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A Series of Unfortunate Events





A Series of Unfortunate Events, or Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, is a Netflix series that premiered in 2017 and is based on the book series of the same name. It is considered a black comedy drama, and most notably stars Neil Patrick Harris, along with Patrick Warburton, Malina Weissman, Louis Hynes, K. Todd Freeman, Presley Smith, Lucy Punch, Avi Lake, and Dylan Kingwell.  Some of you may also be familiar with the 2004 movie adaption starring Jim Carrey. I actually can't remember how much I read of the books as a kid, or if I was just so familiar with the (first part of the) story from the movie. I definitely watched the movie and loved it, so was super interested when I heard it was going to be adapted into a full television series, especially considering the movie only touched on the first three novels, and especially because it was going to star Neil Patrick Harris. Jim Carrey plays a great Count Olaf, but I do think I prefer NPH in the role. His portrayal is so delightfully horrid. :wub: 


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(There were many more jokes like this throughout the show. :giggle:)


I'll provide a trailer in case anyone wants a look at this show before I really get into it.



The story follows the Baudelaire children, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, after, as Mr. Poe so bluntly puts it, their parents "have perished in a terrible fire." The kids are transferred from home to home, after originally being placed in the care of their "distant relative" Count Olaf, an actor and criminal fugitive mastermind, whose desire is to claim the family fortune before the kids come of age. The Baudelaires are on to him, and throughout the series, they try time and time again to expose his evil plot and get away from him. Count Olaf is never short on costumes and disguises. :giggle: But the Baudelaires cannot be fooled and always spot him from a mile away. It's convincing everyone else, and ultimately finding a safe haven, that is an issue. 




Sooo accurate! :dead:  The adults just never see it and it’s like they straight up refuse to ever believe the Baudelaires. Rude. (!) Count Olaf does have a distinguishable tattoo on his ankle, of which its meaning we learn more about later, but this is also often used by people to identify him. 




Of course, he always manages to escape or trick everyone somehow, and we get a lot of wild, crazy, and scary adventures as the kids keep getting found by Olaf somehow.  In the process, the Baudelaires learn more about their parents, including their connection with a secret society, V.F.D. Each season of the show covered 4-5 of the books in the series, normally with two episodes per book. 25 episodes and 13 books. Pretty concise, yet also well fleshed out, IMO. ^_^  The whole series is narrated by the character Lemony Snicket, who not only describes everything the Baudelaire children are experiencing, based on his extensive research, but often warns viewers to turn away and find something more pleasant to watch. :haha: 






Lemony Snicket is the focal point of the show and our guide throughout the entire series. When everything is going awry in the story, Lemony is at least a constant. He is also the most subtly hilarious character of the show to me and in some ways, my favorite. He narrates everything in such monotone and with such morbid humor and is often located in random places while doing so.  We also were blessed with a lot of vocabulary lessons. :giggle: 




In a running gag, the Baudelaires will often be told what specific words mean as well, to which they always respond, "We know what *insert word* means."  :haha:  




Some more fun with words... 










All the episodes also open with one of Lemony's dedications to Beatrice Baudelaire (the mother of the three kids), since he was in love with her, and thus, ties in his connection with the family and why he was so invested in their story.


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The Baudelaires


These are the Baudalaires. ❤️ Violet is known for coming up with inventions (and always ties her hair up when it's time to think of a new one), Klaus is super book-smart and can recall a lot of knowledge from literature he's read, and baby Sunny is known for her super strong teeth, as well as her cooking skills.  :giggle: In an already funny show, Sunny provides a lot of added comic relief, as she communicates out loud all the time with baby sounds and hilarious sub-titles, and Violet and Klaus always translate the intelligent things she is actually saying. Baby is a genius. 












The many faces of Count Olaf

(please take note of the caption on the last one :giggle: )


Count Olaf is so awful, in the absolute best way. I mean, he's obviously a horrible human being, torturing children, killing, and going to any and all means to get their money, but for an unrealistic television show, he is golden. :haha: He's so ridiculous and as I mentioned, NPH's portrayal of him is incredible.  I cannot even tell you how many disguises Olaf pulls out during this show (but I showed a few above, and a fan page lists at least 18) and how many times he attempted his same evil plot, but it never got old or less hilarious. 

And can we just talk for a minute about how those two have the same name? 





Anyway, and then there are all Count Olaf's groupies, or rather, the members of his theater troupe, who are always not far behind every time he shows up to wreck havoc. :haha: 


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These include Fernald the Hook-Handed Man, the Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender, the Bald Man, and the White-Faced Women. There is also Esme Squalor, who first appears in the second season and becomes a big character as Count Olaf's ally and love interest.  Fernald is my favorite, as he ends up having a special bond with Sunny, and there are moments where he actually secretly tries to protect her, against Olaf's wishes.


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Many other notable characters include Arthur Poe, Justice Strauss, Uncle Monty, Aunt Josephine, the Quagmire triplets, Carmelita Spats, Olivia Caliban/Madame Lulu, the Man with a Beard but No Hair, the Woman with Hair but No Beard, the Denouement brothers, Jacques Snicket, Kit Snicket,, and so many more.  I have to give a special shout out to Arthur Poe, or Mr. Poe, who is there since day one trying to place the Baudelaires with a reputable guardian, despite being so naiive and clueless about everything going on.  He is also known for his chronic cough, as he has a coughing fit nearly every time he shows up on screen. :dead: 



I see a YouTuber has even complied all his coughs together in videos for each season. :dead:  1 2 3 On the flip side, I see someone else has uploaded at least one episode of the show with Mr. Poe's coughing edited out. What the heck? We stan the coughs.:dead: 


I won't talk in too detail about each season, but season one covers the same (plus one more) book as the movie, and features the shuffling of the Baudelaires between guardians, after they first escape the horrors of Count Olaf, and are then sent to live with their Uncle Monty (who was supposed to be the first choice for them but of course Olaf has his ways), and then their Aunt Josephine, both of whom Olaf is able to make disappear in one way or another. :/  The kids are then forced to work at Lucky Smells Lumbermill, before Mr. Poe saves the day and enrolls them at Prufrock Prepatory School. 


Season 2 picks up with them at said boarding school, where they meet the orphaned Quagmire triplets,  before being sent to live with a wealthy couple, Jermone and Esme Squalor, then with an insane village devoted to crows, then hiding out in a half-built hospital, and then masquerading as carnival freaks at the Caligari Carnival (fun fact:  NPH's kids and husband have a cameo here).


Season 3 picks up from a literal cliff hanger from the previous season. I won't say too much, but Sunny is held hostage from Olaf and his minions for a portion of this season, and Violet and Klaus cross paths with some interesting characters along their way to rescue her.  They end up on a submarine, and then pretending to be concierges at Hotel Denouement, all before everything goes up in flames (literally? figuratively? watch and see :giggle: ). I won't spoil the ending of the show, but there is a run down of the crazy adventures and locations the Baudelaire children end up on their run from Count Olaf to keep their fortune, and more importantly their lives, in tact.


A few favorite moments in gif form (there are so many more but I can't do a lot of digging since the internet where I'm at right now is horrible :broken: )











(If you don't remember, I said earlier that Violet always ties her hair up when she is going to invent something bye2.gif.7960d44992e1eeff806cdce1d9856c29.gif)










A Series of Unfortunate Events ran for three seasons and ended since it had finished covering the book series.  So, this is one of a few shows I watch that was actually constructed in a deliberately tight timeline. It was only meant to last as long as it told the stories from the books. All the seasons of the show have been critically acclaimed, including praise for the acting, writing, production design, and faithfulness to the books.  I have no idea if anyone else in here watched or enjoyed this show, since I know I personally saved it from being cut at least twice, and cannot recall anyone else saving it (correct me if I'm wrong).


Ugh, this show is so hilariously twisted, visually stunning, and full of the most out there and interesting characters. :lmao: I highly recommend anyone watching this. I watched it on my own, and then my parents got into it too, so I ended up watching the whole series twice, as we'd put the episodes on whenever I would go to their house. We all loved it and I think a lot of people here would also enjoy it. And even though I enjoyed the movie, I do think I prefer everything about the television series. ❤️  


And now I will end this with a video of the classicly creepy theme song. :wub: I'd always get this in my head. "Loook away, loook awaaaaayy." :bobo: Although the contents in the second half would always change depending on where in the story we were. ❤️ And of course this is sung by Neil Patrick Harris. 



Also, I found this behind the scenes video, so I'm going to actually end with this instead. Love it. ❤️ 




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16 minutes ago, vee_ said:

I remember loving the movie. It was a required reading and film viewing in my grade back then :dead: 

Love that, how fun! :wub:  You should definitely check out the series sometime. It’s so good on its own, but also I believe very well adapted. :yes: 

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8 hours ago, Steven_ said:

Current write-ups needed:


Alexa & Katie
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Proud Family
Charmed (1998)
On My Block
The Walking Dead

RuPaul’s Drag Race

The Legend Of Korra

Will have RPDR one today, hopefully. I am just being extra :haha:

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8 hours ago, Steven_ said:

Current write-ups needed:


Alexa & Katie
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Proud Family
Charmed (1998)
On My Block
The Walking Dead

RuPaul’s Drag Race

The Legend Of Korra

Starting mine for Homecoming as we speak :yes: Will definitely be up late this morning!

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princess anna thank you GIF

1. American Horror Story: Asylum
2. American Horror Story: Murder House
3. Avatar: The Last Airbender
4. Bron/Broen
5. BoJack Horseman
6. Downton Abbey
7. Élite
8. Jersey Shore
9. Las chicas del cable
10. La Casa De Las Flores
11. Modern Family
12. Sense8
13. The Sopranos
14. Succession
15. The Inspector Lynley Mysteries
16. When They See Us
17. Why Women Kill

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