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"The Voice Visits Nashville"


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Ricky has a IG live saved and in the beginning he asks if he can reveal something but i can’t hear what he says. Can someone go listen and try to see if they can hear?


Edit: it’s somewhere that Blake is bringing them to rehearse

Edited by rp3598
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Other alums besides the ones already mentioned here?

Maybe it's "The Voice" event (not just a Team Blake event), and they invited the semi-finalists from the past couple of seasons. Whoever are in or near Nashville get to attend.

Edited by season1
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Maybe it's "The Voice" event (not just a Team Blake event), and they invited the semi-finalists from the past couple of seasons. Whoever are in or near Nashville get to attend.

Did Carson mention it? Did The Voice SM? nvm don't answer that.

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Kendra Checketts and Kim Cherry from last season are also there, so it's not just people who made the top 12/13 of their season. If I had to guess the rehersal bit for team blake will probably mention the alum event.

There’s a lot of people there. It’s not just people who made lives, I saw battle and KO eliminations also. Check out the voice IG story.

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Why are we talking about this event on a spoiler thread? Isn't this more for the general discussion thread instead?

It started here and istersay will probably move them over. But originally, this isn't just a spoilers thread. It used to have news/events/updates for the season and the discussion about this event kinda qualifies as "news" during this season, though it veered off when talking about past contestants.



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