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2023 Reality Stars Rankdown (Diana's Noms Posted)


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9 minutes ago, totes4totes said:

lol. right after charity's interview where she talked about the death threats she received during DWTS dropped too. smh.


I nominated duplicates, and I didn't want to go after anyone's immunities or buybacks... I have targeted bachelor nation people all rankdown.  So I nominated the inferior versions of both reality stars this year.  


That said I didn't know anything about her receiving death threats.


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Ugh I don't want either Charity or Cirie to go. 😢 Especially as they were both my favorites of their respective seasons. Whoever goes (which I know who will) deserves better. :broken: 

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  • Alex95 changed the title to 2023 Reality Stars Rankdown (Derek’s Battle Next)

Cirie Fields (Big Brother)


Big Brother' star Cirie Fields 'flabbergasted' by Felicia's toenails


So Cirie's Big Brother addition to the rankdown was my original target for elimination in the battles as I would like to see some of the strongest duplicates get split.  However, my intended battle was different and this was a last minute change as I did not want to risk the other this early and I figured if she stayed against Charity, at least I got out a bachelor contestant.  Cirie was my favorite in Big Brother 25, but I want to see Felicia for BB25 in the rankdown as Cirie has an iconic showing in the Traitors to fall back on. I also have learned that it is best to nominate 2 people in battle rounds that you are fine with leaving.


Cirie had BB25 in an iron grip for a lot of the pre-merge.  She was part of all the major alliances.  7 Deadly Sins, Bye Bye Bitch, For Real For Real to name a few.  Honestly watching her navigate all these alliances was a fascinating watch. One thing that I find with Cirie's game is she pre-emptively pulls the trigger at times and that can mess up her end game.  She heavily influenced Matt in using his power to keep Jag in the game.  That turned out being a bad decision on her end, as she could have just as easily ensured he didn't use it.  Her game started to unravel when Cameron won head of household and was set on blowing up her alliance with Izzy and wound up sending Izzy home.  She did have other people she could call back on, but with the loss of Izzy and Jared over two weeks right before the jury started, her grasp loosened significantly.  


As the jury phase played out, Cirie was able to recover her game from the shambles it had become.  She was able to ride the middle while pushing Jag and Matt to eliminate the likes of Cameron, and Cory.  Her problem is she relied too heavily on Matt near the end and he was fully committed to the Jag/Bowie Jane trio.  She came close near the end to flip him, but was not able to survive pawnstar Felicias power. She also could not win the competitions she needed to save her life.  That wasn't really her fault, as the competitions this season were seriously skewed towards other people. Cirie finished the season in a respectable 5th (a spot I never thought she'd get to after Izzy and Jared were evicted).


Cirie's ebb and flow in the game was the most interesting part of the season, and was who I felt should have won it all. In other words, Cirie was Big Brother 25. It does feel early to come after this entry, but I blame the Battle rounds not being near the end of the game, as this round encourages big targets be eliminated.  :haha:



The rankers save: Charity Lawson

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reminder that production also threw a lot of rules out the window to allow Jag to compete (and win) back to back HoHs (invisible HoH at F8 and F7 HoH). The runner-ups to win that second HoH were Cirie and America, which would have likely ended in one of that boring ass trio leaving.

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Cirie. 😢 :broken: Wow I'm stunned/sad to see her go (but on the other end, happy that Charity got to stay). So I feel mixed here. 

Yeah I certainly get that The Traitors Cirie is ICONIC and should be the longer lasting Cirie, but I was hoping for BB25's Cirie to make it much further, like Top 100 or so. 😢 Great write-up on her though, Sola. Cirie was fun, entertaining and such a messy BB player + my favorite of that season. ❤️  Her game started off strong and then definitely faltered - and yeah not nearly as good as her Traitors gameplay. But still, she was fascinating to watch - and she makes messy fun and entertaining!   :wub: But ughh being reminded of her influencing Matt to use that power to save Jag.... ugh that gets me so mad to think about. 😐 :lmao: But Cirie is someone I can't stay mad at for too long though she had those frustrating moments at times. :haha: And yeah Cirie making it to 5th is impressive and surprising considering she came in as a huge target and lost Izzy & Jared early on.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to 2023 Reality Stars Rankdown (Derek’s Battle Posted)

Gah these battles are getting really tough on me towards the end of this cycle, as both Kara and Mara were my actual favorite at different points of their season. :( 

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  • Alex95 changed the title to 2023 Reality Stars Rankdown (Lily’s Battle Next)
  • Alex95 changed the title to 2023 Reality Stars Rankdown (Lily’s Battle Posted)
15 minutes ago, Solaris said:

going after my immunity, when i didn't go after yours.  🙂 



Lol I know this won’t sound believable but I genuinely didn’t remember or check immunities

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Venus | Canada’s Drag Race

Venus is the winner of the fourth season of Canada’s Drag Race and probably my least favourite Canadian winner. Venus only ever won one challenge which was unwarranted for me as I found her to be extremely mediocre during the first episode. She then placed safe for the rest of the season and faded in to the background by just skating by. Venus never really had a shining moment like other queens such as Aurora, Nearah and Denim, so her win was surprising to me. I can’t say I’m that shocked considering the show has had some questionable decisions throughout its time but Venus winning is the one I’ll never get over. A forgettable queen who I would’ve preferred to outlast Jimbo, but is no real loss to this rankdown.

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