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ANTM RE-Reloaded! All Cycles Completed!!!


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1. Nina - ICONIC. 3rd FCO in a row please. 

2. Jiana - Clearly this is a polarizing shot, but I think she looks really elegant here. 

3. Don

4. Marvin

5. Cory

6. Chris

7. Jourdan - Can't simply rest on pretty with that make-up...

Edited by kebin65
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Elimination #8

7 models stand before me, but I have just 6 photos in my hands. I'll be blunt; this wasn't a very strong week. Only two of you had statistically above average pictures, and at this stage, that's not acceptable.


The first name I'm going to call this week is...


Nina! You KILLED it this week. In a very weak week across the board, you were the only shining star. Personally, I think you're well on your way to possibly winning this whole thing. Congratulations on your third FCO in a row! Your score this week was 19.

Also safe are...


Marvin - 51
Jourdan - 76
Jiana - 77
Chris - 81

Will Cory and Don please step forward? Only one of you will make it through. Cory, you're no stranger to the bottom. You've had a pretty rocky ride in this competition, with both high and low moments. Don, you've been more consistent, but you've also been consistently average. Your looks can only take you so far.


Based on overall scores, only one of you can continue on. And that person is...


Congratulations, Cory. You are safe yet again. We know you're capable of far better, so you've been granted another chance to prove just that.

Don, this means you are out. You really are a good looking guy, and I think once you learn how to take more risks in your pictures and push boundaries, you could be great. Ultimately, you just didn't really live up to your striking looks, but with more practice, you may just have a solid career on your hands. Best of luck to you.



~Eliminated Model's Portfolio~

















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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! ELIMINATION #8 POSTED! (C20)




Photoshoot #9 - Rice Paddy Couture






























Like always, rank these pictures from best (1) to worst (6). Comments are optional (but always encouraged!). Voting will close Sunday evening, so you have 2 days to vote.



My Ranking:

  1. Jourdan - Absolutely stunning. The framing of this shot is gorgeous, and she's killing it. It's elegant, powerful, and serene all at once.
  2. Chris - I feel like the harder he tries in his pictures, the worse they are. He's not trying at all here, yet he slayed it. That expression is superb.
  3. Marvin - It's a fantastic picture. His pose and the backdrop come together so well. Definitely one of his best so far, if not his best.
  4. Cory - It's a step up for him. I feel like the way the light's hitting him makes him look kind of sickly, though, and the pose isn't 100% on point.
  5. Nina - Her face photographed wonderfully, but everything else is "meh." I wish she would've tried the "less is more" approach like some of the others.
  6. Jiana - This is a solid picture, but I think she's run her course at this point. I haven't been blown away by her in a long time.
Edited by rdhaley96
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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! PHOTOSHOOT #9 POSTED! (C20)

All around great week. The best shoot of the cycle, easily.


1. Chris - This shot is simple yet powerful. 

2. Marvin - This is a fantastic photo, and I don't really understand why so many ppl are putting him at last. This is one of only two times this cycle when he really delivered. 

3. Cory

4. Nina

5. Jourdan - Beautiful, but immensely less striking and compelling in comparison to the photos above her. The idea of this shot is similar to Cory's, but while Cory's has a sense of energy and movement, Jourdan's is lifeless. 

6. Jiana - Love her, this is unfortunately just a good photo during a great week. 

Edited by kebin65
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