nick over the likes of Todd or Earl, so I'm kinda bitter about that lol. I don't think he's particularly entertaining either but maybe he'll surprise me. I can see him doing well or being voted out super early, tbh. Don't think he'll win.

18. Adam Klein -- See Wendell. I like Adam, I think he's smarter than the S33 edit made him out to be. But I always forget he's on the cast lol. And I think Todd would have been a better choice to bring back than him. *shrugs*

19. Ben Driebergen -- Don't think he deserved his win at all, but I secretly hope he does kinda well or is at least entertaining in some way. I think he has zero percent chance of winning unless he changes his game drastically.

20. Rob Mariano -- Ugh. Still don't get why production sh*ts their pants over him.



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  1. Sandra Diaz-Twine - That's what you get and the Queen stays Queen 
  2. Parvati Shallow - If I could crown two Queens, I would
  3. Nick Wilson - Mostly because IDF hates him
  4. Ben Driebergen - Stay bitter, b*tches 😘
  5. Ethan Zohn - Nostalgia factor, maybe? Idk, I still love him.
  6. Michele Fitzgerald - I'm just starting to watch Kaoh Rong for the first time but her interviews have been hilarious and I love that the average viewer hates her.
  7. Danni Boatwright - For beating villain!Steph
  8. Adam Klein - I can't wait to see him fanboy over Parvati tbh
  9. Sophie Clark - Underrated Queen
  10. Denise Stapley -  I didn't really like her when she won but I'm always her for a butch lez
  11. Tyson Apostol -  I hated him during BvW, but his interviews have been hilarious
  12. Natalie Anderson - I like her for her attitude, but I prefer Jon/Jaclyn so I'm still bitter.
  13. Jeremy Collins - His win was predictable so it didn't really make me root for him.
  14. Sarah Lacina - If Sarah wasn't a Tr*mp supporter, I'd love her. I hope we see more of her gameplay than we did in GC, but I doubt it
  15. Yul Kwon - I really have no strong feelings about Yul but he'll be a challenge beast
  16. Kim Spradlin -  :yawn: KimBot tbh
  17. Wendell Holland - I mostly hated Dom/Wendell during GI, but he sassed someone about Survivor's race problem on instagram so he gets points for that
  18. Rob Mariano - I mean, Rob is charismatic and I didn't mind him on IoI but I'll probably go back to hating him once he's playing again
  19. Amber Mariano - Probably just because I associate her with Rob
  20. Tony Vlachos - Plz go away
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Just now, Alex95 said:

I’ve got some bad news for you about your number three then 🙈


I'm aware but he's from Kentucky so it doesn't surprise me. But he's also a public defender and working to fight the opioid crisis so I have to believe he's not all bad.

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4 minutes ago, sublymonal said:


I'm aware but he's from Kentucky so it doesn't surprise me. But he's also a public defender and working to fight the opioid crisis so I have to believe he's not all bad.

I’m not saying anything on whether or not you can like him. I’m just saying it’s VERY well documented on social media that he’s a huge Trumpie and a fun backstory of him going to war with the RHAP patron group before he was cast on the show.

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On 1/21/2020 at 6:56 PM, Elliott said:

01. Parvati Shallow

02. Nick Wilson

03. Denise Stapley

04. Sandra Diaz-Twine

05. Sophie Clarke

06. Controverchele Fitzlegend

07. Adam Klein

08. Ben Driebergen

09. Natalie Anderson

10. Ethan Zohn

12. Jeremy Collins

13. Danni Boatwright

14. Tyson Apostol

15. Sarah Lacina

16. Amber Mariano

17. Kim Spradlin

18. Wendell Holland

19. Tony Vlachos

20. Rob Mariano

Just realized you forgot Yul! Is he supposed to be 11?

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